The big news of January so far is that Bethesda has announced a brand-new Indiana Jones game to be developed by Wolfenstein studio MachineGames, and to be executive produced by Todd Howard.
It's going to be some time before we learn anything further about this one, but the big question on many people's minds right now is whether the game will be Xbox exclusive or not, given that Microsoft is about to acquire ZeniMax Media.
Xbox boss Phil Spencer and the rest of the team at Microsoft have been reluctant to talk about exclusivity deals thus far, highlighting that they will be decided on a "case-by-case basis", so it remains anyone's guess for now.
So, what do you think? Will the new Indy game be exclusive to Xbox? Give us your vote down below.
Will Bethesda's Indiana Jones Game Be An Xbox Console Exclusive? (0 votes)
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Comments 37
They'd be mad not to make it exclusive. Sony's biggest strength is its exclusives. Xbox need to fight back.
They should make it exclusive to Xbox, Silence all these Sony Ponies who says Xbox has no games..
I think it should be Microsoft have to ramp up the exclusive front, much like Spiderman on Playstation Indy is one that would definitely be a blast if done properly and by that time Bethesda would be a few years in the Xbox Studios & this would be a new IP for them, my only concern would be Bethesda making it. If its one of the other studios under the Bethesda umbrella id be much more confident.
Given the Microsoft deal hasn't been finalised yet and it seems like the licencing deal was done a few months ago, I seriously doubt this will be exclusive. Unless Bethesda negotiated to make it an exclusive Xbox game either before Microsoft bought them or shortly after the announcement of Microsoft's intention to buy them
Putting it on PlayStation would be a shot in the foot. Sure, it’d sell more copies if it was there, but are they trying to make money in the short run and die, or long term and prosper?
Considering this is one of Bethesda's first newly announced games following the acquisition being made public knowledge I wouldn't be surprised if this one is solely on Xbox/PC. Games like Starfield and TESVI are in a way grayer area due to them supposedly being in development for longer than there were talks of having MS acquire the company in general, and Elder Scrolls already has a legacy on non-Xbox platforms to begin with, I can see those remaining multiplat or timed exclusives, while this could potentially be one of their first completely exclusive titles under the Microsoft umbrella
It could also probably be a good answer on Microsoft's end to Sony Interactive Entertainment securing Insomniac and Spider-Man's games for the forseeable future since that's another major Disney IP under Marvel
I think it'd be tough for Microsoft to pass up this opportunity. Remember earlier in the Xbox One generation when Microsoft made Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusive for a year? They really want a permanent exclusive now similar to these games. Also, who's to say that it wasn't Microsoft who approached Disney/LucasArts? Doesn't it feel out of place for one of ZeniMax's studios to suddenly make a licensed video game? They've always been working on their own IPs and suddenly here's a licensed IP. Surely there has to be some reason behind this and the only thing I can think of is that Microsoft bought ZeniMax so it would have more studios that can work on other games (i.e. licensed ones) that would strengthen the appeal of Game Pass even more. Sure Wolfenstein is a popular IP, but more people know about Indiana Jones and having a game from that franchise on Game Pass would attract a lot of new subscribers. We all know that Microsoft is trying to increase the appeal of Game Pass and organically establishing their own studios as well as IPs would take way too long. Buying up studios and using licensed IPs is the fastest way to make new exclusives. Simply put, I'm very certain that Microsoft was directly involved with this deal, which is why I think the game will be permanently exclusive.
Lots of talk about gamepass growth being a key metric for Xbox and linked to executive bonuses so that makes me believe it's exclusive. How do you grow your subscriptions... exclusive content. Besides if you look at twitter uncharted is better and no one on PlayStation wants it anyway...so why waste time and resources on it right?
@Kefka2589 ah makes me a little more confident it would be decent, I hadnt seen that just the teaser
It'll be on PC day one as well, so not exclusive at all.
Given that the purchase has yet to be approved, I don't feel it'll be an exclusive. On top of that I'm not expecting Microsoft to make bethesda's games exclusive to begin with.
It absolutely should be a console exclusive.
I dont think any games announced before the acquisition has fully gone through will be exclusive sadly.
@Kefka2589 Yeah exactly. People get very excited these days when they hear a company that they love is making a game based on a movie franchise that they love. Same thing with Insomniac Games and Spider-Man, Respawn Entertainment and Jedi Fallen Order etc. Making a game like that exclusive would be an even greater deal as well for a company like Microsoft that needs huge franchises associated with it, just like how people are now associating Spider-Man with PlayStation.
Also, I just recalled the Disney+ partnership both companies have on Game Pass Ultimate. This could honestly be early signs of Microsoft getting closer with Disney and supplying more games based on their IPs. Imagine if Microsoft now made a superhero game based on a Marvel franchise as an answer to PlayStation's Spider-Man.
let's hope that this mean EA will stop making star wars games
Since when PC is a console?
@Gaming365247 "Xbox console exclusive" means nothing. Fake term created for marketing. It'll likely be a non exclusive multiplatform game with PC (and I expect PS5 too).
I think it's timed unless ms provides something in exchange to lucasarts like sony does with marvel tv licensing in exchange for spidey in their vg.
It’s not like a Sony/Spider-Man scenario. With Disney owning Lucasfilm, it would be a timed exclusive at most but most likely will release on other consoles on launch day. Like someone also mentioned, the acquisition isn’t finalized yet and that should mean this was in the works before we got that news. Xbox doesn’t press for exclusives and honestly they don’t need to. Like they said, they want the games to run better on Xbox not just on Xbox.
@blockfight Exactly. Otherwise it was almost pointless to buy ZeniMax. Yes, I know they will still make money whether they are exclusive to Xbox or not, but most of the time the whole point of buying developers is to strengthen your 1st party portfolio.
I'll cut them a bit of slack if something like Elder Scrolls 6 ends up being multi-platform since it's been in development for years before this acquisition, but anything new like this has to be exclusive. Having the majority of the games from them being exclusive to Xbox (and PC of course) moving forward is a necessity to help try to get people to switch to Xbox.
@Menchi Actually "Xbox console exclusive" is pretty accurate for games that are only available on the Xbox console. You can't get an Xbox console exclusive on a PlayStation console. Key word being "console", a PC is not a console.
Anyway, I think Microsoft really need this to be completely exclusive to Xbox (and PC 🙄) to impact Sony.
@Menchi you're silly
Microsoft surely knew of the existence of this game when they purchased Bethesda, so I'm guessing that it will be a console exclusive, but also available on PC.
Just like "Sony console exclusive" is a fake when they do it too
Tbh this is one game I wouldn't mind xbox keeping as an exclusive, its not a game that's going to sell mega millions in terms of physical and digital sales but will do well as gamepass fodder
Where is the option: I don't care? Because I don't. I understand Xbox fans want a kind of retaliation for Sony's exclusives policy but I only care about playing this on Xbox. If MS does make this an exclusive then fine, but I don't believe Phil believes in exclusives. He made it clear in an interview once when he said Bethesda's games will play best on Xbox. That to me sounds like MS will go after $ rather than exclusives.
Edit: also, why are Playstation fanboys here?
Still tossing up between Series X or PS5 so making games like this exclusive might well sway me. Otherwise i might as well go PS5 to play this and Horizon.
@Gaming365247 Bingo
As this deal was made prior to their takeover(which is still incomplete remember) you have to assume it was multi platform and I doubt Disney would agree to change the terms now to make it exclusive. They may agree to features and it will most likely be on game pass day one.
There is a weird mentality going around, that a game anounced before the deal is locked to be also headed to the PS.
For one: most these extremely early announcements don't actually have a platform list on their announcements.
Second: even if a game got abounded for a console, it does not mean it's now forced to be released on that console. Consoles can be dropped at any time at the publishers discretion. Only exception is when the publisher a marketing or exclusive deal with a platform holder, something we know is not a thing for any of these upcoming games.
Finally: "its up to Disney" is raw wishful thinking. Disney gets its money regardless, and if they really cared about sales numbers, they would had demanded Sony Spider Man was released for PC and Xbox, or Marvel Ultimate Aliance 3 to be also on PC, Xbox and PS. Disney is not going to force anyone to go for specific platforms, so long the deal is in place and they get money up front.
It could be exclusive. Indiana Jones and the Uncharted Spider Mantle. I could see that work for them.
I'm betting short timed exclusive. And not a year. Months at most. I really doubt any licensed game can be platform exclusive at all. MLB even forced Sony to port MLB: The Show to Xbox (yes, there will be a Sony game on Xbox), or give up the license.
@TheFrenchiestFry TESVI hasn't even started development as far as I've heard - it was to start after Starfield. In all reality that's a Series Y game unless they fast track it somehow. And TES' legacy on PS is.....sketchy. Until Skyrim it was mostly famous for barely running at Cyberpunk levels on PS hardware. Raise your had if you owned Oblivion or Morrowind on a PS?
@Tharsman Spiderman is a special case. Sony isn't getting that through Disney licensing. That's also why the character is Sony exclusive in Avengers. They locked long term film rights to Spiderman back before Marvel was even Disney when they did the movie series before the PS3 launched. And the games are going through the film rights, somehow, because that's how Sony Legal rolls. Probably worded the original contract as "motion cinematic representation including digital character substitution, motion capture and other related asset use", or some such nonsense, at the time meaning CG stunt sequences for films, but in legal detail holds to video games - something like that.
Disney probably wouldn't have allowed that at all, but until it expires, they have a lock on that one franchise, and only that franchise.
Regardless of what MS decides to do, I personally hope it will eventually get a PS5 release as well. Not into exclusives fetishism 😁.
What I don't understand is, why are the Sony fundamentalists in articles like this one? I mean, helium carries more weight than their opinions..
@NEStalgia Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is a Switch exclusive and has Spiderman in it? Sony doesn’t have rights that way. I know they want people to think that though.
Look Disney does not care about “platforms” if they did why would Kingdom Hearts have been a Sony Exclusive for so long? Disney execs see video games as nothing more movie “tie-in” properties not as their own things. A good example is that Disney took a loss on killing Disney Infinity (which had Spidey in it too) but reasoned that licensing the property to companies like EA would make them more money.
That tells me they don’t care what the game is on just how much money it makes them.
However, I don’t know where this game is going to end up; it’s anyone’s guess.
@mousieone Ahh, I was thinking Avengers.
MUA3...I'm betting it somehow didn't qualify for the film rights loophole...somehow. Not sure how that worked. I don't know how Sony's terms work, how they got the games loophole, and when it expires.
As for Disney and KH, that's such an odd one. As far as we know, officially it was never exclusive. Not publicly. And it had the DS/3DS entries in the series as well so technically the franchise never was exclusive. We all know it was some Sony deal behind the curtain, but never for the franchise. Weird stuff. But what's not weird about KH? Or anything Square does?
But yeah, Disney may only care how much money it makes them, but something tells me EA's contract on SW probably explicitly mandated simultaneous release on all major platforms or something to that effect. Hitting that mass market without dividing it (unless it's for a Disney service like +) is probably an important point for them. Then again, Microsoft's pockets could move even Disney's legal teams in knots.
@NEStalgia what I think the rights actually are is that comic wise Spiderman isn’t an Avenger, so he wouldn’t be up for grabs as an Avenger character. Sony has rights to use Spiderman just not exclusively. In order to use Spiderman in the Avengers, SEnix would have had to go back to Disney/Marvel and renegotiate and pay more money when either a Sony can use him anytime they want or B they paid the money to get him for one platform. Not sure which.
You might be right about Starwars though. I don’t know again Disney likes Movie Tie Ins which restricts the games.
@Kefka2589 Yeah on paper it's the film rights they have. But I'm sure they found loopholes to use on gaming. Quietly peppered in innocuous looking clauses in the contract is how they almost ended up owning Mario and Zelda.....
@Kefka2589 Nah, the Nintendo Play Station, where it all began. Before there was PlayStation there was Nintendo Play Station. A Sony Nintendo collab with a vcr, snes, and cd game player all in one branded Nintendo. They only reason it didn't happen was yamauchi discovered in the terms of the contract at the 11th hour they included that they'd own the rights to all cd rom games. Every Mario and Zelda possibly entirely, going forward. (Imagine Microsoft telling ubisoft ms owns all the assassin's Creed games they put on game pass....)
Thus yamauchi In retaliation did his gangsta thing, went to Phillips, Sony's coowner of the cd rom standard, and at e3 (or ces), with the Sony execs in the room ready to unveil Nintendo Play Station, he gets up on stage, calls the Phillips guys up and unveils CDi.
And the rest is history....
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