Comments 15

Re: Forza Motorsport Update 2 Coming Mid-November, Here Are The Early Patch Notes


@JayJ Metacritic is undoubtedly flawed but there are usually just as many reviews giving unwarranted 0's as well. So it does balance out. And there are absolutely loads of troll reviews on steam as well so there is no infallible system. All that matters to me is I'm having more fun than ever with a racing game. So, to me, this update can't come soon enough.

Re: Forza Motorsport Update 2 Coming Mid-November, Here Are The Early Patch Notes


@InterceptorAlpha I respect your opinion but I really do like the mechanic. If they wanted to make a F2P game, they would. It's fine to dislike it but there is no way this mechanic will leave the game as it is integral to the way this game is made. I find the Asphalt system to be much less developed.
I'm not saying that you need to love this game and I understand a lot of people don't. But patches aren't going to remove a system that this game was essentially built around. And one that some people are indeed having fun with. (Also, it's sat at 7.9 on user score metacritic so really isn't hated as much as you seemed to suggest.

Re: Pick One: Which Is The Best Bethesda Game Studios RPG?


Way I see it, the best RPG they've made is Morrowind. But the best game is a bit harder. Skyrim is probably just ahead of Starfield to me
Note, weird that Fallout 76 is counted but ESO isn't, considering they're both MMO's?
No real duds in the group though is a credit to their catalogue.

Re: Roundup: Here's What The Critics Are Saying About GRID Legends


Played an hour on EA Play. Thought the story was shockingly good but the gameplay was bland. Paled in comparison to Grid Autosport, Forza, F1 and, very soon, likely Gran Turismo. I like that they are trying to be more cinematic with video game stories but I just found the racing to be so bland.

Re: Reaction: This Year's Shaky E3 Was Held Up By Xbox And Nintendo


@Vinsanity I think Microsoft did superbly but Nintendo targeted their core audience well; bringing games that core Nintendo gamers will be happy with. I like the Advance Wars artstyle a lot and bringing back a lot of dormant franchises helps build the Nintendo hype train.
Don't get me wrong, Xbox was excellent in its own way but without these two big companies, who could realistically just do their own independent shows, E3 would have been a bore fest.