It's officially happening, folks! Atlus has announced that three Persona games are coming to Xbox Game Pass in the form of Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5 Royal, starting with the latter on October 21st, 2022!
In terms of Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden, Microsoft is telling us to sit tight right now for a release date, but Persona 5 Royal is nevertheless going to be a massive treat when it arrives on console and PC later this year!
Persona 3 Portable
If I say there’s an hour “hidden” between one day and the next… would you believe me? This unknown time is the “Dark Hour.” Unfamiliar stillness swallows the city, people turn into eerie coffins, and otherworldly monsters called Shadows swarm. One night, the protagonist is attacked by these Shadows. When all hope seems lost, the power of the heart, their Persona, is awakened.
Persona 4 Golden
They say your soulmate will appear if you stare into a television set on a rainy night… This strange rumor slowly spreads through the rural town of Inaba, the protagonist’s new home, just as a chain of mysterious murders begin. As the protagonist and his teammates chase after the truth, they find themselves opening the door to another world.
Persona 5 Royal
Forced to transfer to a high school in Tokyo, the protagonist has a strange dream. “You truly are a prisoner of fate. In the near future, ruin awaits you.” With the goal of “rehabilitation” looming overhead, he must save others from distorted desires by donning the mask of a Phantom Thief.
Ready for Persona on Xbox Game Pass? Tell us down in the comments section below.
Comments 63
Now it will just be starfield that was 💩
Definitely reccomend them absolutely amazing games, though it's quite lazy they are just straight up porting persona 3 portable (psp) and 4 Golden, should of atleast remastered them
No doubt they will also come to ps plus premium at the same time, though I do feel for switch owners right now 😂
Awesome gets for Gamepass excited for 5R especially.
I am losing my mind right now o.o
@GunValkyrian starfield at the end saved the show for me
First time posting on this site, since I normally spend most of my time on NintendoLife, but this is huge! I'm glad to see Persona 3, 4, and 5 appearing on the system in some capacity, though I will say, having Persona 3 Portable and not a new remaster that combines the best of both FES and Portable is a bit disappointing, but hey, this is the best news to come out of the Persona 25th Anniversary Celebration!!
This and Silksong were the highlights tbh. P3P coming back is…weird. They really just need to remake 3 at this point.
this is great. Persona is now free and coming to Xbox.
Now it would be great if those games come to Switch…
@Savage_Joe do we know that though?
Platinumed Persona 5 and Royal on PS4, will do it again on Xbox
This is freaking incredible! What an announcement.
I don’t care these are in GamePass, I’m buying these!
I want Physical copies of these games on Switch!
Anyways, I'm still excited to play them on my Series X. Persona 3 & 4 Golden definitely! I need to get a physical copy of Persona 4 Golden for PS Vita!
I never thought I'd see the day that Persona arrives on Xbox. Are you sure that I'm not dreaming right now?
They got the S.E.E.S. acronym wrong. Weird.
@mousieone nintendo will probably announce them in their next direct, and will come to playstations ps plus extra/premium service eventually as well just depends how much time Microsoft have paid for, yakuza exclusivity was for 4 months so maybe the same this time.
I doubt atlus would abandon the guys who made them relevant
@UltimateOtaku91 I highly doubt it’ll be in the next Nintendo Direct. For now, it’s announced for Xbox and this was an announcement in partnership with Xbox and anything beyond that is wishful thinking or speculation.
@Sakisa most of the announcements tonight were in partnership with xbox yet they are also coming to playstation such a plague tale requiem, flintlock, diablo 4, Minecraft game etc they made a similar deal with yakuza as well which lasted 4 months so I wouldn't say these ports are never going to the switch
I'll get these if they don't come to Switch. Never played Persona and people seem to love them.
I just had a feeling it would finally come to Xbox!
Wow didn't expect. Im going to play 3 never played it, already beat p5 royal and 4 golden
Boy, pushsquare is in full salt mode over this
Sega said they want all atlus games on all platforms so they are definitely coming to playstation and Nintendo at some point but for some reason you can tell certain people hate that idea for some reason.
Persona's multiplat now. Gravity Rush is gone. Silent Hills is never happening. Xbox/PC are getting a Kojima horror game. Sony is busy porting their catalog to PC.
There goes any reason for me to buy a Playstation console again.
Wow. I cannot wait to play 3 and 4!
@Sakisa they removed a comment of yours for trolling 😂 good job 👍🏻
Did anyone else think he was going to say final fantasy until he said atlus instead of square enix lol
@Kingleo31 They removed two. Both were calling out how smug PS players get about Persona being exclusive and this meltdown from them is hilarious to me. Let them sweat a little seeing a Persona game NOT being available on Playstation for a bit.
@UltimateOtaku91 I don’t know about your timeline I do think at least P3 and P4G will go back to PS and most likely Switch as well
Persona 5R time
@mousieone yeah most definitely, also as someone over at pushsqaure mentioned xbox didn't show the console exclusive or launch exclusive banner before the trailer like they did with everything else which is a sure sign its coming else where
@UltimateOtaku91 well P5R is already on PS4/5 so that’s why I don’t know about Switch port etc. that not due until October. P4G/P3P could be next year and that might be the Persona announcement later this month etc
This is very good news. It is very noticeable Xbox is trying hard to get more Japanese games with the Kojima game and the team ninja gamepass game and then this... I already own p5r on my ps5 but have yet to play it. And nver played 3 and 4. So good to see they will be ported over on Xbox as well. This will probably pull in more Japanese customers which will pull in more Japanese gamea. So hopefully more jrpgs on Xbox soon.
Great show. The Persona games finally launching for Xbox is excellent news. A lot of Japanese content, much of it on Game Pass. Considering all the ports, exclusive Xbox content and backward compatibility, Series S/X is the most complete platform of the generation.
It seems highly likely that Microsoft have paid for some kind of exclusivity here, whether it be timed or otherwise. There's just no way Atlus would port these games to Xbox first over PlayStation otherwise. And to Nintendo for that matter.
What gets me though is everyone here is still outraged over FF7R and such but will no doubt say nothing when Microsoft is seemingly paying to secure exclusivity of third party franchises.
Despite Phil's comment of "we don't want to take games away from other platforms".
I've got the games already myself, P4G on PSVita and PC, P5/R on PS4 and P3fes on PS2. But Sony have massively been dropping the ball since the PS5 launch.
I’ve been thinking about getting an Xbox Series as of late. I think this here might have sealed the deal.
@GADG3Tx87 don't get me started on Phil and his hypocrisy lol I mean look at how many timed exclusives were shown tonight, never again can anyone moan about playstation getting timed exclusives
Ah, but they will though. When KotOR comes along as a timed exclusive everyone here will conveniently forget about this. And what about Goldeneye and Octopath traveller? Those aren't first party games but strangely there is no mention of them for PlayStation while Goldeneye in particular is being heavily advertised and marketed for Xbox. And what about Indiana Jones?
That's what I cant stand, the hypocrisy.
As for Phil I can't understand why so many people cant see past his obvious hypocrisy. He does it all the time.
Finally. 5R's soundtrack is just...chef kiss!
I shall continue to play 3 and 4 on my vita.
Well, time to replay all of them again! Loved every second of those games and will gladly replay them. Atlus is one of my favorite companies. I hope these games do well on gamepass so they bring more to Xbox.
This one made my day.
@Savage_Joe a possibility. I don’t know the extent of the “partnership”, but if MS did the actual porting then I’m inclined to agree. Which is a possibility.
Nice, I do hope p3 and p4 will come to switch since portable games are best played on portable console. And it will be really cool if p5 royal has dolby atmos support 😃
@Ralizah To me, there is more of a reason of owning a ps5 over a series x.. with me having a decent computer... I actually had a Xbox Series X, and it just sat there.. Most of the games I can play on it, can just be played on my computer, with more fps
@hirushu odd they’ve announced they are bringing most of the big PlayStation games over; even Lats of Us 1 Remake, even FF 16 will be PC. Seems like waste to own any console but the Switch if you have a decent pc.
I was blown away by this announcement. Always wanted to play these games and now I can. This was a good moment for Xbox fans and hopefully we’ll see this become a more consistent occurrence in regards to getting high profile Japanese RPGS.
@UltimateOtaku91i feel like switch will probably get them too eventually, maybe
@mousieone allot of the 1st party stuff will release on console 1st for ps5. That could change in the future, but for now. Games like Horizon Forbidden West aren’t on PC
Persona 5 MIGHT be the best jrpg I've ever played. I'm 100% going to replay it, and I've heard P4 Golden is right up there with it, so this is amazing. If FF7 is finally announced, that will be the icing...
@mousieone @hirushu Nintendo + PC is pretty much the perfect combo at this point, since you get the option of native hybrid play for the majority of modern video games, access to games from all three major manufacturers, and don't have to worry about exclusivity antics.
@hirushu @Ralizah that’s my thought. You wait 10 seconds and new PS/Xbox game is going to PC. By the time you get caught up a new one is there. Nintendo though they make a profit on their hardware; they don’t need PC.
Anywho games got announced for Steam and Ps5 as well.
Also these are going to be “remastered” .
Was just thinking how many Atlus RPGs are coming Xbox way in the next 12 months... 3 personals and Soul Hackers 2... going to be a very good year.
HOLY!!! I'm at work and literally just stood up and ran around pumping my fists at this. I sold my PS4 a while back and have mostly been thinking of rebuying one or a PS5 for Persona alone and have been PRAYING for this. Love this game so much and eager to try P3 and P4.
@NEStalgia Yeah so I’m avoiding that place again. That’s not journalism. Anyway :3 why don’t we ask the twins if Igor can be trusted? Hmmm?
@mousieone LOL, the cringe there is getting real again. Shame, people that can otherwise be perfectly reasonable, the moment you mention Xbox go well off the handle into some paranoid anti-Microsoft-Phil-is-the-Antichrist-and-I-have-proof land. There is serious hate for anything XB among some, on a really bizarre level I've never seen for any platform, ever. I think the CDi was less hated. Every platform has it's hardcore fanboys, but only one platform has hardcore antifanboys It's awkward in an Among Us sort of way. When the conversation shifts to Bill Gates being the real can one engage? We're one step removed from "Blame Nixon!" bumper stickers.
Though if Persona doesn't come to Switch, it may still be the more pleasant fanbase of the two....
Well, we drew The Fool, The Tower, and The Hanged Man. So that means PS4 and Switch, right? Or does it mean Phil Spencer is personally buying Atlus to put Devil Summoner 3 as a Windows Phone exclusive? I can never keep the cards straight.
@NEStalgia well the “Leaked” PR statement is late. The Japanese website was updated with Xbox buttons. I have bad feeling about this.
@mousieone P5R still shows PS4, and only PS4 on the Japanese website, so things might not mean much. Soul hackers 2 skipping Nintendo, though is kind of telling.
Unless it's all being held for a Nintendo announcement either now or September. But it looks kind of rediculous when the same third party game gets announced separately in separate months by different publishers.
Remember when a third party just announced their release date and which platforms it'll release on rather than pretending each walled garden ecosystem is a bubble unaware of the rest of the world?
@NEStalgia you should check again
It says “remaster” and that only has Xbox buttons.
@NEStalgia also they had the 25th timed report with Mona and Teddie and it’s just Xbox. I mean I think it’s coming but…. I doubt the remaster is going to Switch, just P5R regular. And they are “remastering” it for Xbox (I assume it’s just a performance/graphics mode)
It’s so weird whatever this “embargo” is.
@mousieone Interesting page. The weird thing is that page isn't accessible from the main website. It doesn't show anything about any remaster, and the P5R page links to a different page that just says PS4. Maybe this is just a page meant to be a link from the Japan Windows store and not meant to be an all platforms page? Since it doesn't even mention PS5, there's something else to it, and the embargo should already be lifted, so it isn't that, either.
Atlus is so strange. They won't put a PSP/Vita game on a Switch but will put SMTV on Switch exclusively where it runs at 20fps and was a console launch announced game. I can't tell at all what they're doing with Persona. I can't imagine it's not going to Switch, the only console anyone in Japan buys. But they have a whole website up for Xbox so the 5 people in the Okinawa US naval base with an Xbox can buy it?
@NEStalgia I will fully respond to you later but Atlus did update the website and it looks like ad I’d hoped Native series versions .
I’ll respond to the rest later
I have always wanted to play these games, and this was the one series I was hoping one day would make its way to xbox. So glad this is coming.
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