We've been waiting on a response all day from Xbox boss Phil Spencer following this morning's massive leak of Xbox information, and now the Microsoft Gaming CEO has released a short statement on social media.
In his message, Spencer pointed out that the leak was based on old information and "so much has changed" since then, enthusing that there's a lot to be excited about and his team will reveal the "real plans" when they're ready.
"We've seen the conversation around old emails and documents. It is hard to see our team's work shared in this way because so much has changed and there's so much to be excited about right now, and in the future. We will share the real plans when we are ready."
As you've probably seen, today's leak included plans for an Xbox Series X refresh in 2024, a new controller codenamed "Sebile", a bunch of unannounced games from Bethesda, and a whole lot more.
But as Phil says, a lot of this could have changed over the past year-or-so, and therefore it remains to be seen how things will play out in the future. How much of it will actually come to pass? It could be a long time until we find out...
What do you make of Phil's statement? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 68
The Bethesda roadmap made it pretty clear it was a few years old. Thankfully, there was nothing too shocking or unpredictable that was shared but still a massive shame that it happened.
I hope the Fallout 3 remake is still moving ahead, along with an added Fallout: New Vegas remake.
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! The Great and PowerPhil Oz has spoken!”
Well, maybe spoken in a more gentle demeanor, but yeah what a spoiler alert we got today. Team Xbox has to be scrambling.
“Hey don’t believe my press statements, i’m full of ***** on the record”
Looks like some trolls are out.
It’s clear some of the stuff is a couple years out of date. Bethesda’s roadmap still had Starfield listed for 2021/2022.
So, Phil isn’t lying. He’s just saying that some things will be different than the leaks, which is a pretty obvious statement to make.
Nothing from the leaks is new or surprising (despite the hysteria on rival news sites). Yes, some of the things they thought of doing aren’t good for the industry. But it’s just normal talk that happens in high end businesses.
It’s just that most gamers/gaming journalists have no idea how the business world works, it seems.
As I was saying most of what we will see will be very different. I saw a lot of "content creators" staying all this old info to be fact. The Xbox haters were out in full force today but they will have egg on thier spotty faces.
I hope that controller comes to light.
i feel like letting ms buy activision/blizzard was a mistake.
‘We’ll share the “real” plans when we are ready’
I read that as if a villain from a movie was saying it 😂
These are the decoy plans. The real plans involve many more controllers.
The emails were over 3 years old. I’m more concerned about how vicious some of the comments can be (across these 3 sites) directed at one human man who is actually just doing his job. I don’t support the whole Xbox buying Nintendo thing either but wow the hatred towards Phil can get real from some people.
Imagine doing your job at that level in an entertainment company that many people love and the community you deliver to calls you a parasite, liar, two-faced… amongst other things. Shame some of these comments aren’t monitored better to be honest. So much for #BeNice or whatever.
There was an article a year or so ago on PushSquare where everyone was making fun of the way Jim Ryan looks as well. That wasn’t nice either. Just all a bit ***** really. Different when you are attacking a corporation like Xbox or Playstation but when it’s a human with a family I just don’t get it. Unless they actually did something bad. But this isn’t it.
@Kienda ah yes trolls because they don’t believe everything Phil says?! No company speaks the total truth. Everything is PR spin.
He wasn’t going to come out and say everything is true.
What amazes me across these sights is no one understands how corporations work.
Controller with anti drift sticks is hopefully real. It's the only thing i cared about from the whole leak lol
Lots of people here that are just crapping on Xbox... Honestly, it was really unfortunate that this information got out. I don't see why people are vilifying Phil. Xbox is still headed in the right direction. Game Pass is still the best deal in gamin. It is GREAT to see that Xbox is investing in the long term. Just think... ten years ago Xbox almost ended.
Damage control written by lawyers and marketing.
@K1LLEGAL Finally seeing humanity amongst all this. Lordy! Been reading the comments between here and Nintendo Life, so much vileness. And to be fair, Xbox buying/partnering with Nintendo is not the worst thing in the industry. I can think of at least 3 more corporations that would be way worse for Nintendo and the entire industry. Sony, Embracer and EA. All capable of absorbing Nintendo, and 2 of which would just gut the company and either kill all future creativity (EA) or gut and dump (Embracer). But according to all the comments you’d think that Phil was a literal Satan and capable of far worse than those companies all by himself.
It’s laughable, but extremely sad at the same time that people feel the need to attack a person like that just for doing his job.
As much i love my Xbox this very much reminded me on why i don't like MS and its PR man. Some of the leaks were good though but the bad stuff sure is bad and really shows what MS want to happen.
@Dm9982 Considering what MS done to Rare i want them no where near Nintendo. Anyway Nintendo will never sell especially with where they are now and Japan would never let a western corp buy them, Phil and MS would have been laughed out of the door if they offered to buy them.
@DennisReynolds Me either, was just making a point. However, they have come a long way since the Rare purchase, plus most members of Rare left before the acquisition. And a lot of the bad business to devs and gaming is less to do with Xbox/MS as a whole, and more with Don Mattrick and his horrible ideals.
That all said, I would much prefer Nintendo stay independent, and likely they will after the major moves with theme parks, movies, and other licensing of their IP. I say this as someone who grew up in the 80s, has owned all Nintendo systems and have been a Nintendo fan ever since my grandma got me an NES in 1986.
Only time will tell with other studios they’ve acquired in recent years, like Double Fine, InXile, Obsidian, Bethesda, idSoft, and such.
@ParsnipHero me too , the controller was something i kept asking about cause Phil mentioned it would be a thing at some point in an interview. So we sort of knew from that that Microsoft was looking to revise the controller. Just happy to know it didn’t fall off and is still happening. Day 1 buy for me and i am sure i will get more than 1.
This leak really wasn't that earth shattering. A disc-less Series X, new controller, a few games that were either rumored or common-sense next projects, the price estimates of some of the 3rd party gamepass titles, and a click-baity headline about buying Nintendo that takes the email out of context (he even explains how it is not currently possible).
@GhanaViking 100% agree and thanks for keeping it real and honest. So many people make their money (youtube) or enjoyment out of crapping on Xbox. More so than actual people talking about whatever they do like. Shows Xbox scares people cause of those MS dollars, and I’m ok with that. As the saying goes, you got to spend money to make money and i hope MS continues to spend.
@Dm9982 ‘there's so much to be excited about right now, and in the future’ - Totally true, what a year Xbox has already had, starfield has just dropped and Forza is on its way. Party animals, MK1 and Myth force all just dropped and Assassins Creed coming soon. Lots on Game Pass too.
Phil’s doing a great job overall at the moment. Sure he drops the ball sometimes but he’s just one man and gets way too much hate.
And to all the awful comments on Nintendo life, personally I wouldn’t want Microsoft buying Nintendo either, that would be awful. But the hate is terrible. Also think back to the WiiU days, and what a sad state Nintendo was in then … another company buying them at that time and if the switch was a flop isn’t so crazy when looking at it from a certain point of view.
@LordFunkalot Honestly, and I’ve been saying it since Xbox and Nintendo got Buddy Buddy with Ori and such, they really should just partner up. Have some shared services, aka NSO+ on Xbox and Game Pass on Switch. Phil wants screens, and that would be a heck of a way to get them. Nintendo could use more screens as well since they’re expanding brand power. That would be a tremendous amount of hurdles for both companies, and probably nothing more than a Green Pipe dream. But I do believe there has been a lot of people who used their S/X with RetroArch and such to likely play titles from NES/SNES/N64 era, plus who doesn’t want to play Fallout and Fable on Switch? Absolute win I’d think.
So many more subs to GP and NSO+ sold that way…..
@Dm9982 Buddy partnership for some stuff would be awesome and way to go. Rare replay and back catalog on Nintendo. Gamepass on switch and NSO and some Nintendo IPs on Xbox etc would be amazing. I was surprised that there wasn’t cross play online with Goldeneye 007, that would have been cool.
I dont see how fallout 3 needs a remaster it already runs at 4k 60 on series X.
what else can you do to it apart from remake it
@HonestHick I hope there's an option without the rubber grips on the bottom. That's really my only issue with the controller. Everything else sounds good.
Lol! So much has changed? Nah, their long game has become transparently clear. Pull the other one.
That’s better Phil, nice simple cool statement.
All the people saying “MS SHOULD SUE THE FTC THEY ARE INCOMPETENT” have certainly gone quiet since it was revealed this is and MS screw up. Also another takeaway from this comment section is the staunch defence of Phil Spencer and vilification of people attacking him….has anyone read the comment section here whenever literally anything Jim Ryan related comes up? It’s absolutely vile. Can’t agree enough that we shouldn’t be attacking peoples character/looks/views so maybe let’s extend that to both sides.
@husker42c fair enough. I look very forward to this as the Xbox controller has been HUGE to my 3 consoles ownership as to where i buy and prefer to play my games. The Dual sense is uncomfortable for me as has been the other 4 PS controllers. Do i put up with it for the PS exclusives? Absolutely, but that don’t mean i have to play my 3rd party games with it and there in lines where my deepest commitment to Xbox is and thats that they have a 3D controller setup that my hands fit perfectly and Sony has a 2D controller setup that makes my thumbs and wrist hurt after 30 mins. Nothing in which i said is a fanboy console statement as i own all 3, but there will be favorites. I tend to like to say if a person bought 3 different baseball gloves one would fit them better to catching the ball and they would support that. Bad example i know, but i think my point is made. 😀
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I said trolls because they were clearly not reading what Phil had said.
We know he’s not lying because we can see the emails. Phil did not say, “None of this is true.” He said, “so much has changed”.
Has Phil guilty of PR spin in the past? Sure. But this statement is straight forward and verifiable because we can see how inaccurate things are because of the Bethesda timeline which was not accurate to what released.
@Kaloudz What kind of boots do you wear?
@somnambulance scrambling for what? No reason to scramble over any of this.
@Krzzystuff Same here, except for I thought the controller was ugly. It just doesn't look right with the way the grips are.
@GrailUK imagine thinking you know more than Phil about this situation.
This is the expected response. It’s clear the Bethesda documents were very old (3+ years), from the time before the acquisition, pre/early covid and massively over-optimistic. Expect those to change the most.
But the Xbox up to 2030 plan is only a year old, and was a hardware and business strategy for the next 8 years. I’d expect most of that to hold weight going forward, at least for the next few years. The further out we get the more will change.
I'm just hoping for that handheld 😍👌
@Wardstone234 The Handheld was in their "not in scope for 1st party" section/chart (along wit Earbuds, Media Remote and Mobile Controller). It seems clear to me they were expecting third parties (e.g. Asus ROG Ally) to be the handheld, and fill these other gaps.
@K1LLEGAL Completely agree mate. Sadly this is what so much of gaming discourse has become nowadays. A toxic cesspit filled with platform warriors and malcontents trying to cause a ruckus and score points.
I hate it.
Not least it means you can't even be critical, and attempt to be balanced, or call things out without getting shoved into that toxic group. Sad times.
I hope the roadmap is old and they have reconsidering a middle gen refresh with more power on cpu and gpu rather than more storage and psu. Give us a pro model with 16tflop+ gpu power/Zen4 cpu/24gb gddr6 2TB ssd and the elite 3 controller!
@GeeEssEff well they certainly can't sue themselves lol. If this was the FTCs fault they definitely should be suing their asses cuz it's a lot of data they didn't want to show to the public, competitors especially. Still sucks a lot for them but it's their fault so all they can do is let the person responsible go really.
@Lightning720 Eh? Xbox’s entire roadmap to 2030 leaked and it wasn’t shocking or surprising?
@ZYDIO it's not as good looking with the two tone colours but honestly i won't be looking at it, I'll be watching the screen. I just need them fancy sticks, all the other stuff is a bonus as well but just care about preventing stick drift.
I agree the vitriol is apparent on both 'sides', @GeeEssEff, but I do not agree that there is the same level of hate aimed at Sony as there is at Microsoft, or that there is the same level of hate aimed at Ryan as there is Spencer.
Microsoft are seen as the evil overlords on Push who can do no right, even if it benefits those that game on a PlayStation. There is no similar view of Sony here on Pure.
I've been reading and commenting on both sites for a few years now, and honestly, there is a different level of hatred aimed at Microsoft, Xbox and Xbox gamers on Push than you ever see in here. I'm not saying there are never any such comments, but it is at a different level on Push...
In fairness, @S1ayeR74, every generation is around 7 or 8 years long, and as there were problems due to Covid and supply issues, it stands to reason that this generation may actually be slightly elongated. So it is entirely possible that this generation will be up to 10 years long. Is it shocking? Not really. It's just confirmation of what we would have otherwise expected...
You can always count on Phil giving the most politically correct answer in every situation.
So if this is out of date information about their plans why was it send to the FTC? Wouldn't they need to send their up to date information about what their current plans are?
We will share the real plans when we are ready
Should have instructed everyone at Microsoft about the reveal plans then,hey?😉.
Phil should have just come out and declare that the next Doom, TES6, Dishonoured will be PC/Xbox/ GamePass exclusive...that would have pushed the vitriolic comments(across gaming sites) to stratospheric levels 😅.
Christ the console 'wars' are the most tedious thing about modern gaming. It was tiresome when I was a kid and it was Spectrum vs C64/Amstrad or SNES vs Megadrive but it was mostly lighthearted.
It's depressing how ridiculous it's become and how one of my favourite hobbies has attracted some very intolerant, hateful and toxic people.
Just depressing.
@Kobeandodom I mean, it’s a couple years worth of big unveils that were potentially spoiled. At least they can gauge public interest early, I suppose. It’s still got to be extremely frustrating for the team.
the controller is a great, hope that comes out next year! It's needed. Some bells and whistles please Xbox at a good price.
Phil words always get twisted, it's a good post and he's right! Exciting times for Xbox fans for sure!
@Fiendish-Beaver I completely appreciate your view but for me I find it the polar opposite. I think everyone has a bit of bias and I will openly admit to being more PS biased so probably see toxicity more on this site than Push through my own lens.
I think here it is slightly more centralised to a few people but there’s half a dozen users who if you look through their comments they talk negatively about Sony in 90% of them regardless of whether it’s related to the topic or not. So many people on both sides just align their entire personality to loving/hating a company or CEO who doesn’t even know they exist.
@GeeEssEff to be fair I have all 3 consoles and. Moment across all 'sister' sites because they all are relevant to me, but my bias slant changes based on mood. Like when my switch controller has drift issues I get annoyed with Nintendo naturally. Same when Sony release a game I want for £70 I refuse to pay for or whenever Phil opens his arrogant mouth 🤣
Just why does he bother speaking such garbage all the time. I'm a Liverpool fan but no fan would defend Henderson for the garbage he spouted about not going to Saudi for money. Why does Phil get a free pass!?!
On second thought, announce that Oblivion remake and I'll take it all back Phil 😁
@Fiendish-Beaver I'd argue PS owners aim the same level of vitriol against Jim and Phil. Hardly anyone on Push Square will defend comments against Jim, but say something negative against Phil here and BOOM! I honestly don't understand it. Can't stand either of them in their respective roles. They both remind me of rival politicians who I wish I didn't have to vote for.
I hope that any design of a digital only Series X doesn't end up being a cylinder. Awkward looking and unnecessary.
I am sure not much has changed based on the leaks. I expect more or less everything that was leaked. The only debatable one is Ghostwire 2 in my opinion. I would like to see it, but I am not sure the first one was successful enough for a second one.
I do expect a mid-generation refresh, I expect a all-digital Series X, and we already know most of the games leaked.
Finally I do expect a new controller to have hepatics comparable to the latest dual shock (LOL. I have some pretty worn controllers and have been waiting).
i wonder if that photo is a recent one?
(A Hexen remake would be very cool)
Phil Spencer is def passioned about Xbox and I do hope that the controller gets released, so 3rd party devs will implement those features more (= more support for the Sony DS).
I never buy mid-gen consoles and totally not sold on digital only!
However, Nintendo needs to remain Nintendo! I do hope their successor has some special features in mind!
I’ve been on a physical collecting binge lately (Xbox is very easy and cheap to collect with off eBay and w backwards compat you actually get to play on modern console) I’m wondering if I should be investing more in digital from here on out?
@Krzzystuff Didn't it say they were modular analog sticks? That means replaceable hopefully. I find that funny because you probably won't need to replace them if they are using hall effect sensors.
I am not sure if this has been stated but this feels like it might be intentional on Microsoft side. Like here are these things we are thinking about let us slip it out and feel out the community response to these possible scenarios. This way they have a wide range of critical feedback to help them gage the potential release. For example many are excited about the controller so they can move forward with the controller. However other items that gets the most negative or disinterested comments they can re-work or say it was a leak and not really in the planning as it was internally communicated. In the end i think this will help Microsoft move forward with better options for their fans.
@Kobeandodom Is that a John Lennon song?
@Dm9982 what boggles my mind is how many people actually believe that Nintendo would be bought out. Proof that people don't know how corporations operate
@DennisReynolds Microsoft has already been laughed at for this. They approached Nintendo with a buyout proposal before the OG Xbox came out and were literally laughed out of the building.
@CorugatedZant Yeah, it ain’t happening. Even if Nintendo had, say 3 Wii U type flops in a row, they’d sooner drop out of the console business and become pure software devs. Even at that point, the likelihood of getting take over is slim. They’re smart, and they’d likely have a double down of expanding their brand set in place before the 3rd flop which would greatly increase their net worth. Stuff in the realm of hotels, casinos, and more movies. And they’ve already got measures in place preventing a hostile takeover via majority stock holdings, they watch that extremely carefully.
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