Welcome to the weekend! We've been treated to so many Xbox Game Pass titles over the past few days that you should definitely check out, and we've also got new Free Play Days entries and a free demo for Team NINJA's Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, along with over 600 great deals to choose from!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
I've already got a big enough backlog as it is, but I'm going to have to check out some of these new Xbox Game Pass titles from this week! Assassin's Creed Odyssey is calling to me, as are Ni No Kuni Remastered and Metal: Hellsinger, so it looks like I've got a busy week ahead. If I can get around to them all, that is...
Any other time I get will likely be spent on Disney Dreamlight Valley once again. It's one of those games that calms my mind like nothing else in the Xbox library, so I'm really hoping they keep adding more content to it on a regular basis.
Have a good weekend, folks.
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
Following this week's Call of Duty Next event, I've been meaning to dip back into some CoD MP, so I'll be playing a little bit of Black Ops Cold War this weekend to brush up on my online shooter skills.
I may also have to give Metal: Hellsinger a blast after reading our review on it recently. This was one I had my eye on picking up, but it's now been added to Xbox Game Pass on day one, which makes my mind up doesn't it!
Enjoy your weekend guys!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 41
Still playing FH5 but the servers seem to have gone to rubbish these last couple of days.
Given Metal:Hellsinger a go and I have no rhythm.
I envy anyone that hasnt played oddesey and will now do so!
Imo, its the best of their rpg creed games with toungue in cheek writing which really amused me!
Metal Hellsinger is providing amusement on game pass, been really enjoying it even though im not very good 😂
Im also trying Wo Long on PS5. I love team ninja, but I struggle with their games difficulty, curse my old reactions!
Whatever and where ever you play, I hope you have fun.
Will be playing Persona 3 Portable, GTA: Vice City, LEGO Batman, Immortals Fenyx Rising and Team Sonic Racing. Hoping to wrap up some games this weekend, like Batman and Sonic.
On Xbox it's continuing with Alice madness returns. Normally not the biggest platformer fan, but the dark spooky atmosphere gives a fun dimension to it. Loving it this far. Tried Metal Hellsinger for a bit, the music is amazing and the gameplay is fun for a bit here and there but won't play it much. I also started Ni No Kuni, which I never played yet. Seems like a very relaxing game to play. The art style from Studio Ghibly is amazing.
On my ps5 it's Spiderman Miles Morales. Swinging through Manhattan is very fun to do. Tried a bit of the Valkyrie Elysium demo this morning and it seems to be okish but nothing super special
Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Last one of the maingames I need to beat, after that I only have Dead Souls left for the spin offs (counting Judgment, Lost Judgment and Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise).
Besides that Fortnite should have a end of season event this weekend so probably that too.
After those are done I might pick Life is Strange 2 back up or I might start with Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins
PC game pass/ Series X I intend to play Metal Hellsinger, Midnight Fight Express, Fuga Melodies Of Steel and Tinykin. On Steam Singularity an underrated mix of Bioshock, Half Life and Wolfenstein. Also Rollerdrome and Generation Zero
On PS5 i will continue with Soul Hackers 2 but I have to admit I'm getting quite bored now, to point where I've abandoned the axis dungeon and just focussing on the story. I have just had my copy of Soulstice arrive so I will be playing that at some point.
On the Switch I will be giving Xenoblade chronicles 3 a rest so that I don't finish it before the next dlc pack comes out in October, got to get that new character and those all important swimsuits 😜, so instead I will be playing Pikmin 3 Deluxe which will be my first ever Pikmin game, time see what the fuss is about.
And on Series S I will be playing Yakuza 0, I've played an hour this morning and I like it so far, failed miserably at the karaoke mini game but I'm not 100% with the xbox controller yet, still forget where the XYBA buttons are when things get hectic.
On PS5 I'm halfway through TLoU2, which now looks inferior to Part 1 courtesy of the remake. Still an amazing game.
On XSX I'm playing Prey and Grid Legends. Prey is the System Shock in space I didn't know I needed and Grid Legends is the best Grid since the original one. I even like the cheesy story haha.
On Vita: God of War. It's incredible being able to play this game on a handheld. Still remember my 1st playthrough on PS2...
Have a good one folks!
AC Odyssey is brilliant. Give it a go. I've been struggling to get time to get on Xbox recently. Been playing Truberbrook, a point n click adventure. Finally got round to beating Plague Tale Innocence. I'll prob take a look at the Fortnite Event, well my daughter will and I'll just watch her lol
@Clankylad tried Immortality, can't really get into it. Don't think it's my cup of tea but I love the Wales Interactive FMV games.
Portal 2! Portal 2! Maybe some co-op on Portal 2!
Temtem for me, and some good ol' boardgames with friends.
Screwing around in Gta V single player, and playing some Hotwheels Unleashed, im really enjoying it.
@Waluigi-Donut nice that is a awesome game, really enjoyed it when i played it a long time ago
After getting the platinum trophy for The Last of Us Part 1 (my all time favorite game), I’ve been at a loss as to what to play. I’ve been bouncing around various games, but then I decided to read - and watch - reviews for Steelrising. The game received quite a solid reception, so I decided to buy it on a whim. I’m so glad I did, and this will tide me over until Deathloop arrives on Game Pass.
Steelrising is quite the gem. Is it graphically impressive? No. Is it technically and mechanically fluid? No. And yet, the game oozes charm despite it being janky, especially for a Souls-like game. I find the combat satisfying, and there are tons of weapons, armor, and other equipment to really create a fun build, which is something I’ve never cared much for in games similar to this. Typically, once I find a weapon I like, I stick with it; however, in this game I experiment a lot because all of the weapons are a blast to use.
Moreover, I love its linearity - something I wish more games would harken back to instead of a gigantic open world. And while the game is linear, there are moments to explore off the beaten path and it is always rewarding to do so. Speaking of, I also find the level design to be quite spectacular. Similar to the Soulsborne genre, there are locked gates throughout the world that can eventually be unlocked that will connect back to other parts of the map.
Overall, the game isn’t perfect, but it’s damn fun. I’m really happy I decided to buy the game. I can’t wait to see what developer Spiders will make next. Their future is bright, I believe.
Train Sim world 3, AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, and Splatoon 3.
XCOM 2. It's incredibly addicting once you manage to make progress. That's on PS4.
On my Series S, Yakuza 0. I already finished the Wo Long demo too. It was really cool!
Well since I finished Tinykin yesterday, I may put a bit more time into it for a few achievements I missed. Also, I started "You Suck at Parking" last night so I plan to continue with that.
@Kaloudz it's good fun! It's a bit harder than Pokémon, but easy to follow. I haven't bought battlepass. I saw ingame it only adds clothes and stuff, if you not into it, you won't miss anything.
@Kaloudz that's up to you ofcourse! There's a "Tempedia", you can collect them all, but I feel the focus is more on breeding. It's "easy" (but farming) to breed to get perfect stats and thus get stronger and stronger.
Still trying to finish Origins main story, then I'll maybe start Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice.
I was playing A Plagues Tale: Innocence, having made it to half way through the 16th (and final!!!) chapter...
Split Second Velocity, half way through the game.
It Takes Two seems to be the main focus, if I can avoid frustration when my inexperienced gf tries to do something multiple times, heh.
Splatoon 3 and Dead Space 2
I'm playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition, The game is so good..
Age of Empires: Castle Siege (Android) - Coming back to finish this off finally.
World At War (Windows Phone) - Enjoying this so far.
Temple Run 2 (Windows Phone) - Still enjoying playing this in bursts.
Started playing cyberpunk again after the latest update determined to finish it this time.
Tekken 7 (Series X) Picked this up on sale been in a mood for Tekken.
Horizon Chase Turbo (Switch) Getting back to this game. I want to finish it off before the second comes to Switch.
Dungeons & Dragons (Table Top) Continuing with our adventure after a month hiatus due to some personal problems that cropped up.
Soul hackers 2 then maybe one of the demos that launched recently like Harvestella.
@Chaudy nice thats pretty dope man, i also played this, what a awesome game!! it really sucks that there are not more games like this, i would buy a game like this instantly if it is as good as this one.
Hi there fellow gamers.
So I went groceries shopping in this morning and saw something I never saw before: a Xbox Series X. Being a fan of console systems myself, already own a PS5 and a Switch, I felt very tempted. And since the store also had a bunch of games on sale..... Well.....
I gave in and bought my own Xbox Series X with Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite.And got Gamepass for 1€ on the first month.
Wich means I´m all about my Series X this weekend.
And now I am a proud owner of all the 3 main console systems.
Have installed FH5 and quite a few gamepass games already.
But the first game I´m playing has to be Gears of War Ultimate.
Love the Gears franchise, so I´ll be replaying Gears 2 and 3 and I can finally play Gears 4 and 5.
Question to all if I may: Should I play the Master Chief Collection or just watch a video for the story before playing Halo Infinite?
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming weekend to us all
@Lavalera Alice madness returns is a platformer? I’d prob like it
I’m playing cult of the lamb and liking it so far. Also got re3 on sale I’ll be starting the Halloween fun soon
@Reptilio yeah it's an action platformer. Fighting monsters, solve puzzles (not overly complicated) and find the best way to traverse through the level while finding collectibles. It has a very dark, spooky atmosphere.
Shovel knight and thps 1+2
@RaZieLDaNtE definitely play mcc. Definitely
I just beat Tinykin and that game was so well made. I loved playing it from start to finish. I’m gonna play Resident Evil 2 remake for the first time and I’m excited!
I’ve really into Rings of Power and remembered that I never finished Shadow of War, so I’ve been replaying that on my XSX. It has a 4K add on you can download for free (which I think they made for the one X) and it looks FANTASTIC! Considering is came out in 2017, wow I’m impressed. Plus no load time. I recall the game having really annoying load times on my PS4. So this is like a breath of fresh air!
I played Nioh 2 all weekend.
@Baler Hey there friend.
Ok. I´ll give it a try. I only played halo 2 on my OG Xbox, but I didn´t like FPS games back in the day, so I never gave it to much thought. But now, I´m kinda curious with the whole franchise.
Thanks. Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
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