

Original Xbox user and day one gold

Comments 11

Re: Talking Point: What Have You Bought In The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2023?


@DTfeartheBEARD cool man yea I collect both digital and physical usually picking up the physical down the road if I buy digitally especially if I really enjoyed the game. 😎 digital libraries are underrated. I just checked my Xbox library going back to the 360. Can play em all on my series X pretty cool. Allot of em with fps and hdr boosts as well

Re: Xbox Game Pass: Coming Soon & Leaving Soon In April 2021


@AFCC it’s a bit of a mystery and personal story set on the moon. Game plays really well and has enough twists and turns to keep you interested. Also fairly emotional if I recall. Done want to spoil anything. Definitely worth the play. Game length is not to long which I liked. There is a puzzle or 2 that were pretty frustrating but don’t take away from the game. Enjoy

Re: Microsoft Has Reportedly Shifted Around 3.5 Million Xbox Series X|S Consoles So Far


@12TerribleFLOPS @12TerribleFLOPS lol enter Sony pony troll lol just why? I never understood the angst. Microsoft is the second most valuable company in the world 2nd largest market cap as well. Console wars are for tolls with no life and is so 2011 lol. Good grief just enjoy games I’ve had both consoles since day 1 ps1 and og Xbox will never understand this console war garbage. Please seek therapy