@BlueOcean A colleague of mine complained that she connected her laptop with her TV and it would stutter every now and then. I gave her a different HDMI cable and it worked perfectly.
She thanked me, but still wouldn't have sex with me. Mind-boggling.
@playstation_king Cerny acknowledged it in his Road to PS5 speech, saying that 'we didn't do the best job in that area'. He said that 'we will be pleased with the results'.
Well, considering the fact that they've overclocked the PS5 to kingdom come, I sure hope so, Mark!
@playstation_king Expect Miles Morales to be as lengthy as Uncharted Lost Legacy. Not a main game size, but not the '6 hr DLC' crap MS fanboys like to spout.
@BlueOcean I swear to God, if my PS5 is as loud as a vacuum cleaner like my Pro, I will go to the US of A and throw it at Cerny's window.
And every year the scale tips even more to digital's favor.
I was a only physical gamer myself. I went digital and never looked back. So convenient in so many ways. I get the 'ownership fear' people have, but I don't mind it, personally.
@playstation_king Sure it does. And their muddled 'change their tune every 24 hours' messaging doesn't help either.
But the thing is that through Game Pass, MS doesn't really NEED to sell X-boxes. What they want is to make you invest on their eco system and basically become 'the Netflix of gaming'.
What we should be asking ourselves is, 'What does Netflix of Gaming mean to the quality of MS 1st party games'?
A) Increase the amount of subscribers B) Decrease the number of games included in the service C) Decrease the budget (and quality) of their 1st party games
@playstation_king To be frank, I couldn't care less for console sales. Gamepass nullifies the need to buy a Series X since it's also available on a multitude of devices, so they won't tell the whole story.
I just don't want MS 1st party games to end up looking like glorified mobile games after 4-5 years.
I judged the quality of a company's 1st party titles by looking at gameplay for it's FLAGSHIP title from a build four months before the apparent release of the game.
When Sony and MS fans both criticized the Halo Infinite gameplay, MS appeared all cool and 'ha-ha Craig is our Mascot LOL, we're in the joke!', then poof! Game delayed. What, did they really think people would be satisfied with next-gen's most powerful console showing its flagship title looking like THAT? Were they serious?
@BlueOcean Ratchet & Clank gameplay was shown - did you miss that opening act where they were loading stages in 2 seconds each? Gran Turismo gameplay has been shown.
Horizon 2 and Spider-Man MM haven't shown actual gameplay, only in-engine cutscenes. There was a short GIF with MM web-swinging around Harlem, but that was it.
@BlueOcean The lighting? Dear God, you actually fell for Digital Foundry's crap? You really think that Craig coming off as a hairless ape is a problem of a lack of Ray Tracing? There were pictures which compared Halo Reach to Infinite and Reach looked BETTER!
I was first in the row to applaud MS for delaying Infinite, because that game is a rushed mess and it shows. The mere fact that they were planning on releasing it and putting Ray Tracing in a patch shows how much barebones the game was.
But sure, as the guy above me said, MS are apparently geniuses who know best.
I don't get bothered with Sony buying off timed exclusive 3rd party deals as I wasn't annoyed when MS did it first with Tomb Raider 2 and the like. It's all in the game, and I get it. But neglecting the potential harm Gamepass may bring to the quality of MS 1st party games and deflecting with stupidity like 'Miles Morales being a DLC for $60' is not what an MS consumer should be doing.
@KelticDevil The experts at Microsoft gave their billions to 343i and we got the Craig meme as a result. The console is supposedly released in three months and we haven't seen a SINGLE game running on the ACTUAL console, except for Minecraft and two last gen games.
As for the jealousy part, I'm not even going to bother since I have a powerful PC which can easily play any Series X game that comes out. Series X is obsolete - for me. Sure would like to play Infinite and not feel like I'm playing something on an emulator, though.
If your head too far up inside Spencer's ass and can't bother to get worried at what is going on, that's your right.
@KelticDevil My reasons are simple. I don't see this business model being sustainable, unless more and more games included within it become more and more AA oriented. I know that as a consumer Gamepass appears as a sweet gig (and it is in the short term), but it remains to be seen what consequences will it have to the quality of the titles.
We already got one game intended for Series X game shown and it looked like an X360 game on 4K. That is not encouraging - what happened to the 'X1 won't hold XSX back' narrative?
Translation: "Since we realized we'll never beat Sony at this game, we decided to make a buck via subscriptions. Now we can conveniently claim that console wars are beneath us."
Whether that model will pay out in the end or not remains to be seen. All in all, Game Pass is an excellent way to test a couple of games before buying them (unless you're one of those gamers who beat open world games within a week).
Oh and Phil, since it's not about selling more consoles, why haven't you already announced the price for the Series X? It's almost like you're wary of another console you're supposedly not competing with.
Looks like that months-old build wasn't THAT old, considering the fact 343i could've just said "Don't worry, this looks nothing like the final product".
This is more or less what they were planning to release.
My heart sincerely goes out to the poor people who will crunch like crazy because apparently management is up its own ass and the game (and the contractors) will suffer for it.
@Trmn8r Horizon Zero Dawn is an open world game and looks ten times better than Halo Infinite. Being open world is not an excuse. MS promised that last gen wouldn't hold back the xsx version of those games, which was proven to be a bold-faced lie yesterday.
Or it is simply a complete, utter lack of talent on 343's part. Or development hell. I mean, anyone who thinks that Infinite looks better than say, guardians is delusional at this point.
The fact remains that there wasn't a single moment in infinite that made me want to throw away my x1x and get a xsx. Not one.
Underwhelming. Halo infinite looked like an Xbox S game on 4K. Didn't even seem to have better grass, trees, explosions or something which would make it scream 12 Teraflops.
What a waste. This whole 'our first party games will be also playable on the last-gen consoles' proved to be a disastrous mistake, in my opinion.
I think - at this point - Sony and MS should shut up and let their games do the talking.
Sony hasn't shown any gameplay footage at all for PS5 games (other than a couple of GIFs from the devs of Godfall and a few seconds frame-rate-YouTube-Butchered snippets of gameplay action), while MS has shown last gen games looking better on Series X (shocker) and an in-engine trailer for Hellblade - again lacking gameplay.
We get it, both of you you made revolutionary consoles. Stop talking, start showing.
I was afraid of that. Unless optimized for X Series X or PS5, last-gen games won't load at 1-2 seconds, preventing us from enjoying an 'arcade-like' loading experience (that is, no load screens).
Still, 8 seconds from 50 seconds is a huge improvement. Witcher 3 won't make you slam your head every time you die and reload now.
Comments 88
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean Agreed. I think it'll be cool. Or at least, not a jet engine.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean A colleague of mine complained that she connected her laptop with her TV and it would stutter every now and then. I gave her a different HDMI cable and it worked perfectly.
She thanked me, but still wouldn't have sex with me. Mind-boggling.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Cerny acknowledged it in his Road to PS5 speech, saying that 'we didn't do the best job in that area'. He said that 'we will be pleased with the results'.
Well, considering the fact that they've overclocked the PS5 to kingdom come, I sure hope so, Mark!
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean Did you try changing cables? Or maybe your HDMI cable is too old and not really able to output 4K or something?
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king No, sir!!! I refuse to use headphones when I have purchased a perfectly fine and functional 5.1 home theatre system!!
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Expect Miles Morales to be as lengthy as Uncharted Lost Legacy. Not a main game size, but not the '6 hr DLC' crap MS fanboys like to spout.
@BlueOcean I swear to God, if my PS5 is as loud as a vacuum cleaner like my Pro, I will go to the US of A and throw it at Cerny's window.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Those 10 million PS5s they're making? They'll all be sold out. In a freakin' Corona impaired world. Mark my words.
Re: Phil Spencer: It Feels Very Different To Play Games On Xbox Series X
@Jslade It's the new gen itch. Scratch away bro!
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Jobs come and go. For example, anyone can be a YouTuber and make a buck now, while that was all but unheard of 15 years ago.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean I don't see Series X doing any better in its launch than X1, considering it won't have a single AAA must-have title at launch.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Wouldn't surprise me to see Sony going down an 'all digital' future too. Sales speak for themselves.
And every year the scale tips even more to digital's favor.
I was a only physical gamer myself. I went digital and never looked back. So convenient in so many ways. I get the 'ownership fear' people have, but I don't mind it, personally.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king Sure it does. And their muddled 'change their tune every 24 hours' messaging doesn't help either.
But the thing is that through Game Pass, MS doesn't really NEED to sell X-boxes. What they want is to make you invest on their eco system and basically become 'the Netflix of gaming'.
What we should be asking ourselves is, 'What does Netflix of Gaming mean to the quality of MS 1st party games'?
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king That's what worries me. Greenberg already said that Gamepass (right NOW) is not really profitable.
So how do they make it profitable?
A) Increase the amount of subscribers
B) Decrease the number of games included in the service
C) Decrease the budget (and quality) of their 1st party games
If A) end up not happening, what happens then?
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean I really like Halo. I think it's the king of console first person shooters.
Infinite looking the way it did ... annoyed me.
Really anxious to see Avowed and Fable. Hope they end up amazing.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@playstation_king To be frank, I couldn't care less for console sales. Gamepass nullifies the need to buy a Series X since it's also available on a multitude of devices, so they won't tell the whole story.
I just don't want MS 1st party games to end up looking like glorified mobile games after 4-5 years.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean Anything they show of Halo Infinite now is a product of the ***** storm the game got at their gameplay reveal.
But ask yourself why did they show an old build for a game that was supposedly coming in three months.
Anyway, I'm just glad the game will be more polished than it was intended to.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean "The X1X won't hold Series X back."
Spencer's words, not mine.
I judged the quality of a company's 1st party titles by looking at gameplay for it's FLAGSHIP title from a build four months before the apparent release of the game.
When Sony and MS fans both criticized the Halo Infinite gameplay, MS appeared all cool and 'ha-ha Craig is our Mascot LOL, we're in the joke!', then poof! Game delayed. What, did they really think people would be satisfied with next-gen's most powerful console showing its flagship title looking like THAT? Were they serious?
And you watched the wrong video.
This is what I'm talking about:
And here's GT7 gameplay (at the latter half of the video):
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean Ratchet & Clank gameplay was shown - did you miss that opening act where they were loading stages in 2 seconds each? Gran Turismo gameplay has been shown.
Horizon 2 and Spider-Man MM haven't shown actual gameplay, only in-engine cutscenes. There was a short GIF with MM web-swinging around Harlem, but that was it.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@BlueOcean The lighting? Dear God, you actually fell for Digital Foundry's crap? You really think that Craig coming off as a hairless ape is a problem of a lack of Ray Tracing? There were pictures which compared Halo Reach to Infinite and Reach looked BETTER!
I was first in the row to applaud MS for delaying Infinite, because that game is a rushed mess and it shows. The mere fact that they were planning on releasing it and putting Ray Tracing in a patch shows how much barebones the game was.
But sure, as the guy above me said, MS are apparently geniuses who know best.
I don't get bothered with Sony buying off timed exclusive 3rd party deals as I wasn't annoyed when MS did it first with Tomb Raider 2 and the like. It's all in the game, and I get it. But neglecting the potential harm Gamepass may bring to the quality of MS 1st party games and deflecting with stupidity like 'Miles Morales being a DLC for $60' is not what an MS consumer should be doing.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@KelticDevil The experts at Microsoft gave their billions to 343i and we got the Craig meme as a result. The console is supposedly released in three months and we haven't seen a SINGLE game running on the ACTUAL console, except for Minecraft and two last gen games.
As for the jealousy part, I'm not even going to bother since I have a powerful PC which can easily play any Series X game that comes out. Series X is obsolete - for me. Sure would like to play Infinite and not feel like I'm playing something on an emulator, though.
If your head too far up inside Spencer's ass and can't bother to get worried at what is going on, that's your right.
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
@KelticDevil My reasons are simple. I don't see this business model being sustainable, unless more and more games included within it become more and more AA oriented. I know that as a consumer Gamepass appears as a sweet gig (and it is in the short term), but it remains to be seen what consequences will it have to the quality of the titles.
We already got one game intended for Series X game shown and it looked like an X360 game on 4K. That is not encouraging - what happened to the 'X1 won't hold XSX back' narrative?
Re: Xbox Boss: Our Approach Isn't About Selling More Consoles Than PS5
Translation: "Since we realized we'll never beat Sony at this game, we decided to make a buck via subscriptions. Now we can conveniently claim that console wars are beneath us."
Whether that model will pay out in the end or not remains to be seen. All in all, Game Pass is an excellent way to test a couple of games before buying them (unless you're one of those gamers who beat open world games within a week).
Oh and Phil, since it's not about selling more consoles, why haven't you already announced the price for the Series X? It's almost like you're wary of another console you're supposedly not competing with.
Re: Some Xbox Fans Want To Boycott Marvel's Avengers Over Sony Deal
@AlexSora89 You really like to mock-link push square on every single PS news article, don't you? What, did they ban you there, or something?
Re: Halo Infinite Dev: Negative Feedback Isn't Falling On Deaf Ears
Looks like that months-old build wasn't THAT old, considering the fact 343i could've just said "Don't worry, this looks nothing like the final product".
This is more or less what they were planning to release.
My heart sincerely goes out to the poor people who will crunch like crazy because apparently management is up its own ass and the game (and the contractors) will suffer for it.
Re: Grounded's Voice Cast Includes Shazam! Star Zachary Levi
It's not Shazam. It's Chuck.
Re: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Is Off To A Great Start On Kickstarter
Hey, it's that "Symphony of the Night guy"!
Re: Pick One: Which Of These Xbox Series X Games Are You Most Excited For?
Avowed. A Skyrim game by Obsidian in the Pillars Campaign Setting? I'm SO there.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade July's Xbox Games Showcase?
@Trmn8r Horizon Zero Dawn is an open world game and looks ten times better than Halo Infinite. Being open world is not an excuse. MS promised that last gen wouldn't hold back the xsx version of those games, which was proven to be a bold-faced lie yesterday.
Or it is simply a complete, utter lack of talent on 343's part. Or development hell. I mean, anyone who thinks that Infinite looks better than say, guardians is delusional at this point.
The fact remains that there wasn't a single moment in infinite that made me want to throw away my x1x and get a xsx. Not one.
Re: Gallery: Feast Your Eyes On These All-New Halo Infinite Screenshots
Show us the meme pic of the brute, you cowards.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade July's Xbox Games Showcase?
@Olliemar28 Gameplay for Avowed, Medium and Fable.
Halo not looking as if it was shown on an X-Box One S.
Ninja Gaiden 4 reveal.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade July's Xbox Games Showcase?
Underwhelming. Halo infinite looked like an Xbox S game on 4K. Didn't even seem to have better grass, trees, explosions or something which would make it scream 12 Teraflops.
What a waste. This whole 'our first party games will be also playable on the last-gen consoles' proved to be a disastrous mistake, in my opinion.
Re: Phil Spencer: We Want Xbox To Be A Great Platform For Japanese Games
Greenlit Scalebound, you cowards!!
Re: BioWare Hints At Reviving One Of Its "Most Prestigious Franchises"
@Justifier I'm done giving them chances. They F'ed up Mass Effect, Anthem, there's no way they -
Hmmm … then again, Capcom went Crapcom and then CapGod, so … who knows? Anything's possible.
Re: Hacker Appears To Have Stolen Source Code For Xbox Series X GPU
What a way to make a living.
Re: Xbox Series X And PS5 Power Difference 'Quite Staggering', Hints Ex-Sony Designer
I think - at this point - Sony and MS should shut up and let their games do the talking.
Sony hasn't shown any gameplay footage at all for PS5 games (other than a couple of GIFs from the devs of Godfall and a few seconds frame-rate-YouTube-Butchered snippets of gameplay action), while MS has shown last gen games looking better on Series X (shocker) and an in-engine trailer for Hellblade - again lacking gameplay.
We get it, both of you you made revolutionary consoles. Stop talking, start showing.
Re: Here's What's Missing From Xbox Series X
@sanderev I have a bad experience with adapters, but I'll try it at some point.
Is optical fiber cable capable of producing 3d audio, or is that an hdmi thing only?
Re: Here's What's Missing From Xbox Series X
Dammit - my 5.1 home theater system only works through a single optical audio port. This sucks.
Re: Microsoft Shows Off Seriously Fast Load Times On Xbox Series X
I was afraid of that. Unless optimized for X Series X or PS5, last-gen games won't load at 1-2 seconds, preventing us from enjoying an 'arcade-like' loading experience (that is, no load screens).
Still, 8 seconds from 50 seconds is a huge improvement. Witcher 3 won't make you slam your head every time you die and reload now.