Comments 22

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2024?


It was good. 8/10. The one game brave enough to go for artistic style got shot down by everyone hoping they fix the frame rate lol (Shadow of Midnight.) The games weren't very diverse, with mostly thematics seperating them. But Perfect Dark gave me goosebumps. Indiana Jones still looks a little stiff to me. But the biggest compliment I can give is it looks like I'll be dusting off my Series S. Microsoft (I'll not call them XBox anymore) are still probably the more cynical of the big 3. Thy got an 8/10 but had to spend 100 billion dollars to pass it off as their own. That will always be nauseating for me.

Re: Roundup: Here's What Was Revealed At The Xbox 'Business Update Event'


So basically, they want to grow XBox hardware and Gamepass subscriptions but don't mind slapping the live service games and smaller niche titles that probably didn't hit their targets on other systems. The goal posts probably have wheels fitted so they can be moved as they learn and I'm sure their ultimate long term goal is to have everyone tied to a subscription service somewhere. They get to play the magnanimous card while we are all being herded.

Re: Xbox's Phil Spencer Was Dead Serious About Wanting To Acquire Nintendo In 2020


Absolutely disgusting. A wildly arrogant reflection on a company that is totally tone deaf of Nintendo's culture, but wealthy enough to simply buy success.

Hurry up Switch 2, you can't come soon enough. With Phil Spencer wanting to own the industry and turn it into a sterile PC for babies environment and Jim Ryan steering Sony the opposite direction to what I see as gaming, I hope AAA eats itself, whilst fighting over everything.

Re: Microsoft Activision Blizzard Acquisition Given Greenlight In US After FTC Loses (Again)


The FTC's line of reasoning was skewed far to heavily towards Sony to have the interest of competition at the fore. They really needed to go after exclusivity deals which are manipulative and blatently anti competitive (but that's hard because everyone does it - maybe the industry needs some sort of legislation.)

Microsoft's case was they need more studios to compete. No idea why it was never raised that they already have enough to compete, but they aren't doing much with them.

Anyhoo, it's hard to be invested in anything Activision. Their monetary practices are unaligned with my love for the hobby. I do hope they don't try to aquire Japanese studios and turnthem into generic western ones. That would be heartbreaking. But, I fear we are going to see more aquisitions...and everyone will now be using the excuse of having to compete to do it. And Nintendo could get hurt in the crossfire.