Comments 13

Re: 'Debt Repayment RPG' The Good Life Is Now Available With Xbox Game Pass


@UltimateOtaku91 I hadn't read all of the comments when I posted and saw that the subject of your original post had been quite heavily covered by this point so despite my agreeing with some of the earlier responses I chose to remove my post as some later replies had gotten a little mean spirited I felt.

Give it a go if you have gamepass man! You never know, it might surprise you πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


Personally I don't particularly care to read any kind of content warning before digesting any kind of art/media, like in the example of this game it would have been a surprise to me (knowing very little about the game upon release) to find that it dealt with deeper subjects than I'd expected going in, this may have made the affect of that content more engaging to me. However I do appreciate that perhaps there are people who have underlying issues that could be triggered by certain types of content. My solution would be to start putting some kind of start menu option labelled 'content warning' or whatever in place for games featuring potentially contentious material whereby you select it and it gives you a run down of the kind of content to expect in game. This way folk like myself can avoid any kind of content warnings whilst those who feel differently have the option there should they require it.

Re: Watch Dogs: Legion Isn't Saving Progress Correctly On Xbox, Won't Be Fixed Until December


Yep, I've had this issue. Lost around 6 hours of progress. I'm not going to play anymore until a patch is confirmed by which point I've chance to have lost interest completely with so many games releasing atm. May well be a waste of 60 quid as I tried for a refund but got this reply....

'I understand you're requesting a refund. Here's what I found out after looking into your request:

We can’t provide a refund to this request. Your purchase is not eligible for under the Microsoft Stores Terms of Sale.'

So yeah, a product not being fit for use does not provide eligibility under the Microsoft terms (I bought it digitally)...