Call of Duty fans don't appear to be happy with the creative direction of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as its reveal trailer has received over 1 million "Dislikes" on YouTube.
Released only a week ago on May 2, the Infinite Warfare reveal trailer is currently the 7th most disliked video on YouTube and still climbing. In comparison, the reveals of the two previous Call of Duty titles, Advance Warfare and Black Ops III, have only received 51,000 and 80,000 dislikes to date, respectively.
Things then went from bad to worse for Activision, when EA announced what they have planned for the next Battlefield. Battlefield 1 has received an overwhelmingly positive response of 1 million "Likes" on YouTube and even causing the hashtag #RIPCoD to trend on Twitter.
Ultimately, the opposing receptions of Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 boil down to the creative directions of both franchises. Call of Duty fans appear to be fed up with the modern/futuristic route and want the series to return to its World War roots, which is what DICE have chosen to do with Battlefield 1.
Despite the negative reception, Activision has managed to keep a cool head. During Activision Blizzard's quarterly earnings call, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg stated that the community wants new innovative experiences, so Modern Warfare Remastered was made for nostalgic fans.
"Of course we know that there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots-on-the-ground-style gameplay, and that's why we made Modern Warfare Remastered. But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that. And the good news is this year we found a way to deliver both in one package while keeping our community together."
If what Hirshberg says is true, the nostalgic fans will still have to buy Infinite Warfare, since the only way to play Modern Warfare Remastered at this time is to purchase one of the more expensive Legacy or Deluxe Editions.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will launch on November 4th after Battlefield 1 drops on October 21st on Xbox One. EA Access subscribers will also get early access to Battlefield 1 for a limited time before launch with an Xbox One-exclusive Play First Trial.
Comments 21
HA! We all know this will still sell like wildfire. It's always "cool" to hate the newest game of a series, especially COD
@Justin5267 I am exactly the same - pre-ordered the Legacy Pro edition already. I think a lot of the dislikes are a 'reaction' to the 'Supply Drop' fiasco of the past couple of CoD's as well as a bit of a reaction to Ghosts - although I thought that was OK.
A lot of the 'dislikes' are rumoured to be bots and people creating multiple accounts to dislike it but its already received over 12m views. Its only the campaign and what the ex-Naughty Dog developers have said about it, it sounds interesting. Space fights - something absent from SW:BF - and side missions too...
@A_BabyRed_Yoshi It's almost like CoD has become the Justin Bieber of videogames, gets a lot of hate from people but still tops the lists with each new release. An awful comparison I know and I apologize. Don't mean no disrespect for either Bieber nor CoD. But they are both popular to criticize hardly.
Call of Duty is always going to be a decent game. A good game even.
But good grief, even great games get old after the umpteenth annual iteration.
I don't blame those dislikes one bit. I'd dislike it too if I actually cared. But I'm beyond even caring about CoD at this point.
It got 1 million dislikes because the trailer sucked and they are, shamelessly, using the great COD 4: MW to try to sell this.
Still gonna sell millions. So this and people whining don't really matter. They're gonna buy it regardless
@KelticDevil Exactly. This one may finally be going for space, but nothing can save it from the BS. The name didn't make a good impression either. May as well been More Warfare or some other self-depreciating jab.
Coming from someone who isn't a big fan of the series, this negative reaction is another hilarious indicator of the childish mentality of most 'gamers' today.
I'm not saying the game and the way it's being handled isn't lame... but Jesus, I'm sure there are a lot of other YouTube videos out there that are far more qualified to be the fifth most hated of all time. There's a lot of crap out there...
Other than the fact I didn't like the trailer much, my main problem with this game is Infinity Ward.
This version of IW is not the same company that gave us amazing games in the past. This version has released two games (MW3 & Ghosts), which I felt were mediocre (MW3) and pure garbage (Ghosts). So this version of the company has swung & missed twice, which leaves me with very little confidence in this new game.
Add in the fact that they are using one of the greatest FPS's of all time (in my opinion), that was made by the OLD Infinity Ward, to try to sell this new one AND hiding it behind a paywall known as a fancier edition.....c'mon. They are almost begging for dislikes on YouTube.
This is hilarious. As if 'YouTube' likes/dislikes are any indicator of how a game will sell. I got bored of CoD after MW2 and can see why the fans of military shooters are unhappy with the sci-fi direction, but this will still sell by the boatload. I don't like the way the MW remake is (currently) only available if you buy the more expensive versions of the new game, but again I'm sure this is only temporary.
EDIT: Okay, so I watched the YouTube trailer. IF that is XB1 gameplay, I'm impressed! I'm actually interested to see if there is a decent single player campaign (although based on previous titles, I don't hold much hope). The (at time of writing) 1.4 million dislikes is clearly disgruntled fans voting multiple times, bots or just people jumping on the bandwagon. I gave it a positive vote as it did look interesting and graphically very good.
It will be interesting to see if all this fuss actually translates into actual sales differences between the two franchises or if this is yet another case of the vocal minority getting a disproportionate amount of attention thanks to the interweb...
The Ghostbusters reboot might be a good litmus test...
@stylon Wait up...if you listen carefully, you can almost hear the sound of the tills ringing at the box office already...
COD 4 was the last decent COD for me... I would love to get the remaster but I am not going to be giving Activision my cash for COD Infinite. For me Battlefield 1 is a day one purchase with the season pass.
Maybe people aren't down voting the trailer. Maybe they are down voting that God-awful cover of a Bowie classic playing over the second half.
@stylon : Wash your mouth out, the new Ghostbusters is going to be dreadful...
@Red620Ti There is no 'new' ghostbusters! There's a rubbish remake of a classic film. I refuse to associate it with one of my favourite films from my youth.
Agreed about Ghostbusters!
I think most of the dislikes now are just people disliking it for the sake of just seeing how many dislikes it can get.
People will still buy that s*** and the countless hd spit-shines we seem to be getting, next gen my foot.
[Mod edit: Watch your language, please.]
Sorry my bad
@Red620Ti LOL... where did I say that it was going to be good!
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