Comments 26

Re: Poll: How Many Xbox Games Have You Actually Bought This Year?


2 for me. CoD & NHL 22.

Key point from me though is the 2 games above are really the only 2 I ever bought. Now I have Game Pass, I’ve played 61 over the year.

I wouldn’t have considered myself a ‘gamer’ prior to Game Pass. Now I wear it as a badge of honour. I’ve found I love the smaller indie type games, games I would never have considered or even known about without Game Pass.

Re: Indie Devs Worry About What The Activision Deal Means For Xbox Game Pass


Until I had Game Pass I only played AAA games. Had never considered Indie, known about the games or had any interest. Since Game Pass, I’ve actually found that Indie games are the ones I love the most. I nearly exclusively play the Indie titles and although I have bought and downloaded AAA titles, I rarely play them now.

Game Pass has totally opened my eyes to an area of the market I just didn’t know existed before.

Re: Poll: How Are You Finding Quick Resume On Xbox Series X|S So Far?


Love it although still not perfect.

I’ve found issues with the Tomb Raider games. When I quick resume there’s no audio.

Little Nightmares, I’ll load into where I left off however next load from checkpoint will just freeze on blank screen.

For games I play online, it’s actually added a step for me as I choose to force quit the game to avoid any disconnected issues.

Overall, I think it’s great. Sometimes I forget the console has only been out a few months. Vast majority of games at the moment were designed without this feature in mind. I’m happy to live through the teething problems.

Re: Xbox Creator Offers Support For Teenage Fan 'Insulted In The Press'


I gamed lots in my pre-teens and teens. Stepped away from it for years.

Current climate has brought me back in. I couldn’t be happier. Having this type of escapism, an opportunity to connect with friends at a time when we must stay socially distant and also the sense of achievement by beating a hard level or winning a game against friends has been fantastic to have when there really isn’t much else to do.

I’m lucky enough to still have work when others can’t due to lockdowns. Gaming has in no way impacted my productivity.

Sad to see stories calling out kids like that.

Re: Many Xbox All Access Customers Are Left In The Dark About The Status Of Their Pre-Order


@Darylb88 I have spoken to Game again and it appears as though the order number I’m able to view via my account doesn’t match the actual Series X pre-order, which I received in my email.

You mentioned you also have a random cancelled order, does that order number differ from the confirmation Series S order received from Game?

It sounds like I have a good order for my Series X, which I completed via a guest account and therefore isn’t linked, and a cancelled random order against my account. Something I might have even done myself by accident during the madness!

Re: Many Xbox All Access Customers Are Left In The Dark About The Status Of Their Pre-Order


I pre-ordered my Series X online.

I’ve also pre-ordered the controller charger pack. The charger pack is showing as “Unshipped”, the Series X “Cancelled”.

I’m almost positive this means they took my order, confirmed it then realised they were out of stock. But the person I spoke to said everything was fine their end and to expect my Series X on launch.

To hear that your order @Pi3rc3y is showing as “Unshipped”, that doesn’t give me that warm fuzzy feeling at all!

Re: Many Xbox All Access Customers Are Left In The Dark About The Status Of Their Pre-Order


I’ve pre-ordered via Game. Got all my emails confirming finance is sorted, confirmation email from Game that order has been received successfully, even an email just 2 days ago thanking me for pre-ordering.

However, when I view the pre-order on my account, the status is “Cancelled”. I’ve struggled to but finally managed to speak to someone at Game who said my order looks fine their end.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour with their order via Game?