Comments 10

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Think Of Monster Hunter Rise So Far?


Counter-point from a MH semi-verteran here: Played MH3 on WiiU, MH4, MHG on 3DS, and MHU on 3ds AND Switch and MHW on PS4 (phew). I'm diving back in after playing on Switch, and this is the first in the series I lost interest in. I think it's these factors:
#1 QoL improvement overdone resulting in a lot of rinse/repeat gameplay: Monster immediately on the map - Run to it, or the other monster to silkbind it, monster vs monster, slam it into a wall, whittle down health. Shampoo, condition
#2 I feel Capcom followed the dollar and gave less meaningful special event quests. Before MHRise: Samus Aran armor/gun, Link Armor, shield, bow, Grappler Baki skins, Fairy Tale weapons, etc etc. Well aware some of those are Nintendo IP, but now you have a handful, and some of the rewards are... stickers?

In summary a step back in value in favour of a larger audience.