

Writer / Reviewer / Podcaster

Comments 837

Re: Reptile Returns In Mortal Kombat X


The dialog at the beginning of the trailer is the best thing ever. Not only did I laugh out loud, I spit up a bit of water too. So corny. So awesome.

And I'm way thrilled about Reptile's return. Looks like he's got a nice set of moves that could suit my style of play.

Re: First Stage: Riptide GP2 (Xbox One)


@JaxonH I honestly have very little Monster Hunter experience. I played a bit of 3, but kept getting slaughtered, so I gave up. I do have a couple demo codes for 4 though, and I'm hoping to give it a spin with the wife this weekend. If I can actually figure it all out, I might buy the game when it releases.

Re: First Stage: Riptide GP2 (Xbox One)


@JaxonH I know what that's like. I'm just now getting around to playing Punch-Out (Wii). You'd think that, since I'm a huge fan of Super Punch-Out, I would've made it happen a long while ago, but I never did. Funny how that works sometimes.

Re: First Stage: Riptide GP2 (Xbox One)


@JaxonH Blue Storm and Avalanche are both worth checking out especially given how affordable they are. Don't expect the same type of experience you got on N64, but they're still fun in their own way. Actually, now that I think about it, I really like both of those games. In Avalanche you can unlock a snowboard that's basically a giant NES controller. I think there's even a retro sound effect that plays every time you jump. It's pretty cool.

Re: Xbox One Leads In Monthly Sales for December in US


@Gamer83 @Sir_JBizzle How do you guys feel about the Xbox One's UI and operating system? So many PlayStation owners seem to criticize it, but I love it. For me, navigating my PS4 is dull and super bland in comparison to all the social connectivity and overall presentation of the X1. Sure, the format can be a bit sloppy and overwhelming in some areas, but seeing MS release updates on a monthly basis has me cool with the minor annoyances. I feel like everything will be smoothed out in time, and then we'll have something truly special.

And for the record, I own all consoles and have no allegiance to any one of them in particular. I just honestly feel that the Xbox One offers the most value right now. Like Gamer83 said though, once those PS4 exclusives hit, everything could change. But as of right now I feel Sony dropped the ball this past year because they could afford to with all the momentum they had.

Re: Xbox One Leads In Monthly Sales for December in US


Very, very cool. Microsoft has done a great job changing the public's perception of the Xbox One. I've even had a few PlayStation loyalists tell me that their PS4s have been collecting dust since they bought an Xbox One. It's nice to hear the console is starting to get the appreciation it deserves. MS pretty much knocked it out of the park during the holidays.

Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Forty One


@mitcHELLspawn That's exactly why I haven't purchased Inquisition yet; I simply don't have that kind of time to put into one game. Plus, I normally don't have the attention span to stick with a game that long. That's part of the reason I stopped playing most RPGs years ago. However, I should admit that South Park: Stick of Truth and Child of Light have, to an extent, rekindled my interest. But both of those games had very concise lengths for turn-based RPGs. I really, really appreciated that.

Anyway, I will definitely play Inquisition at some point, but the timing is going to have to be just right. I'm very happy to hear that so many people are in love with it, though. It's fantastic that it offers such a major value for those into the genre.

Re: GameBlast 15: Your Ideas Required!


If my setup is ready to go in time, I'd love to stream some TimeSplitters. Man, oh man, do I miss that series. If I'm not prepared for that, maybe I'll play co-op Chariot with the wife. That should be entertaining/humorous enough for everyone.

Any suggestions from our lovely readers?

Re: Feature: Game of the Year - Staff Lists


@mitcHELLspawn @sorethumbed I can't speak for the entire staff, but I just haven't had the time to commit to it, honestly. I almost bought it about a week back but decided on Far Cry 4 instead. I do plan to pick up Dragon Age when things slow down next year, though. Looks fantastic.

Re: Feature: Pure Xbox's Top 5 Most Wanted Games of 2015


@tabris95 No worries. I didn't even realize that majority of the games are shooters. More than anything, I think that's just a coincidence because a large portion of our staff is into social gaming, and those are some of the biggest online experiences set for release in 2015.

Re: Review: Pinball FX2 - Venom (Xbox One)


@stylon You're very welcome. Thank YOU for reading. You can expect reviews of all Pinball FX2 tables moving forward (I've been covering them since Guardians of the Galaxy, I believe). And we always try to focus on smaller games. There aren't enough sites that review indies and the little releases, so we try to do it as much as we can.

Re: Feature: Pure Xbox's Top 5 Most Wanted Games of 2015


@tabris95 It's all about votes, man. It's not like we got together and decided to ignore those games, they just didn't collect enough votes to make a very small list — that's all. Now that I think about it, I believe Tomb Raider, The Witcher 3, and Phantom Pain would've ended up with enough votes to be next in line if we had extended the list to 10 games. I know I'll be buying all three of those games at launch, and I bet there's at least a few other staff members who will do the same. And anyway, this feature is about the type of experiences that our staff prefers. It has nothing to do with the popular opinion, just ours. It's simply for fun.