

Xenemblem Bladichles Ultimate

Comments 10

Re: Xbox Games With Gold For July 2022 Announced


I relish the new GWG announcements because they're often games I've never heard of, or have been on my radar for years. I have a crap-ton of games in my queue because of it, whose quality is all over the place. And that's fine with me.

How can we be certain a game is good if we don't have a truly crappy game to compare it to? What genres am I ignoring because of past biases? I understand these aren't truly "free" games, but I do pay $60 a year so I can game with my friends about once a month. These come with the package, and I would be remiss if I didn't give them a chance.

Re: Here Are Your Xbox Games With Gold For December 2021


Despite common complaints, I usually find at least one title each month which looks entertaining. I remember watching videos of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet years ago, and now I get to try it. And Orcs Must Die sounds delightful.

I'm fine with the GWG selections, as usual.