@theduckofdeath Yes, after my post I went and checked and saw that it was FINALLY on sale (I had been holding out since it went off GamePass) and I picked it up. In the last dungeon or two of that game.
Bruh...I've been playing P5 since last November and am maybe 20 hours away from the end. This timing isn't great, I won't have much time to eek this one out. This may be the first time I buy a game before it leaves.
A from me. Lately, I've fallen off of Xbox a bit after playing pretty much exclusively on Series X for almost 3 years - took a Nintendo detour with Metroid Prime: Remastered and Tears of the Kingdom and actually canceled GamePass for the first time. I was even feeling some PlayStation FOMO as I really want to play Spider-Man 2, but man oh man was I reminded why I picked Xbox in the first place: RPGs are my jam, and man there were a lot of them from developers that I love here (Bethesda/Atlus/Sega/Obsidian/cdProjekt Red). My biggest issue is I won't have time to play them all. There is actual pressure to finish TotK and Persona 5 now.
I am someone who returned to Xbox after a long hiatus. I had bought the original Xbox back in the launch window and Xbox had been a big part of my gaming through about 2010, but when my 360 got hit with the red ring of death I moved on to exclusively Nintendo/PC. After dabbling with PS4 I had planned on getting a PS5 after selling my gaming PC (and because PC parts were so pricey back then), but as an adult gamer who cares less about exclusives and more about value, convenience and backwards compatibility so I can play all the games I missed, Xbox really knocked it out of the park for me and I bought Series X day one. It really helped too that they bought one of my favorite developers in Bethesda. I almost don't play anything else right now, Xbox and Game Pass is enough to keep me entertained forever.
HOLY!!! I'm at work and literally just stood up and ran around pumping my fists at this. I sold my PS4 a while back and have mostly been thinking of rebuying one or a PS5 for Persona alone and have been PRAYING for this. Love this game so much and eager to try P3 and P4.
Yeah tutorials for Paradox grand strategy games are famously barely useful. Their games are so loaded with systems that it takes FOREVER to learn it all and then they update it and add more systems. I’ve put 300 hours into Europa Universalis IV and I’m barely not a newb. I know enough now not to get rocked completely. And the thing I appreciate their games as they’re kind of “anti video game.” While most games see you as this powerful being exceeding and growing stronger at every turn, Paradox games will throw you off a cliff and punish you for every decision you make. There are no best decisions, and I always liken it to turning knobs to keep a ship afloat and try not to die. It’s like Life 101 in that way.
I’ve been the guy who buys the occasionally game that leaves Game Pass while it’s on sale, like Final Fantasy VII and Yakuza 1 and 2. And I hold out on everything. I guess I will have it happen soon enough as I recently bought Diablo 2 and 3 and Overwatch thinking they were safely never coming to Game Pass…
@Royalblues My favorite heroes are Spidey, Daredevil (who has a great run by Zdarsky going right now and is in the middle of the Devil’s Reign event), Nightcrawler, X-Men, and Batman. I have been starting to love Superman, the Flash and Nightwing. Given your love for hope and lawful good I highly suggest the current Nightwing run (not Marvel but it’s my favorite book right now).
@Royalblues Not sure what you mean that they follow the movies…I follow about 8-10 Marvel titles per month and they have absolutely nothing to do with the movies, outside of doing the occasional new title launch to coincide with movies or a new show - like when they launched a new Black Widow series to coincide with the new movie coming out (which ended up being delayed). But the book has literally nothing to do with the movie except that Yelena is in it. DC does the same thing, they launched Batman: Killing Time the same week The Batman came out and it features the Riddler, but outside of that has nothing to do with the movie. This is my long-winded way of saying you should give them a try!
@StylesT Not at all. It's a grand strategy game with RPG elements - you're a monarch and you're trying to preserve your line, manage your kingdom, assassinate your rivals, marry your sons/daughters to gain more land, go to war - if the last in your line is killed it's game over (if 3 is like 2). It's pretty unique.
I'm so stoked about this. Love Paradox's grand strategy games.
Comments 11
Re: Four Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early January 2024
@theduckofdeath Yes, after my post I went and checked and saw that it was FINALLY on sale (I had been holding out since it went off GamePass) and I picked it up. In the last dungeon or two of that game.
Re: Four Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early January 2024
Whelp, it may be time to get that Persona bundle. It’s the only way to get Persona 5 on sale for Xbox at the moment and I was holding out.
Re: Five Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Late October 2023
Bruh...I've been playing P5 since last November and am maybe 20 hours away from the end. This timing isn't great, I won't have much time to eek this one out. This may be the first time I buy a game before it leaves.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2023?
A from me. Lately, I've fallen off of Xbox a bit after playing pretty much exclusively on Series X for almost 3 years - took a Nintendo detour with Metroid Prime: Remastered and Tears of the Kingdom and actually canceled GamePass for the first time. I was even feeling some PlayStation FOMO as I really want to play Spider-Man 2, but man oh man was I reminded why I picked Xbox in the first place: RPGs are my jam, and man there were a lot of them from developers that I love here (Bethesda/Atlus/Sega/Obsidian/cdProjekt Red). My biggest issue is I won't have time to play them all. There is actual pressure to finish TotK and Persona 5 now.
Re: Talking Point: Did The Series X|S Bring You Back To Xbox? If So, How Come?
I am someone who returned to Xbox after a long hiatus. I had bought the original Xbox back in the launch window and Xbox had been a big part of my gaming through about 2010, but when my 360 got hit with the red ring of death I moved on to exclusively Nintendo/PC. After dabbling with PS4 I had planned on getting a PS5 after selling my gaming PC (and because PC parts were so pricey back then), but as an adult gamer who cares less about exclusives and more about value, convenience and backwards compatibility so I can play all the games I missed, Xbox really knocked it out of the park for me and I bought Series X day one. It really helped too that they bought one of my favorite developers in Bethesda. I almost don't play anything else right now, Xbox and Game Pass is enough to keep me entertained forever.
Re: Three Persona Games Are Officially Coming To Xbox Game Pass
HOLY!!! I'm at work and literally just stood up and ran around pumping my fists at this. I sold my PS4 a while back and have mostly been thinking of rebuying one or a PS5 for Persona alone and have been PRAYING for this. Love this game so much and eager to try P3 and P4.
Re: Xbox Players Are Getting Stuck At The Tutorial In Crusader Kings 3
Yeah tutorials for Paradox grand strategy games are famously barely useful. Their games are so loaded with systems that it takes FOREVER to learn it all and then they update it and add more systems. I’ve put 300 hours into Europa Universalis IV and I’m barely not a newb. I know enough now not to get rocked completely. And the thing I appreciate their games as they’re kind of “anti video game.” While most games see you as this powerful being exceeding and growing stronger at every turn, Paradox games will throw you off a cliff and punish you for every decision you make. There are no best decisions, and I always liken it to turning knobs to keep a ship afloat and try not to die. It’s like Life 101 in that way.
Re: Talking Point: Have You Ever Bought A Game Just Before Its Game Pass Announcement?
I’ve been the guy who buys the occasionally game that leaves Game Pass while it’s on sale, like Final Fantasy VII and Yakuza 1 and 2. And I hold out on everything. I guess I will have it happen soon enough as I recently bought Diablo 2 and 3 and Overwatch thinking they were safely never coming to Game Pass…
Re: Marvel Unlimited Is Now A Free Perk With Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
@Royalblues My favorite heroes are Spidey, Daredevil (who has a great run by Zdarsky going right now and is in the middle of the Devil’s Reign event), Nightcrawler, X-Men, and Batman. I have been starting to love Superman, the Flash and Nightwing. Given your love for hope and lawful good I highly suggest the current Nightwing run (not Marvel but it’s my favorite book right now).
Re: Marvel Unlimited Is Now A Free Perk With Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
@Royalblues Not sure what you mean that they follow the movies…I follow about 8-10 Marvel titles per month and they have absolutely nothing to do with the movies, outside of doing the occasional new title launch to coincide with movies or a new show - like when they launched a new Black Widow series to coincide with the new movie coming out (which ended up being delayed). But the book has literally nothing to do with the movie except that Yelena is in it. DC does the same thing, they launched Batman: Killing Time the same week The Batman came out and it features the Riddler, but outside of that has nothing to do with the movie. This is my long-winded way of saying you should give them a try!
Re: Crusader Kings 3 Makes Console Debut On Xbox Game Pass This March
@StylesT Not at all. It's a grand strategy game with RPG elements - you're a monarch and you're trying to preserve your line, manage your kingdom, assassinate your rivals, marry your sons/daughters to gain more land, go to war - if the last in your line is killed it's game over (if 3 is like 2). It's pretty unique.
I'm so stoked about this. Love Paradox's grand strategy games.