Comments 40

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About Cross-Gen Games?


I think the issue with Sony here has been the inconsistent messaging. Do they believe in generations (Ryan) or don’t they (Hulst)? And what exactly does that mean anyways?

Recall that Ryan’s statement was made as a shot at Xbox’s Smart Delivery, yet now Sony is behaving (with HFW & GoW going to PS4) in the identical fashion that he criticized.

Re: Here Are Some Xbox Series X|S Issues You Might Run Into At Launch



I’ve been video gaming since Pong. Trying to remember a console launch that had similar issues. Please enlighten me which ones?

The only example I can think of is the RRoD. Obviously that was not fixable by a firmware update. All of these other issues that modern systems are experiencing, like all of the issues listed in this article, will all be fixed with a patch probably within the next 2 to 4 weeks. I don’t think that is nearly as comparable.

There is way too much riding on the hardware being successful. One of the reasons the machines this generation are so massive is to avoid some of the mistakes of the past. Video gaming is the largest financial entertainment business in the world. With those kind of stakes, I’m certain each of the companies has top engineers designing the new machines. I highly doubt any of them now or in the future will have an issue like the 360 had.

Re: Microsoft Responds To Negative Feedback For Halo Infinite's Visuals


So let me see, work in progress, pandemic, that’s just Halo’s art style, it’s just the Sony ponies hating, open worlds don’t have fantastic visuals, YouTube compression, did I miss anything?

Guys - this game is FOUR months (at best) from releasing. It’s not going to improve visually/graphically before launch. Most games at this stage of development are hitting the final polishing/bug testing stage. This game looks BAD. No matter how you watch it. This was an awful way to show off 12 TF of power. Please stop telling me (and yourselves) that this was even OK looking. It’s objectively nowhere near “next gen”. It’s barely previous gen. Come on!

Re: Xbox Boss: Aggressive Console War Talk Is Holding The Industry Back


@Tharsman @BlueOcean

I find it incredibly ironic that in this specific article that the two of you continue to stoke the flames of console wars. One of you even said: “... when they know that PS5 loses the specifications war?” and also something about the Series X being faster than the PS5 - that had to be due to Teraflops measures, certainly not SSD and I/O speeds, right?

Come on guys - even Phil is trying to tell you that Sony is not the enemy. He’s saying the issue is over zealous fanboys. Read all your own words again. Try to do it objectively. Enjoy gaming!

Re: Talking Point: Is Microsoft About To Make Xbox Live Multiplayer Free?



“ It will be interesting to see what happens and what impact changes could have to our libraries...”

Interesting indeed! This would be quite a bold and smart move for MS, IMO.

My wish is that they would just offer one sub package ($15/month) and online is free. We will see what comes. I have to admit to being more intrigued for the 23rd than I have been for any other MS show/event in years.

Re: The Xbox One X Has Officially Been Discontinued


The paranoia on this site staggering. What’s next? Pushsquare and Sammy are coming for your guns? Sheesh. The ability to read with an objective open critical mind would do a lot of you some good.

Honestly, what’s the end game for the “Pushsquare anti-Xbox” agenda? They want to kill off one of their own websites so they can reduce their overall revenue? Sheesh.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Tells Developers They Can't Charge For Next-Gen Game Upgrades As DLC



Dude - you make the rest of us Xbox fans embarrassed by your unwillingness to acknowledge any of the shortcomings of the “One” generation. Those shortcomings are obvious to anyone willing to take an objective retrospective view of this past gen. Your peacocking to anyone who dares mention those past failings has become tiresome and embarrassing. It helps foster that preconception of Xbox fans as rabid and overly defensive. Please - don’t be so easily snow flaked by any mildly negative (and FWIW - in this thread - accurate assessments) of past failures. Your hurting all of us who like ALL the machines - it’s sad.

Re: Xbox Boss Comments On Yesterday's Stunning Unreal Engine 5 Demo


So much paranoia here. I'm pretty sure Series X will be utilizing UE5 also. I don't know enough about system architecture to know if there will be meaningful gaps in performance between the 2 systems, but my hunch, and many years of watching "console wars" tells me no, at least outside of 1st party games - and then you can't compare anyways, right?

Re: Rumour: Xbox Series X And PS5 May Be Forced To Sell At A Loss


"They will both be the same price & probably $499. And if that is the case, then it’s a win for Microsoft as the Xbox Series X is way more powerful than the PS5."

And the PS3 was "more powerful" than the 360 at launch. How did that launch period work out for the "more powerful" machine?

Re: Xbox Series X And PS5 Power Difference 'Quite Staggering', Hints Ex-Sony Designer



Let’s not forget that it’s taking longer than three years for one Sony exclusive to arrive on PC. And that one is there, more than likely, because it runs on the decima engine, which was used to make death stranding - a game always destined to be a PC title, so the heavy lifting has already been done.

I don’t think Sony fans will be too upset if all their exclusives have a three-year window on Sony hardware, if they even do eventually make it to PC.

And let’s be honest, nobody knows what that difference in how the games look and perform is actually going to materialize. We really just need to wait until we can see some games running on both systems to actually see what kind of difference there will be in reality. Until then, we are all just kind of pissing in the wind.

Re: Xbox Series X And PS5 Power Difference 'Quite Staggering', Hints Ex-Sony Designer


“Ex Sony dev”.

Sounds like sour grapes. Let’s just wait and see what happens when the games come out. We already kind of have an idea what Sony might be throwing at us, but I’m also very curious to see what Microsoft is going to give us with all of those studio acquisitions they have made in the last few years. I’m also not particularly happy that Microsoft is not releasing any Xbox series X exclusives for the first two years. I already have a 1X, so I see no need to get a series X right away.

Re: Microsoft Reveals How Xbox Series X Is Going To Beat PS5



I totally get that. For me though its also an economic decision. I can only afford one next gen console at launch. I'll start with PS5 - because it actually WILL have exclusives - and then get Series X maybe a year or two afterwards when funds allow.

I guess what I was trying to say above was that by getting a PS5 at launch I will have access to ALL games that might release in the next 2 years until we actually see the release of a Series X exclusive game. I'm with you on best gaming experience - that is why I've got the One X and PS4 Pro.

Re: Microsoft Reveals How Xbox Series X Is Going To Beat PS5


Well, the way I see it:

1. I've got an XoneX and no Series X exclusive games for 2 years - so no hurry to get the series X

2. While HZD IS coming to PC, I wouldn't count on PS5 exclusives making there way to PC for at least 3 years after release (just like HZD), if at all

3. Both machines will kick ass. It's going to be about the games. A PS5 allows me to play ANY game that releases in the next 2.5 years (6 months to launch, if lucky, AND I have the 1X)

SO, if the PS5 has some kick ass exclusives at launch or shortly thereafter, that seems like a no brainer to me; and then the Series X when it's true exclusives start to roll.

At the end of the day - it's all about the games!