Comments 28

Re: Halo Infinite Developer Talks In Depth About Why Local Campaign Co-Op Was Cancelled


The telling point for me is that those who PAID to be able to enjoy a feature in the campaign (which 343 promised, of their own volition, (at least as far as I know no-one held a gun to their head)) have been placed at a lower priority than those who want to play for free and may, or may not, kick them a couple $$ for the multiplayer stuff. The message has been received loud and clear, and my financial support of anything they do in the future will reflect this.

Re: Major Xbox Outage Leads To Confusion And Frustration Over 'Offline' Games


And this is precisely why the only digital purchases I will make are 100% funded with MS reward points...yes it's annoying when I can't play something which I 'own', but to be fair it means that £0.00 has come out of my pocket to 'buy' said actual cash on hand still goes to fund booze / pizza / ladies of negotiable virtue / recreational narcotics / rock 'n roll etc. If it's a single player game I really care about I'll buy physical and make sure I have all the patches / add ons downloaded and saved to an external HDD...MS can't be trusted and probably never will be as far as I'm concerned

Re: Talking Point: How Good Of A Start Has Xbox Game Pass Had In 2022?


I'm not entirely sure I understand the question you are asking here (or the feedback you're hoping to analyse...I'm not sure you care as long as you generate some engagement tbh, but that's a different story, not complaining, we all need to make a £) you mean a) what is your level of engagement with the GamePass subscription service? / how do you feel about the value you are getting from GamePass in 2022? or b) has the 2022 Gamepass offering been compelling enough to make you open your wallet and increase the number of subscribers? They're VERY different questions and a far more complex of set of data than an a-f rating would allow for. In the case of scenario b, in the most pragmatic terms, there are three answers to a simple question...has GamePass offered enough value to make you subscribe in 2022? a) yes its pretty cool, I enjoy being able to explore a bunch of different experiences and try some bigger games at no risk b) I'm already subscribed for an extended period so its just extra stuff I can check out if I feel like it / have the free time c) nope, I'm waiting until there is a solid backlog of decent games before I'm willing to commit to a subscription model.
Might be interesting to reconsider what info you are trying to mine and reframe the question accordingly.
Personally for me its an F in the last 5 sub expired in October last year...ME LE is compelling but I wont be able to finish that in 3 months, it was on sale for £30 but (at MS list) 3 months of GPU goes for £33...makes more sense to buy it...bought Halo Infinite with my MS reward points (£0.00 out of my pocket, and tbh Halo has been the only 'anchor' holding me to Xbox for a while (other than offset thumbsticks))...there are some really cool looking games on GP (Deaths Door etc) but that simply keeps me from working through my backlog that I already paid up front for so why would I consider that a win? Its an interesting question all round but I think it requires a little deeper thought than a simple school style rating

Re: Xbox Fans Call Out 'Activision's Greed' Over Call Of Duty Digital Prices


Precisely why a system without a physical option is a no go for me. Yes the digital version of a game is in many cases (in my experience, and usually after an extended time period) competitive with a physical copy (mostly in sales) but I can't ever see myself voluntarily opting in to a situation that allows the likes of Activision to exercise the monopolistic option. They clearly feel that the CoD brand is worth a premium, they always have done, I just can't agree with them! I wonder how many actually buy old CoD games digitally? Just those who may be new to gaming and want to experience some of the history? I still can't bring myself to spring for the MW2 Remastered campaign at £20, let alone any of the others.