Bethesda is gearing up for the release of its highly anticipated Xbox Series X|S and PC title Starfield in 2022.
As part of this, company legend Todd Howard has shared a special holiday message to all of the members of Constellation (it's a Starfield reference). At the same time, he's also used it as an opportunity to provide a progress update on the development.
Apparently, it's going well and the team can't wait to show it to fans next year:
"We want to thank you for becoming part of Constellation, the team has made such great progress on Starfield this year, we can't wait to show it to you next year."

Just yesterday, Bethesda also gave us a look at a new lush and green environment that players could expect to discover in the game:
Starfield is currently planned for a 11th November 2022 release and will take players on a journey through space as they strive to answer's humanity's greatest mystery.
Are you excited to learn more about Starfield next year? Comment down below.
Comments 23
Less than 1 year. ***hyped*** I need to finish my fallout 3, Fallout new vegas, and Fallout 4 playthroughs...
Why wait then?
I never tried the elder scrolls and tried an hour or less of fallout 3 and new vegas. Bethesda and western rpgs in general never clicked with me. Maybe I’ll try this since it’s a new IP and there’s no barrier since I could download it for “free” with gamepass.
And the fans can't wait to see it. Well this one anyway.
It just works...
I can't wait to see it either
I'm guessing we still have to wait around 6 months for the E3 show to be shown the gameplay
I was hoping for a Skyrim announcement
I mean. I have hopes for this but when they said one planet would be as big as Skyrim I died a little inside.
Probably still be a great crack though.
Hope they can't wait to release it in 2022 as well, unfortunately can see this getting delayed
As a ps5 owner this and a few other upcoming games like fable and avowed are the reason I bought a series s as a second console, I’m loving it so far!
@Ile halo was delayed from its initial release date so its possible with starfield especially as all we've seen is concept art, it's just my opinion though that I believe it will be delayed, though I hope it's not as for xbox that's "the" game I'm most wanting to play
@Ile delays have affected the whole gaming industry and the vast majority of major releases. It's not an odd take nor out of this world that this game gets pushed out. It's a massive project and we've seen next to nothing. Using Halo as an example? A game that was delayed a whole year! There is every chance this game gets delayed. I hope not but we will see.
Phil felt really good about Halo launching December 2020 and the Monster Energy Drink cans were already printed, HFW and GoW Ragnarok were 2021, and Pikmin 4 was nearly finished in 2016. Delays happen.....
But it's Todd, so it can launch in November, and then you can stop clipping through the ground brush by 2023, and then you can actually load your saves at least 6 months after that!
It just works!
@SacredPYRO They are working on installing skyrim into a toilet.
Look for it holiday 2023.
@NEStalgia Haha why put so much negative energy out my man, You come off like you don't enjoy the games at all. I will agree that Fall Out 76 should have been delayed and was released in an unacceptable state. But I truly do feel like the fiasco with Cyber Punk has made an impression on the game industry. Hopefully making more of an emphasis on releasing a product that is not riddled with bugs... And yes CDPR getting of on that law suit only paying 1.8 Million is most definitely not going to help. I actaully have had this hunch that Starfield could have dropped in a very buggy state, a normal old Bethesda state of launch sadly. But took this year to polish, have a similar year to Halo in a way.
@Stoned_Patrol Haha, I had an Atari 2600. I remember the dark times. I'm jaded
And Bethesda.....doesn't have a great track record. At all. For quality launches. Or even quality 10th anniversary editions that still have the same bugs the launch did
Part of Bethesda's problem has been their engine though. They used Gamebryo forever and it was always horrible. They customized it a bit as Creation for FO4, 76, Skyrim. But it was still Gamebryo underneath. They've had a decade to work on improving it and say it's a whole new version 2 of the engine though, so maybe, hopefully, and with a tone of engine expertise pulled in from id, they maybe can move beyond a lot of the nightmare. Maybe.
But.....it's Bethesda. Coin toss?
I just hope this feels like a substantial step up from their previous games. Fallout 4 was such a disappointment. I actually built my last (and still current; thanks, covid!) PC to run it well, and... it did, but the game itself could barely hold my interest. Which is a shame, because I had a lot of fun with Fallout 3, which was super impressive when it first came out.
I really want a properly meaty sci-fi rpg to look forward to. Especially after Cyberpunk turned out to be an unfinished cashgrab.
So, color me interested. Depending on GPU prices after this releases, it could very well sell me on an Xbox if it's good enough.
Cant wait to see some gameplay reveal..
@SacredPYRO This time play as the dragon and see the story from his point of view.
this is the one thing I do not like about the Bethesda acquisition they used to be pretty tight lipped about their games and then boom here it comes in two or three months. Starfield has no reason to build hype everyone who loves your games is going to get it.
Ooh i can't wait till 3 years after this is released to get this game when it's finally in actual working condition
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