Listen, we all love Xbox Game Pass and the bi-monthly announcements we get from Microsoft about new games joining the service, but there's one potential downside to all of it, and it's the fact that buying any Xbox game these days comes with the risk that it could be added to Game Pass in a few days, weeks or months.
Sometimes, you just don't know when to anticipate some of these additions. We knew Mass Effect Legendary Edition would join Game Pass Ultimate via EA Play eventually, but we didn't know it'd drop as soon as this January. There was no clear indication that Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy would arrive on Game Pass last month, but that's exactly what ended up happening on March 10th.
It's a risk you have to take these days, and of course, buying a copy guarantees you'll get to keep the game longer than its Game Pass lifespan in any case. But today, we're interested to know those moments you've been "burned" by Game Pass announcing something you hadn't anticipated, especially when you would have rather waited.
Has it ever happened to you? What game was it? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Yup. Guardians of the Galaxy. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 among others…
Also freaking Octopath Traveller (had held off on this game for like 2/3 years) and Danganronpa physicals for Switch just before they were added to Gamepass. Also had Paradise Killer ordered physically on Switch which is… now on Gamepass.
If there is a game you want on Gamepass (or even Xbox) let me know. I will buy it somewhere else and it will get a super speedy port. Might be time for me to order FFVIIR on PS5 and see what happens.
I bought Yakuza like a dragon a couple days before gpu announced the yakuza ganes5 would come to gpu.
Nier Automata for me. Don't regret my decision. Not one bit...
Bought tons of Bethesda games and DLC in a publisher sale they had. A few weeks later Microsoft announced his plans to acquire Bethesda.
I bought the Danganronpa trilogy on Switch a week before the first game came to Game Pass... And based on how basically every Spike Chunsoft game is coming to Game Pass, I feel like the rest will follow suit and whenever I get around to buying Shiren the Wanderer 5 on Switch that will also get the Game Pass treatment.
This is a big reason why I only actually buy games that have already left Game Pass.
Guardians of the Galaxy I passed on every sale, because even though never announced I just knew it would end up on GP eventually.
I bought Death's Door on sale about a week before it appeared on Game Pass. Probably won't even play it for another year or so.
Even worse. I have purchased games on other consoles, not realizing they were currently on Game Pass.
Not yet but I did buy Avengers on sale, played the campaign, was disappointed by the campaign and then 3 months it came to game pass. So I could have been disappointed but £26 better off haha. Well £15 as it took me a month to play it.
Hitman 3 comes to mind
It really has turned into a bit of a chore as to what games you can play for free on which console. Or even games you already own. I've accidentally rebought games I already own on another platform!
Guardians of the Galaxy,
@HungryHungryHomer And I decided I am definitely going to add PS Plus Extra to my growing confusion. It's still a better problem than I had in my twenties which was being too damn broke for any games.
F1 2020 and '21. Luckily thanks to Microsoft rewards I didn't pay lot for them. '21 set me back a totally of 18p.
Guardians of the Galaxy, death door and Control are great examples 🥺
i bought Scarlet Nexus about 3 weeks before it hit Game Pass, but i was perfectly fine with it because Scarlet Nexus is amazing and more people should play it lol
@ResoluteCustoms Rewards is incredible. i paid 30 bucks for Elden Ring. i would never have bought it at full price because there's no way i'll ever finish it lol
Not yet, but it’s bound to happen sooner or later unless I tread very carefully.
Me too.
It was slightly annoying but I did buy it in a sale.
@Thenewguy Same, Yakuza: Like a Dragon steelbook - hadn't even put the disc in the console!
Not bitter though, it's a great game (and series).
Not yet... but I have just bought CoD Cold War, so.
Mass Effect Legendary edition, a few days after I bought it and Control, but I did upgrade that to the Series x/s edition
@jiffymalaise same here. What an amazing game
Actually I consider GamePass Ultimate only a platform to try games: if I like it I will buy the game as soon as it goes on sale, to support the developer (even if I already finished the game). I would like to to buy them full price but i can afford it.
Finally I love to have a great digital collection of games; I know is a bit pointless but it is a little indulgence of mine.
The only purchase I got a bit mad was ff15. A week later it was $40, but I thought since it was new it wouldn't have a sale soon.
Not related but that's the only thing that happened to me so far.
Part of the gamble, I've saved more than I've spent, so I'm still ahead. (Though I have bought Undertale, FNAF 1, Haven, and Infernax to show support, even though I've beaten them all).
My most regretted xbox related purchase is still the NOW UNUSED avatar items, FF13 or one of the spinoff cane with a coat for your avvy, it was exclusive to the console bundle. I found an auction for it and I wanted it, bad (it was pretty cool). Ended up winning the auction against a few others, paid $40 for it.
A few weeks later it was added to the marketplace for like $5. I was not happy, but I took the risk. Shrug.
I bought games even though it was on gamepass. I like to own games not just rent them. Pshychonauts 2 the perfect example. and if physical version comes out I will buy it again
@jiffymalaise I did the opposite. I sold my PS4 copy of it to play it on Game Pass and then they took it off! Haha
Not Gamepass, but i bought Sonic Generations and a week later it was one of the games with gold
Yeah, Death’s Door is the recent example, but it’s happened a few times. Forgotten City was another one
FARMING SIMULATOR 🤦🏻♂️ but to be fair I emailed Xbox and explained the situation and they immediately refunded me. Unlike Nintendo do if you want a refund for an Eshop purchase!
I bought Death’s Door just before it went on to Game Pass. I was more than happy to support the devs though. So all good.
Guardians of the Galaxy for me
@fabisputza007 Yup, literally the day before the announcement but on PS5. I've decided I'll only buy PS5 exclusives on PS5 now as it seems many good multiplatform titles come to gamepass eventually and I'm in no rush considering our collective backlogs in this overwhelming age of gaming.
@K1LLEGAL it was on psplus with ps5 upgrade this past year I believe
Does buying a bunch of Bethesda games shortly before the acquisition announcement count?
Other than that, maybe Guardians of the Galaxy, but don't mind. When I buy a game its because I want to own it, games that enter GP eventually leave. Only games I avoid buying are MS first party games, because I know they will never leave the service (unless there is some licensing issue as is the case with older Forza games.)
More commonly, though, I have bought games after playing them on Game Pass.
I have bought no mans sky 3 times. The one game I regret buying to this day is ff 15 that things combat was terrible. it is to bad to because the rest of the game seemed like it could be good.
on topic I know I bought a game right before it came on gamepass and was a little miffed but I cant remember what game no.
Yup! I had Maneater, Snow Runner and Burnout Paradise Remastered on an xmas wishlist for our Switch…. got em all not knowing we’d be getting a series x in January, and of course all three games on gp.
@RBRTMNZ @HungryHungryHomer for a while I used GOG Galaxy to manage my collection. You could connect and import your whole list of games direct from XBox, PlayStation, Steam, Epic, Origin, Uplay, Amazon and of course GOG. Unfortunately it didn’t work quite as well as intended, which was a shame, but it's better then nothing and saved me rebuying a few games by accident!
gamepass has stopped me buying games
I bought Stardew Valley and never played it then a month later it hit game pass but I don't feel bad for buying it as when I did play it I had a great time
Guardians of the Galaxy (1 week after purchase) and ME Legendary Edition (3 weeks).
I regret nothing.
Guardians of the Galaxy, Nier Automata, Scarlet Nexus, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, to name but a few. There have been many, many others. I also went on a rampage one day and bought every single available Final Fantasy game, only for them to turn up on the Games Pass a few weeks later. Plus I have bought every single Bethesda game, though they would not qualify as just before...
@themightyant thanks for the tip! A site I use for tracking my switch library dekudeals.com recently added Xbox and PS games so I am tracking everything there now. They have a helpful label for when things are on Game Pass.
Bought Guardians Of The Galaxy the week before it was announced. No regrets, it's a great game.
I’ve been the guy who buys the occasionally game that leaves Game Pass while it’s on sale, like Final Fantasy VII and Yakuza 1 and 2. And I hold out on everything. I guess I will have it happen soon enough as I recently bought Diablo 2 and 3 and Overwatch thinking they were safely never coming to Game Pass…
Bought Spelunky 2 on PS4 at launch, as well as Telling Lies on PC at launch. Other ones I got on other platforms include Townscaper, Tetris Effect, Edith Finch, Outer Wilds. Okay I guess this has happened more than I realized.
Death's door, but I got it on PC and enjoy playing 2D games on an arcade stick, so that was fine.
Yeah it happened to me a few times, especially if I include some indie games I bought on the Switch. It's all good though, proves how I should just try out indies when they hit GamePass, and EA games like F1 I am now going to wait for, which is what I did with F1 2021.
A few unfortunately mostly mass effect legendary and maneater
@Eejay Yeah. Its a great game. Definetly worth owning.
@Nic-Noc20th-C I also bought it on sale. Doesn't really bother me.
@RBRTMNZ Dekudeals is good too as is PSPrices which also does other platforms
It was Deaths Door for me
@jiffymalaise I'm the opposite! I started playing it right before it left gamepass so I had to turn around and buy it lol
I preordered the Deluxe Edition of Planet Coaster about 2 months before launch, then day before launch they announced its coming to gamepass day one!!! I was fuming!!!
Deaths Door. Guess they deserve the money though.
It's happened to me so many times, now I'm extremely hesitant when buying anything and I'm also extremely skeptical when something is on sale.
I did last year when MLB The Show first came to Xbox. I bought for the pre-order extra and early access.
This year, I waited for Gamepass. $$$ saved..
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