Comments 388

Re: Team Ninja Has No Plans For A New Ninja Gaiden, But Would Love To See It Return To Xbox


Well that's a kick in the nuts! I know I'm in the vast minority but I loved Ninja Gaiden 3 and Razor's Edge. NG Black and NG 2 are some of my favourite ever and the combat hasn't aged a day in my eyes. I've owned pretty much every version of each game on all platforms and was really hoping for a new game in the series. A trilogy release with original 3 and Sigma/RE versions included would be a day one preorder for me.

Re: Xbox Studio The Initiative Is Making A New Perfect Dark


@KelticDevil I completely agree that devs should be allowed to make what it wants. A new Banjo game would sell like absolute hotcakes and with the resurgence of interest in games like Crash and Spyro I think it could be a genuine system seller. And Conker to a lesser extent. I also think that a Blast Corps remake/sequel would be amazing with current gen technology. And yes, the Kinect s*** still upsets me too. It's also depressing that the initial game is their biggest selling game.

Re: Xbox Studio The Initiative Is Making A New Perfect Dark


@KelticDevil I have played their games since the N64 and they've been lukewarm at best. Nobody bought an Xbox for Sea of Thieves regardless of how much of a 'hit' it was. Rare have a ton of IP that people would buy an Xbox for and it seems massively stupid to ignore that. If Rare don't want to make games for their own IP then Microsoft should step in and farm them out to other 1st party studios as they did with Killer Instinct and now Perfect Dark. For a console that's perceived to have a lack of strong exclusive titles compared to the competition, it's baffling.

Re: Talking Point: How Many Of Bethesda's Future Games Will Be Xbox Exclusives?


Microsoft want subscribers to their services. The best way to do that is have games that you can only play on Xbox.

That's why the PS4 smashed Xbox One out of the park in comparative sales.

That's why Switch beat Xbox One lifetime sales within a couple of years.

People buy systems or sign up to subscriptions because of the exclusives.

If Microsoft do anything other than make games exclusive to Xbox moving forward, then they're very foolish.

Re: Halo Infinite Has Been Delayed Until 2021


This should have been ready for launch but from the last reveal it clearly wasn't. I'd rather they delay it to make it better rather than release it in a shoddy state and then patch the hell out of it. I also think without COVID19 this would probably have been good to go at launch.

Re: Microsoft Responds To Negative Feedback For Halo Infinite's Visuals


@NEStalgia I agree that people are expecting too much of a leap forward but this wasn't even close to being a leap forward. The performance levels shown took steps backwards in a lot of people's opinion. Pop in, identical assets and bland textures are things we shouldn't have to to deal with on a console launching in 2020. There are games that have been available for years that perform without these problems. No excuses.

Re: Microsoft Responds To Negative Feedback For Halo Infinite's Visuals


The lighting was really poor. The pop in was unacceptable. The trees and foliage were identical models copy and pasted across the world. None of this should be happening for a flagship, first party title. I'm sure the game will still be fun to play but those are some worrying signs after a 5 year, multimillion dollar development schedule.