Last year, several notable releases found themselves under scrutiny for releasing in a broken state. Sadly, this trend has continued into 2015 as yet another broken game is available for purchase. This time around it is publisher 505 Games who have put a horrendous version of Overkill Software's popular cooperative shooter Payday 2 up for purchase.
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition is meant to be an updated and improved version of the Xbox 360 release that originally came out in 2013. Instead of improving on the original, Crimewave Edition is full of glitches, server errors, and terrible artificial intelligence. If anything, this is a shining example of how not to release a remastered version of a game which is a couple of years old.
Payday 2, when it works, is meant to be played with other players online, where they use cooperation to pull off various types of heists. This means that up to four players can participate in criminal activity such as robbing banks, cooking meth, and stealing jewellery. Sadly, it sounds far more interesting than it actually is since no matter the scenario, the game largely plays the same.
Almost every single scenario in the game has the player reaching a protected area and then having to wait a designated amount of time to achieve a goal (waiting for crystal meth to cook, for a drill to crack a safe, etc.). While waiting, wave after wave of enemies try to disrupt your work by occasionally shooting the player. Constantly having to shoot enemies shouldn't be a nuisance as the gunplay found in Payday 2 feels solid, but the enemy's artificial intelligence is hilariously bad.
There is no rhyme or reason to how cops will try to stop the player. Often police officers will just stand in the line of fire while looking clueless and aiming at nothing. One of the most embarrassing experiences that was encountered during our time with Payday 2 was when the game tasked the players with surviving a police onslaught for five minutes while awaiting an escape vehicle. The solution was to simply walk twenty feet away from the spawn point, crouch behind a wall and wait. Not a single shot hit us as the cops were too confused by the cunning escape strategy.
Adding to the poor showing by Overkill Software is that the game's computer-controlled partners are even more aggravatingly dumb. In fact, they aren't much more than a bullet sponge that will fire back at enemies. They don't accomplish any of the mission's goals, so it's up to the human player to do everything notable. This means the player will have to collect all the meth ingredients, crack open any safes, and steal all the valuables from levels.
Perhaps the most jarring example of the A.I. can be seen during Payday 2's stealth sequences. Instead of assisting during the mission, the computer just stands by the spawn point the entire time.
With this being a cooperative online game, you may be wondering why it matters that the computer partners are terrible. After all, in theory, players can count on the smart play of others to successfully pull off heists. This is not the case as it is impossible to join online games in the game's menu. Instead, the game offers up an error code every time you try to join another person's game.
This issue apparently is only affecting the Xbox One release of the game, so Payday 2: Crimewave Edition may be proper fun on PlayStation 4 or PC. That doesn't matter though. What matters is that 505 Games released a broken game and are asking players to purchase it.
Not everything is terrible in Payday 2: Crimewave Edition, though! The game includes all of the DLC that was released for original title, which means players can pull off heists as Keanu Reeves. Yes, Neo himself is a playable character! It was thrown in as co-promotion for Reeve's 2014 film John Wick, but it is a silly high-point of this 2015 release.
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition also looks rather nice on Xbox One. It is actually more fun to explore the environments than to play the poorly designed game. Players can even check out the individual products on sale at a convenience store (which you can promptly rob, of course!)
Other than those few highlights, there isn't much to like about Payday 2: Crimewave Edition. In fact, even if the online play worked properly it would still be a middling experience that doesn't compare to the likes of Evolve and Left 4 Dead 2.
There is no excuse for an online co-op focused game to ship with the online side of things not working. It is even more inexcusable that a patch hasn't been released yet to remedy the situation. At the time of writing, the game has been available for three weeks and is still broken. Payday 2: Crimewave Edition is an embarrassing, broken release that should be avoided by consumers and is a black eye on the current state of video game publishing.
Comments 13
Ouch! Better stay away from this then. Thanks for the warning!
I was thinking about this, guess I'll not bother! Cheers T, saved me some money...
Was the 360 version's AI still stupid, and was it a glitchy mess?
@A_BabyRed_Yoshi no clue, only reviewed Xbox One version.
I've got this and don't think it's that bad. Its not great and worrying no patch to get it better. But I think its quite good in parts not great at all but better than a two that's for sure.
So sick of companies releasing broken games! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these companies?
I was never really intetested in this game anyways. I am so tired of this endless string of online focused shooters. Snore. Especially broken ones. Sounds like I am not missing much.
If a game is released in the condition this review says it's in.......the "2" rating is well deserved.
@KelticDevil the review for this game was spot on. And i know this sounds weird but its still a fun game l was lucky that I got this game cheap of a mate who wanted money to put towards batman. I would never pay full price for this game because it has got serious problems and its clear its not had any love given it as still no patch. But for sum reason it still pulls me back time and time again and I'm playing this more than other games at the moment and I've got batman and Moto gp so this game for me has something. If they brought a patch out and fixed some issues this game could go well up in the score marking for me. But at the moment the review it was given is spot on.
"I think it's quite good in parts not great at all but better than a two that's for sure." - jasper81
I was just responding to that quote. The one where you say it's better than a two.
At any rate.......if you like the game, more power to you. I am always just worried we are sending these companies the wrong message when we, as consumers, purchase buggy, non-working games & put up with it.
We shouldn't need all these gigantic patches that come out on day 1 or a week later. These companies should finish their games properly before they ship/release the game to the public. Giving these idiotic companies money after doing something this, sends the wrong message to other idiotic companies thinking of doing the same thing.
Was hardly interested anyways. Now I'm certainly not interested.
@KelticDevil I agree with everything you say. Its strange that this game was down for a Christmas release perhaps they should of spent more time on it lol.
It seems like a patch was just released now. Anyone able to test it out?
@Anthinator still getting errors trying to join in on games, but I was able to create a match with no issues. So I got to play my first online match. So, it isn't totally busted anymore.
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