Considering the disastrous launch of the Xbox One back in 2013, we think Microsoft has really has knocked it out of the park with the Xbox Series X, and in our humble opinion, it's got a few tricks up its sleeve which puts it a few steps ahead of the PlayStation 5.
We've put our thinking caps on and here are 10 things that we think gives the Xbox Series X a slight edge on the PS5 at the moment. It's worth saying that both are great consoles with lots going for them, but we really do love the little extra things which Series X brings to the table.
Check out our lovely list and share your thoughts below...

Smart Delivery
One thing we are really enjoying with the Xbox Series X is how well Smart Delivery works on the Xbox Series X. This feature ensures that you always play the best version of the games you own for your console, across generations. So for instance if you picked up a copy of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you don't need to worry about getting the best version for your system. If you are on Xbox Series X, you will get the version optimised for that platform without any additional GB of unnecessary data clogging up your SSD. If you want to play on an Xbox One, no problem. You will be served with the best version.
On the PlayStation 5, at least at launch, the waters are muddied a bit. At present for example if you pop in a disc for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War into the PS5, it actually struggles to differentiate between next-gen and last-gen software. In some cases the console even defaults to the PS4 version, and there’s an overall lack of feedback to show you which version of a game you’re playing. This is an issue which is likely to be resolved in time, but it's easy to take for granted how helpful the Xbox Series X is being with Smart Delivery.
Quick Resume
Another much touted feature of the Xbox Series X of course is Quick Resume, and it's truly a thing of beauty when you use it. Utilising the console's innovative Xbox Velocity Architecture, Quick Resume allows you to continue a game from a suspended state pretty much instantly.
Within mere seconds you can jump back into your game as if you'd never stopped playing. No loading screens to wade through anymore. You can jump between around 6 games in this suspended state and it's even retained when you power off your system.
The PlayStation 5 has no such feature, but instead offers something called 'Activity Cards' which breaks a game into chunks allowing you to shortcut to the area which you want to get to.

Xbox Series X Has A Bigger SSD
While the Xbox Series X packs a mighty 1TB SSD to store all your games, the PS5's SSD offers an unorthodox 825GB of storage space.
In reality on the Xbox Series X, you actually only get to use 802 GB of this space as 198 GB is reserved for system files and the Xbox operating system. Taking into account the PS5's operating system and the usable space on the SSD ends up being a paltry 667 GB.
While much has been said about the PS5's SSD being slightly faster for loading games, we haven't felt encumbered by the lightning fast load times of the Xbox Series X so far. In fact the Xbox Series X seems to be much faster at loading games from previous generations when compared to the PS5, which is strange.
Series X Has An SSD Expansion You Can Buy Now
Even with a larger SSD to store your games, with ever-growing file sizes for modern games you are going to run out of space soon. From day one Xbox Series X owners have been able to pick up the Seagate 1TB SSD expansion card which plugs in easily into the console's backside and gives you more room to play with at no loss of load speed when compared to external USB 3.1 drives. Sure the SSD expansion card comes at an eye-watering price, but at least you have that option.
On paper the solution for the PS5 actually sounds better - the initial suggestion was that you would be able to use a standard off-the-shelf M.2 SSD in your PS5. It would mean yanking off the cover, which is a pain of course, but a worthy sacrifice for a cost saving. However the reality seems to be that this is not as straightforward as originally suggested.
At present the PS5's SSD cannot be expanded, with PlayStation hardware architect Mark Cerny telling people to cool off trying to buy one for the foreseeable future. The feature is currently disabled and should be activated at some point in 2021 when Sony has decided which third party SSDs will actually work with the PS5. So for now you are limited to external devices only.

The Xbox Series X Is Much More Compact
Let's be honest, neither the Xbox Series X or the PS5 are going to win any beauty contests. But the Xbox Series X is certainly the smaller of the two next-generation consoles.
The dimensions of the Series X are 30.1cm (11.8 inches) tall, 15.1cm (5.9 inches) deep and 15.1cm (5.9 inches) wide. In comparison the PS5's dimensions are 39cm (15.4 inches) tall, 26cm (10.2 inches) deep and 10.4cm (4.09 inches) wide.
When looking at both standing upright as the manufacturers intended, it is clear how the PS5 towers over the Xbox Series X... and not in a good way.
Both consoles can be placed on their side, but good luck fitting a PS5 into your IKEA Kallax. The Xbox Series X's stubbier design will allow it to fit into more existing entertainment cabinets on its side with ease and still have room to spare for air circulation.
Xbox Game Pass
Perhaps the biggest ace in the hole for Xbox owners is Xbox Game Pass, which offers incredible value for subscribers. Now that the offering has been expanded into Xbox Game Pass Ultimate rolling in lots of EA games into the bargain, you will never be stuck for anything to play. With over 100 quality games on offer there truly is something for everyone.
Microsoft also recently bought Bethesda too, so you can be sure that the range of games will be vastly expanded as time goes on. Here are the exciting franchise which we might see from the various studios in time: Bethesda Game Studios (Fallout, Elder Scrolls), id Software (Doom), ZeniMax Online Studios (Elder Scrolls Online), Arkane (Dishonored, Prey), MachineGames (Wolfenstein), Tango Gameworks (The Evil Within), Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios.
PlayStation Plus was once seen as great value when compared to Xbox's Games With Gold programme, but it is lagging behind now. The PS5 comes with the 'PlayStation Plus Collection' which is a welcome addition, but it is slim pickings compared to Xbox Game Pass for sure.

Xbox Backwards Compatibility
What Microsoft has achieved with Xbox backwards compatibility is just incredible when you think about it. You can play thousands of original Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One games with absolutely no fuss on the Xbox Series X.
On the PS5, you can play the back catalogue PS4 games but the results may vary until they are all tested. According to Sony, more obscure PS4 games "may exhibit errors or unexpected behaviour" when you attempt to play them on the PS5. If you want to play PS1, PS2 or PS3 games you better hope that the game was remastered for PS4 or you are simply out of luck.
VRR Support
If you have a display that can take advantage of VRR (Variable Refresh Rate), it can eliminate screen tearing and frame rate judder on Xbox Series X, whereas at present the PS5 does not offer this.
It is a feature that allows supported televisions to dynamically adjust their refresh rate based on the output they’re receiving. In layman’s terms, what this means is that even when a game drops frames – as is common depending on what’s happening on the screen – the judder that’s typically associated with this happening will be smoothed out. This is particularly important for games running at 120 frames-per-second, but can also improve titles at lower framerates, too.
We expect it is only a matter of time until Sony patch this into the PS5's firmware, but still on launch it doesn't offer VRR support which is a shame.

Xbox Series X Has Got More Teraflops
On paper the Xbox Series X has another big advantage over the PS5, which we can expect to see come to the forefront in the future when developers get to grips with the architectures of both consoles more fully.
The Xbox Series X GPU is based on AMD’s RDNA 2 architecture and is capable of a whopping 12 teraflops. Sony’s PlayStation 5 is also based on AMD’s RDNA 2 architecture but only sports 10.28 teraflops.
That's a 15% reduction in TFLOPS folks!
We're really excited to see what Xbox Games Studios' future games do with all of that extra GPU power to play with.
You Can Use Old Controllers With Series X Games
Imagine the scenario - little Jimmy upgrades from his PS4 to a PS5 and invites all his friends over to play some FIFA 21 with him. Unfortunately he only has the one DualSense controller which came with his PS5. When he tries offering his friends his collection of DualShock 4s, these do not work. So that's £150+ more money to spend on new controllers just to play PS5 games. DualShock 4 does work with PS5 of course, but only on the backwards compatible PS4 games!
There are no such issues for little Timmy who upgraded from an Xbox One to the Xbox Series X. You can mix and match these controllers with no issue whatsoever.
So these are our 10 reasons why the Xbox Series X is beating the PS5 at the moment. Do you agree with our list or not? Sound off in the comments below.
Comments 91
As if there wasn't enough toxicity on these sites lol! Hope everyone enjoys their next gen boxes
Great list! I'd add Auto HDR to the mix, as I think it makes a significant difference. Also, not really a feature but a great cooling system. I often find myself taking my headset off in disbelief at just how quiet this console is. Now we need the games to show its prowess
The drive does NOT take 198gb for the OS and system files. A 1TB drive only has 931gb of usable space BEFORE any OS or data or system files are factored in. This is because of marketing. A 1tb drive is 1,000,000 megabytes. However since bytes are measured in 1024, it eventually eats out a chunk when you divide it down.
A couple of these stand out to me and is why I’m happy with just the series X for now. The back catalogue with gamepass is great, I didn’t have an Xbox one so a lot to play and there’s newer games like doom eternal too.
Call me crazy but the design is a big advantage, it looks great under my tv, it fits in and isn’t a big ugly white disaster to look at.
Lastly quick resume, it’s great. I’ve found myself just switching between games more now that I don’t have to change discs or close a game to start another, I love it.
I'd say the biggest selling point is Gamepass. PS can't touch it.
@Menchi you are right but the 931 is a low average. I have a couple of WD 1tb and they have 958 and 966 after a fresh format. Your point stands though
Who spilled some PushSquare in my modest PureXbox?
They really do need to put these teraflops to use. Microsoft has the power but the first party teams never seem to fully utilise it. I love smaller, more creative games like Battletoads, Ori or Grounded as well... but, even just to prove they can do it, they need to put out a graphics showcase.
Gears 5 is the closest they have. It is gorgeous of course but they can outdo it.
Also the Marketing for Playstation is really starting to get on my nerves. It’s on every page I go on, on most sites including IGN and even Metacritic. Then they have paid GamingBible on facebook to post some cringe posts today. The Underground station thing is cool and creative though; in comparison, Microsoft never seems to bother. All of these in conjunction leads to all the casual players flocking to Sony.
@Kefka2589 I know it should be all about the games but damn, as it stands I don’t want that sitting on my tv stand lol. Being black could help it, so hopefully they’ll bring out those faceplates soon but even then it’s extra cost and the shape is still awful.
I don't even know what to say.
VRR is nice, but it also seems like developers are relying on it to eliminate screen tearing rather than doing a vsync.
I think developers should change some game settings where, if you have VRR enabled in the system, vsync is disabled, otherwise enable it. I am very sensitive to screen tearing and very concerned that it will be the norm with VRR being a selling point.
Sadly, I wish we could see these extra TFLOPs getting used. So far, the PS5 has come out on top in overall framerate analysis for similar scenes on multi-platform titles. Not sure if it's a problem with the current Xbox API, the lower-clocked CU's (albeit more) compared to the PS5 are what's causing the dip in performance, or just simply inexperience with the hardware right now (despite Microsoft claiming that development of games should be easier compared to Xbox One).
Not hating on the Series X at all, I really want one and I feel like it's definitely the better value - especially when it comes to continued support for previous generation, plus the ultimate value of Game Pass; but, so far, the impressions of Series X overall performance aren't where one would expect - on paper it should be the one with the advantage (even if it's slight).
So not that xbox actually have any decent first party games 😂
As a gaming console as a general rule you go for the machine that's going to have the best games hence why I chose the ps5 but I will be getting a series S after January mainly for gamepass and those future Bethesda exclusives
Series X > PS5.. Xbox FTW
Game Pass vs new games. That's the difference.
@Carck forza is by far the best racing game on any console period, but I disagree with gears being the best third person Shooter and gears to me are all the same, same with halo.
PlayStation offers those adventure games but they are all different in terms of story and world setting but are all graphically impressive. Plus playstation have the JRPG's and niche games from Japan such as the neptunia series.
But I can't deny that with gamepass and the prospect of this Bethesda exclusives that to a die hard gamer an xbox series S/X is needed this gen.
@Kefka2589 True, it is early, but not a good first impression. I think Dirt is also plagued with screen tear.
Forza Horizon 4 may have upgraded to 4K/60, but analysis shows that it's using the Performance Mode graphical settings bumped up to 4K as opposed to using Quality Mode graphical settings bumped up to 60fps - and there is no way to change it. To me, this still makes the Xbox One X version superior since player is given choice.
Maybe the Series X couldn't handle Quality settings at 60fps, but if 60fps is the goal across the board, why not have an option to enable those settings for 60fps, albeit at a lower resolution? I'd much rather have better effects at lower resolution.
I do hope that Microsoft is looking at all this data and working with developers to figure out why games are performing worse on it's platform. Microsoft advertised Series X as the most powerful console - it still has yet to prove it.
I fully expected Japanese developers to favor the PS5. It's just the nature of Japan - it's a country loyal to it's own.
I’m more than happy with my Series X, so much so that buying a PS5 is less of a priority for me now.
i am getting series x period.
I would have preferred: "10 reasons to get an xbox series x"
You can leave the flamebait headlines to some other toxic site.
@Kefka2589 Oh, I completely agree, the expectation for native 4K is just too overblown.
Yes, there are great examples of games running better on Xbox One X over PS4 Pro from Japanese developers. But then I look at things like Sekiro favoring resolution over performance on Xbox One X - PS4 Pro ran at a reconstructed 1800p instead, and ran better as a result. Kingdom Hearts 3 was the same way - resolution over performance - I believe PS4 Pro is 1440p as opposed to Xbox One X 1600p, which resulted in a smoother performance on PS4 Pro. Or how about Dark Souls 3 not getting any Xbox One X patch, but getting a Pro patch? Konami gave a PS4 Pro patch for MGSV, but not Xbox One X.
Then I think about games like Nioh not coming to Xbox at all. Or how about Final Fantasy VII Remake being exclusive to PlayStation for a whole year.
There is impression that Japanese developers are much more open to Sony (and Nintendo, of course) than Microsoft. I know those bridges are starting to come down, though.
The last time I can remember a Japanese developer creating a true Xbox exclusive was Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey (which is a [expletive] masterpiece).
To be clear, I vastly prefer GPU to the PS+ Collection, however, to be fair, the base prices for these services are dramatically different. To say it’s “slim pickings,” while accurate, kind of ignores the $120/year price difference.
Auto HDR is possibly my personal favorite new feature, and something PS5 cannot currently do - odd not to see it on this list.
Exactly this sentiment made me switch from PS to Xbox. I've played everything I wanted on PS4 and felt like the TPP formula for Sony's adventure games has become a bit stale. I will get a PS5 eventually, but most likely used and in 2-3 years just to play the exclusives.
I hate this nitpicking that Digital Foundry helped bring into existence. Gaming used to be about games, graphics used to be to marvel at, not complain about not meeting certain expectations. Forza Horizon 4 is gorgeous on XSX to me and I'm not going to go looking for miniscule differences or graphical compromises it took to make it 4K60. If other people want to, it's their business. Personally, I think it's ridiculous.
@Carck I don't see how, the last of us, Bloodbourne, spiderman, horizon zero dawn and God of war are the same as each other
Haha I’d say a fair few of those are personal opinion or clutching at straws! They are both very good systems. We should be grateful they actually launched this year!
@S1ayeR74 I think I would have taken a few points and added Auto HDR. Butttt.....
What did I wake up to on Pure X board ? o.O
Xbox does have some nice points BC being the most outstanding of them. And I love the green love.
But my green box is just as cool as the other person’s blue box we love all colors.
@GamingFan4Lyf The VRR has me worried, I don’t have a VRR TV and as I only got a new one a year ago I don’t plan on getting another! I don’t want to play games with screen tearing just because I don’t have a VRR TV as you say.
@mousieone Yeah, I think style and the size of the box is subjective. And whilst the add in SSD is really cool and clever, it’s rather expensive being over half the console price in some places. BC, Game Pass, Auto HDR, controller support, Quick Resume are all valid point I think.
@UltimateOtaku91 Simple, they are all over the shoulder story simulators action games. You play one you’ve played them all. I’ve got Horizon and Uncharted and Days Gone and it’s like the same game repeating itself. Just with different enemies. It gets a bit boring and laborious after a while. Hence Xbox with its huge collection of different games.
@gollumb82 I understand what you are saying. It is true that people do focus on the comparison too much.
For me, I find Digital Foundry analysis fascinating. I like how hardware handles things differently and understand how developers achieve what they achieve on differing hardware. In these instances, though, it's just very curious findings.
It doesn't really matter in the long run because both consoles run the game from start to finish and look great doing it. Doesn't change the fact that I am generally curious.
@Kefka2589 @GamingFan4Lyf
I prefer playing games myself, just the same as I don't know anything about car engines and don't care. I do get your interest in these mechanisms and I appreciate the fact that you are unbiased and civil i expressing your views. I fear most fans use these DF findings to make fun of and belittle the systems that perform worse in comparison.
@S1ayeR74 comparing uncharted and horizon zero dawn is a terrible example, horizon zero dawn is an open world Rpg, there's a reason xbox games never get nominated for game of the year as they are all missing that blockbuster element and dont have any interesting story to them, halo and gears pretty much been the same game every new release. There's a reason sonys games cost 50-100 million to make whikst Microsofts are way lower, and a reason why sonys exclusive outsell Xbox's and get critical acclaim. Whilst I guess they might not be to everyone's liking, their is a sizable player base that love those games and sony know how to make them best
@UltimateOtaku91 the problem is people get “dazzled” by the story and forget a game is meant to be a game. Look their are moving powerful immersive experiences. They do deserve praise, bit they also lack exciting gameplay and that’s what @S1ayeR74 is trying to tell you. Yes based on the power of the story they are fantastic but what about The Last of Us requires that I personally play it? What do I get personally that I can’t just YouTube the cutscenes for?
Where as you’d want to play something like Flight Sim for yourself.
That’s not saying the games don’t deserve praise and aren’t good so don’t take it that way. But sometimes people really want to just play a game for it being a game.
insert facepalm gif here
@mousieone I can see where your coming from and I don't actually like the uncharted games and I have only played the last of us part 1, but to say the last of us is like God of war and horizon zero dawn etc just isn't right to me.
There's also dreams, little big planet, persona 5, Bloodbourne, tearaway, gran turismo, gravity rush, astro bot, infamous, Killzone, resistance, ratchet and clank, hidden agenda, Knack, beyond two souls, the last guardian, ghost of tushima, mlb the show, until dawn, shadow of colossus and many jrpgs.
Yet when talking about sony the same 4 games get brought up every time (uncharted, last of us, spiderman, horizon), yet there's more to sony than just those few
10 reasons? How about 12, at least?
11. By far the better controller. The Xbox One controller was already pretty darn good, so for the Xbox Series X version of that controller, they only had to do some minor tweaking here and there. And it too has haptic triggers, ever since the Xbox One, so nothing new there from Sony at all.
Meanwhile, Sony tries to sell us their version of HD rumble, which as per usual, is copied from Nintendo, and given a "unique" twist, much like the ridiculous and infantile looking Move controllers, back in the PS3 days.
12. Microsoft doesn't try to pawn off what is basically a DLC package and market it as a full game, fooling entire droves of idiot fanboys and girls into believing that it's the next best thing besides sliced bread.
I could probably come up with a couple more, and the fact that they've enlisted Bethesda is also a pretty big one, so that's probably going to yield some interesting results.
On a side note: my preference is obvious, but I won't deny that I would like to play certain PlayStation games. Just never bad enough that I'd buy one of their consoles for it...
Having said that, even all the biggest pros of any platform will only ring true if they matter to you. If they don't, then it's just marketing blabla. We should simply all play what we like/prefer, and not fight or ridicule each other because we aren't gaming on the cooler platform, which on both sides is equally debatable, seeing as at the end of the day, the list of pros and cons is probably just as long for both consoles...
@Kefka2589 well uncharted is now buried aswell (I hope), honestly can't see a the last of us part 3 being made any time soon, spiderman morales is just a dlc, so the new horizon is the only one in the making at the moment.
More attention should be aimed towards demon souls remake, bugsnax, sackboy adventures and destruction all stars
Also fingers crossed for a new resistance or a re boot
Very minor rant: I was looking forward for quick resume to finally stay on top of my GamePass daily quests. Being able to suspend AC Valhalla to launch another game would had been awesome.
As it stands, Vallhala is one of the games not supported by quick resume, so my Xbox is stuck running that game 24/7. Yes, load times are ridiculously faster, but I still have an aversion of going through all the menu screens.
Hope they fix the issues with quick resume because I hope being able to stay on top of daily quests in Vallhala once I get all achievements (since, of course, I'll get the DLC)
@Kefka2589 I would never do that ever >.>
@S1ayeR74 yeah most of what makes the boxes unique are actually largely subjective. But the points you listed are probably features that currently best change up things. The rest is just a different flavor of cookie; it’s all good.
@UltimateOtaku91 yes and there is more to MS than Forza, Halo, and Gears. I can pull out a list for MS that could easily stack up toe toe with yours. But just like Ori isn’t a “system seller”, Astros Playroom will be forgotten by people when bringing up Sony’s killer game library. It’s honestly is the same few games getting mentioned over and over by both sets of fans. If someone wanted to debate the experience of Dreams vs anything in MS’s vault; it would be nice. The question at hand was why some see a similarity of these games. Sony does have different styles games, but the same few games are in the mouths every time this discussion gets raise. I wouldn’t mind variety but no :/
@mousieone yeah I'm with just irks me when as a variety gamer myself and currently enjoying sackboy adventure and bugsnax but just gets to me when people think sony just make one set of games.
I wouldn't mind dreams being multiplatform with xbox and nintendo, imagine the sheer amount of creations
The list is objective and informative so nothing wrong, it's a positive thing to appreciate unappreciated things like Xbox compared to PS.
@UltimateOtaku91 that’s only natural when all Sony fans want to talk about is TLoU or Uncharted to MS fans, how does one even break through that conversation? I mean ai can pull several conversations on both boards and they all boil down to a few games.
If the conversation started well Astro’s Playroom feels like you actually walking on glass in this one level; or maybe the effort Sony puts into VR, the new tip menus something. It’d be half way valid conversation. Which BTW I love the unique feature sets of both boxes which list somewhat highlights and what I think the purpose was meant to be, and I really wish the conversation could be about which features work better for video game enthusiasts and not suddenly drift into the which color box is better conversation.
To be honest only game pass on this list actually means anything to me. None of the other parts actually count for enjoying games. I'm getting an Xbox because of all the games I've missed last gen and game pass is probably the best option for that, however the thought of missing out on the next Spiderman, GOW, Horizon FW and inevitable Unchartered and/or last of us among some other favourites last gen is why I couldn't not get a PS5.
You could double the list of reasons Xbox is better than PS5 and I'd probably agree with all the points on it, but without the games its all pretty pointless. In fact contained within the gamepass point is Bethesda acquisition and that's probably the biggest point of the whole list. This box will have games that makes the machine potentially worth buying over a PS5.
@UltimateOtaku91 You know Sonys first parties are lucky if they sell 10 million copies right? Out of an install base of over 100 million, so fans go on about the exclusives, but reality is people do not buy PlayStation for its exclusives. Games like COD etc wipe the floor with ANY exclusive sales numbers.
I am not alone in my thinking Sonys exclusives are all the same. You say RPG. I see action story driven over the shoulder games. God Of War feels like a carbon copy of Horizon which feels like a carbon copy of Days Gone which feels like a carbon copy of The Last Of Us. Theirs no variety in these so called ‘blockbuster’ games that hardly anyone plays more then once. I don’t even like SpiderMan.
You mention SackBoy I see to claim Sony has game variety, so how long has it been since the last SackBoy then? Years I believe so it’s not really worth mentioning, when was the last time Sony had a decent first person exclusive shooter? They have Killzone and Socom but instead of making new ones, even Syhon Filter would be great, no they make story drives over the shoulder action story games.
They need some new games types. Microsoft is brining that this gen, platformer’s, RPG’s, FPS, sim and arcade racers. Flight Sim. And even Fable so humour too. Where’s that from Sony?
@Kefka2589 I got a PS4 at launch and Killzone and Infamous were some of the best games the entire gen! but not one single sequel to them was made... their are rumours another Infamous may be getting made but it’s like 7 years and counting since the last one! Where were the sequels before this huh? TLOU2 had a rubbish story and went down a controversial path just to justify its existence, TLOU 1 is one of the best games ever made and never needed a sequel. Uncharted 4 is alright but not as good as the others and again just seems to exist for the sake of it.
Meh I like the PS5 for its newness and my friends are on PS not that I ever play with them, but the games are boring, I’d get SackBoy and COD and that would be it. But then miss out on Xbox games which I like. Take Halo Wars 2, right up my ally that one and it’s great as it’s like Starcraft 2, yet not a single real time strategy game like that or Starcraft is on PS.
@mousieone Yeap and that’s why I’ll happily sit there and play Gears Of War multiple times, but not any of Sonys exclusives. Microsoft games have fast flowing action to keep you interested.
These are all true until further notice
@S1ayeR74 sony have a winning formula so why would they change that? When's the last time xbox exclusives came close to the sales figures sonys exclusives get? Those games you mentuined God of war, the last of us 1, Uncharted 4, horizon zero dawn, spiderman have all sold over 10 million. Sony create these games to give immersion and Sony always push their consoles graphics to the max unlike microsoft. So in a way sony dont need to change what they do as these games bring in hundreds of millions and these games are what most people get excited for when a new console comes out. I've seen not much hype from any games from Microsoft apart from bethesdas acquisition, and maybe fable. And we all know how the new halo flopped when it got revealed.
I'm not saying flight sim or ori are bad games because they are not and I enjoyed state of decay, but sonys games are more popular and more known to people in general and that why these xbox games kinda need gamepass to be successful otherwise they would flop
And if there's any game franchise out there that is the same every title it would go to gears and halo, I played the master chief collection and it got boring after the 2nd as it was like playing the same game with the same mechanics, enemies and area designs same went for gears aswell, but somehow xbox still rely on those two franchises, so whilst you say sony make a lot of the same type of games atleast they have more than two to draw people in
@Kefka2589 Personally I don't think that all Sony exclusive games are the same just because some of them are third person. To me it's like trying to say Halo is just the same as COD? Are GT, Tearaway, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, GOT, Detroit, Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Spiderman, LOU, GOW, Dreams all the same types of game (off top of my head)?
Of the ones I played I enjoyed half of them and didn't enjoy the other half naturally because they were so different to me. Do you honestly believe those games I mention all play the same? Am I missing something and I'm the fool for enjoying these games?
@gollumb82 Yeah, Auto HDR is amazing. I was playing Darksiders 2 the other night and it looked just perfect. Very convincing HDR.
Pfft. Almost all of Sony’s first party games are the same.
3rd person action/adventure, single player games with either crap multiplayer or no multiplayer at all. A bunch of one & done games. 😴 There is hardly any variety there.
Obviously opinion on games is objective, but I love variety & what Xbox is offering. Plus Game Pass just makes it even better.
I completely agree with your #11 & #12. 👍🏻
Look at all the salty Ponies over here from Push Square whining. 🤣
Don’t worry, I’m sure Push Square will write one of these articles for you guys too. The difference is most of us Xbox people won’t be in the comment section of a PlayStation website because we are too busy playing games. 😁 Game Pass FTW. 🍻
The argument wasn’t PS exclusives. It was PlayStation first party games.
And I love how half the games the defenders of Sony are bringing are up aren’t even first party or aren’t even exclusive. Sony puts games on PC now too.
Too soon? Lol.
@StonyKL I wouldn't bother replying to keltic as judging by his comments on other articles this guy is an absolute hardcore xbox worshiper in which no matter what Sony do or what ever game they create he will never say a good word about them and cannot come to reason or have a normal civil debate unlike the rest of the users on here
@UltimateOtaku91 i just have to laugh at your hypocrisy there, obviously games like Uncharted 1,2,3,4 and the DLC aren’t the same...
As for proclaiming Microsoft games are crap and have to be on Game Pass to be successful, it must have escaped your notice they sell them digitally and physical too. Oh and I guess DOOM and Fallout and The Outer Worlds are not successful either then eh?
I played Days Gone, and it came across as a complete rip-off off of Dying Light and State Of Decay 2 only it’s story is a mess and hard to follow. I’d much rather play the excellent Dying Light and State Of Decay 2 as they don’t feel like total rip offs of each other with a crap story shoved in.
But you believe what ever you want and go and hug your PS5. Sony games do not immerse you, they bore you, it’s basically a case of here’s the line up of games, they are all the same just pick the colour you like...
@S1ayeR74 lol Sony games don't immerse you? Yet they sell over 10 million each compared to xbox games which sell a couple of million? Sales speak louder than words and you are just salty of sonys success and you are are apart of a small minority who thinks sonys games fail in comparison to what xbox offer 😂
Same with this gen, let the sales figures settle this.....
Oh I have civil debates with a lot people on here. But since you highjacked this comment section leaving 38 comments about Sony’s exclusives, I thought I would reply.
Obviously, I probably shouldn’t have. So I’ll do what I should have done from the beginning & just hit that ignore button. 👋
@KelticDevil no problem 👍 wouldn't of got a decent conversation out of you anyway
@KelticDevil also go back to school and learn to count.... 38 comments? 😂 More like 11
@Kefka2589 lol 100 percent
Talk about an article that only propose serves to start *****.... pathetic. But you got to have those clicks, right?
Thank god your sister site Push Square didn't follow suit and do a similar article (10 reasons why PS5 is better than Xbox series X). There is no need for console war induce BS articles like this....
Good to know that the PS5 is also very quiet 👍
As for some other things you mentioned:
1. Quick resume- it is a thing and I always see the games I'm playing (have suspended) on my dashboard 🤔 I guess I may have it easier as I only ever play no more than 2 games at the same time.
2. PS Now is not even close to Game Pass in terms of quality of service. I tried it once and it was terrible, stutters, artifacts and poor visual quality. PS+ Collection looks great on paper, but only if you're new to Playstation. If they keep adding to it, it may become more worthwhile.
3. Backward compatibility: works on both, but only Xbox lets you play games going back to the original Xbox. As it stands, I'm more invested in BC right now playing Silent Hill 2 and having a blast. I can't do that on PS5, which is ironic with it being a Playstation game esentially (I'm also about to buy MGS HD Collection for that reason).
4. As for controllers, I'm using the Xbox Elite Series 2 and I'm loving the gamepad overall, as well as haptic feedback on the triggers in Forza games. I am sure that Dualsense is great, too
5. AC:Valhalla video- people are way too quick to jump to conclusions. It's a cross-gen title and proof that developers need time to adjust (let's not pretend that the game runs flawlessly on PS5).
Having said all that, I do wish PS5 the best as competition is what drives this business and I'm looking forward to getting one in more or less 3 years from now. Enjoy both your consoles mate 😉
Damn and you guys say pushsquares’s bad!
@UltimateOtaku91 I’m not salty in the slightest, I don’t know of any company that would consider selling to only 9% of an install base as a great success. Your a bit blinkered in your view here. You have those Sony fan glasses on tight I’m afraid the way you are defending the console is silly. In fact your entire argument so far has been sales and your personal opinion that Sonys games immerse you. Not much of an argument really and the same tired old points. I’m glad Microsoft had gone down a different path now, innovating in their business model.
As I said just go and hug your PS5.
Sony have a formula of game type, good for them, I and others find it dull and boring now, I have played Spider Man then Horizon then God Of War then Uncharted for a bit one after the other, and found them boring because they are all the same. I like Uncharted but it does seem it’s a case of picking the colour you like in the same model mentality. I’m sorry if you aren’t able to comprehend this, but it’s how I and others see it. Sonys same carbon copy game styles are boring and dull. Sack Boy is a very welcome break from its single game style. Let’s hope for more of that.
@UltimateOtaku91 I guess. I just don't understand the argument anymore. I thought the point made was the reason they other guys didn't want a PS5 was because the games are all the same. I thought it was an odd statement. Now I think they are saying they didn't get a PS5 because some of their first party games are the same? I don't really know.
Reminds me of the science joke with the cows for those who know it
@gollumb82 I have a PS5 but didn't manage the Series X yet. Right now I'm playing Astro Bot between myself and the kids and wondered how the Quick Resume works on Series X.
So when we finish a go on the game we switch profile, reloading the game from the start. Now its not end of the world stuff as it take about 5 second to load but you can't carry from where you left off.
Does the Quick Resume allow you to do this? So when you switch profiles you carry on the game as you left it. That would be an amazing feature and wouldn't be surprised if that alone would keep us on the Series X ahead of the PS5.
I don't know about switching profiles, but let me tell you this: I'm currently playing Silent Hill 2 and whenever I leave the game I can come back to it and start exactly where I left off! That kind of bypasses the save system, which is great in my book. Yes, it only take like 2-3 seconds and you're back in the game where you left off. I really love this feature and I think Sony would be short-sighted not to incorporate a similar thing on PS5.
@rpg2000 To be fair there is probably only 1 reason Push Square can come up with for that article so won't bother.
1) Because there are numerous games that can't be played elsewhere.
@Kefka2589 Spot on!
I agree with everything you just said. 👍🏻
Well except the not playing Gears thing, of course. I love me some Gears Of War. 😁
PS5 is quieter?
Not according to a bunch of people who have reported that their PS5s are making an awful coil whine noise.
In fact, everything I hear about the PS5 is about how many problems it has & it seems like it was released unfinished.
When your big, first party launch DLC (known as Spider-Man: MM) locks up & bricks systems...... 👎
@KelticDevil Haha, thanks. I do hope you've also read and agree with the side note that I made in that comment, though.
Duly noted. 😉 👍🏻
Sounds great. How about battery life? I suppose this haptic feedback drains it pretty quickly. I have able to get around 30 hours worth of gaming on my Xbox Elite v2 gamepad on a single charge and the battery is still half full. This with rumble and my headset attached to it.
@AJDarkstar so, if I read that correctly, Sony basically mixed Xbox One's haptic triggers with Nintendo's HD rumble, and tweaked it.
Impressive and/or interesting on the one hand, but on the other it's still not a completely original idea/invention, or as fanboys would say, it's simply stolen ideas.
On a side note: I am now curious to experience it myself, but still not enough to shell out the money for the console.
On a second side note: I don't know if you've ever played/tried out 1-2 Switch, (or if you even own a Nintendo Switch) but that title has some equally impressive showcases of the technology, in my opinion.
In one of the mini games, your JoyCon acts as a small wooden box, that has a number of marbles rolling around in it, and you can actually "feel" them rolling around inside the controller, even though you intellectually know that it's not real.
Here's a clip, just in case...
I see your point about it being mostly a 3rd person shooter. But, it does have some horror elements, which I love.
I just stick to the campaigns myself. I do like Horde mode too, but I thought Gears 5 horde was too grindy for XP. I don’t go anywhere near the PvP multiplayer though. I am terrible at it. Lol.
But the campaigns are great fun & tell a pretty good story with interesting characters. Gears catches a lot of flack, for some reason, but I enjoy it way more than the Uncharted games, for example.
Gears 4 & 5 are underrated, in my opinion. They moved away from that “dude bro” kind of feeling the first three had. I loved Gears 1-3, but it turned some people off bc of that.
And you can skip Judgment, as it’s the worst of the bunch & just a side story. I liked it, but it’s the black sheep of the series.
@AJDarkstar 1-2 Switch and Super Mario Odyssey both make pretty good uses of it, so does Blaster Master Zero and Animal Crossing. Noticing a pattern? Basically third parties don’t really use it and this the implementation is down to Nintendo.
Having said that; it’s great for some games but proves would be something of a distraction for others.
I would say that I got the point of your rebuttal which was just to say some of those features on the list are up to individual interpretation and not necessarily “better”. However, I think the point of the post was for conversations like the one we are having about haptic feedback. Where we can come together and discussion the usefulness of all the features (of both systems) and what works and what doesn’t.
@AJDarkstar Well, all I can say is that if you are able to grab a copy of 1-2 Switch for a good price (I bought mine second-hand for 34 euros), then it's most definitely worth it, because it is THE title to showcase what HD Rumble is actually capable of, but you have to experience it, to get it, probably much like Sony's new controllers.
I do definitely agree with you though, that HD Rumble has so far been rather under-utilized, other than in a few choice Nintendo titles, such as Super Mario Odyssey, but even there, it's rather demure/subtle, to such an extent that most might not even notice it, whereas in 1-2 Switch it's all too evident, because the entire collection of mini games is built up around it.
Should have been a pack-in title, though. Much like Wii Sports back in the Wii days. Oh, well...
I liked Uncharted at first. I think the first one is actually underrated. And Uncharted 2 was basically my favorite PS3 game. But while I was playing Uncharted 3, I got so bored with the repetitive shooting mechanics & gameplay. It was like I was just playing to get to the next cutscene. And I didn’t much care for the story in that game, so the series became stale to me.
I did like Golden Abyss more than I thought I would though.
But I replayed all the Gears games, in a row, & never got tired of them. So take that for whatever it is worth. Lol.
I completely agree with everything you said.
And Killzone: Mercenary was my favorite Vita game! Don’t get me started on how Sony left the Vita by the side of the road like a dead animal carcass like 2 years after they released it. 🙄😡 One of the reasons that I am no longer a Sony fan to this day. But I won’t go on about that. Lol.
And I hear you about loving the classic games of my collection. I am in my 40’s now & have been playing games since the Atari 2600. Xbox’s backwards compatibility has been HUGE for me.
I love how I can play so many games, from different generations of Xbox, on my current console. I have less and less time to play games these days, so why not enjoy games from our past too?
And KOTOR is my favorite RPG of all time & I went nuts at Microsoft’s E3 when they announced OG Xbox backwards compatibility. Because I knew KOTOR was coming back to me on my Xbox One. Haha.
Lists like this do nothing but fuel the stupidity of the console wars. I bought both Xbox Series X and PS5 day one here in the states and while I don't regret either purchase, neither one feels like a next gen console of old, more like getting a new iPhone. If I had to pick between them, I'd go with the Series X simply because of how well it improves on B/C games. The new Spider-man was ridiculously short and I've now double-dipped into Demon's Souls only to find out that I STILL don't get the appeal of the Souls games whatsoever. Once I got both of those things out of the way I fully stopped powering up the PS5 altogether. I'm sure that'll change in the months ahead but I so far, eh, it hasn't quite proven its worth here yet.
Still, between them I'm very happy. 2020 was a hard year, it's nice to have some games to play.
@KelticDevil I'm with you on the Vita. I hacked mine a while back and have a 512GB SD card in it. Amazing machine. Such a shame they treated it (and its fans) the way they did. I'd give up my Switch before I'd part with my Vita.
@AJDarkstar I guess I’m of an optimist than you LOL
But really it’s Sony; third parties will fall on themselves to make use of the Haptic feedback. No one uses HD Rumble or impulse triggers; but they’ll all make changes now to adapt. That’s not a swipe at Sony, but the way some third parties are. “Sony’s doing c$&9 now we have to make changes” kind of thing.
Yeah I really do like quick resume but Apparently only a handful games I play work with it :/ and I want more games working with that double the frame rate thing because it fixed the “s” version of games issue mostly.and I want more of my 360 library updated to work. Wow I’m whiny today lol
So yeah there are good points and bad but I also don’t think Astros Playroom is a great reason to buy a PS5 right now.
@AJDarkstar lol well yeah to all of that
I loved PSTV! It was kind of like a Switch concept, before the Switch. Playing Vita games on my TV was awesome, especially Killzone Mercenary. Persona 5 too.
And I am playing Mass Effect Andromeda right now. I am having a lot of fun! It’s not as good as the original trilogy & is still buggy at times, but it’s a really good & ambitious game.
I sooooo loved my Vita. I have no idea why Sony ruined it’s potential with overpriced memory cards & a lack of game support from Sony only 2 years after launch.
I don’t understand why Sony doesn’t catch more flack for this. It made me vow to never buy another product from that company again.
@AJDarkstar I wouldn't blame you if you've forgotten all about HD Rumble in Mario Odyssey, because like I said, in that game it was implemented quite subtly.
Then again, perhaps that actually IS the way to do it, so it feels natural, instead of the player being too aware that he has an haptic/interactive controller in his hands, seeing as it should add to the overall experience, to complement, enhance and/or increase the immersion.
@AJDarkstar Well, sounds like they've done it right, then.
We sure have come a long way from the simple rumble packs which basically only had three settings: soft, medium and hard rumble, combined with intermittent patterns and either short or long signals.
Back in the day with Star Fox/Lylat Wars on the N64 I was completely amazed by it, nowadays it just feels crude. Still fun to play, obviously also because of the sentiment attached to it, but crude nonetheless.
@AJDarkstar My sentiments exactly.
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