The final title from the first batch of October's Xbox Game Pass titles is now available, in the form of the strange and unusual RPG, The Good Life.
What is The Good Life, you may be asking? Good question. It's a hard title to describe, but we'll do our best. Essentially, you play a journalist known as Naomi Hayward, who has been called to uncover the mystery of a small, English village known as Rainy Woods. The mystery? The townspeople appear to turn into cats and dogs at nighttime. All while this is happening, there happens to be a murder too.
From a gameplay standpoint, you'll spend most of your time untangling the web of mysteries, by taking photographs and even turning into a cat or dog to sniff out disturbances. There's also a Stardew Valley farming aspect to sink your teeth into.
Journalist Naomi Hayward is drowning in debt and is at the end of her rope. Having accepted a request from The Morning Bell newspaper to “uncover the mystery of a small English town”, Naomi finds herself far from her home in New York, in Rainy Woods. Upon beginning her investigation, Naomi – camera in hand – soon discovers an inexplicable phenomenon in which the townspeople transform into cats and dogs as night falls... Then, as just she’s looking into that particular mystery, a murder occurs... Join her as she attempts to reveal the truth about Rainy Woods.
Developed by Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro, who has worked on other odd titles such as Deadly Premonition, the influences here are easy to spot. The Good Life looks as crazy as you may expect, and while the reviews may be mixed with a Metacritic score of 65, it's certainly resonating with some people.
Will you be checking out The Good Life? Drop us a comment and let us know.
Comments 32
Was watching some gameplay earlier on YouTube and honestly seen better games made in Dreams.
If you have gamepass then it's fine to see how bad it is for yourself but if not then save your money
Started it up but the jury is still out. Seems very janky but I've been known to enjoy the jank at times so we shall see.
@UltimateOtaku91 Cool story.
"Haven't played it, but watched a video" - 🤦
I'm really excited to play this.
It's clearly not for everyone. Neither was Deadly Premonition. 😀
@FriendlyOctopus I watch trailers and gameplay of all the games I get or plan to get. Saves potential disappointment and false hype.
If this is your cup of tea then that's fine hopefully you like it
@UltimateOtaku91 Mate, you literally said "If you have gamepass then it's fine to see how bad it is for yourself" as if it's a matter of fact. My wife loves the game, I'm so far enjoying it lots. You can't really fully ascertain whether you enjoy a game by watching someone else play, and again, if you have Gamepass, there's no such thing as "false hype", you play to see whether you like it or not.
It's a weird thing to do, to claim a game is terrible having not even played it.
Either weird or naturally pessimistic.
Cheer up
@FriendlyOctopus isn't the point of watching gameplay and trailers to see how a game is? If its any good, hence why so many people didn't buy cyberpunk 2077, even the reviews on this game are bad but are you saying those reviews should also be ignored hence reviews are pointless. I'm allowed my own opinion and views on which I stated in my first comment.
Definitely going to give it a go this weekend. Seems like a really silly premise that will be fun to dive into. Jankiness and bugs can be hilarious and add to my entertainment.
Not every game can be 10/10. If we want all art to be perfect for everybody we are going to have a very bland existence. Only reason things are seen as perfect is because bad things are their to compare it too. I'd know. I make crap art.
@Originut That...that wasn't tea 😉
but really, Perfect analogy 😀
@UltimateOtaku91 Reviews are opinions and videos of glitchy gameplay isn't the same. cool though, using Cyberpunk to back up your point 😅 Ran fine on my series X, everyone I know loved it, myself included. And it wasn't an opinion, was it. You declared the game bad as a matter of fact. I
Your argument is weak, mate. Your logic is depressing. I think Orignut tea analogy is perfect. let's leave it there. Clearly I'm the kind of person who enjoys trying a game out for themself before deciding whether it like it or not. You're the kind of person who likes draw an opinion based on what he sees. What a sad world it would be if we were all like that 🤔
@Deadcow It feels like a Nintendo game, if that make sense? Either way it seems to run fine for me. But that aside, it's super chill. And odd. I'm loving it
@Originut To be fair, I've watched videos online of all those games and they look terrible. Don't play them you'll hate them. 😂 sorry, couldn't resist. I agree with you. Not the first time I've seen him try and crap in everyone's cornflakes.
@Originut @FriendlyOctopus you two make me laugh, so basically every article on pure xbox, push square and nintendo life you have to be positive and only post positive comments 😂
I don't know what fantasy land you guys live in but I'm sorry to burst your bubble life isn't all positive. I'd get the hate if this was an xbox exclusive and you all was attacking me but it's not, it's an indie third party title which from what I've seen isn't the best, maybe it's you guys who should just ignore my comments especially if you're getting triggered over something so trivial as to my own opinion.
Please just block/ignore as I really can't deal with over sensitive people
@Originut @FriendlyOctopus that is why I’ve blocked him and a few others on this site that I believe to be trolls or just very narrow minded.
@UltimateOtaku91 You seem like the one that's triggered here. Man, I would hate to have your mind. Must be *****. Sorry, I don't want to argue, I don't want to add to the heap of negativity that occupies your mental space. I didn't know you were so sensitive, I mean, I thought "well, this guy clearly likes to be negative about almost everything, and then turn it into a console fan thing, therefore he can take some feedback" but it looks like you're losing it a tad.
One day you'll be happy.I
One day
@Originut this comment section got out of hand unnecessarily, yes I put my view which I get mocked because I watch gameplay/reviews to see what games are like and to see if they are any good hence the whole point of reviews, Yes maybe I should of dialed down my comment until I played it but even still In my original reply to FriendlyOctopus I said if this is his kind of game then hopefully he likes it, should of ended there.
@UltimateOtaku91 I was disputing your blanket logic of calling the game bad simply because you didn't think it was good. That kind of comment will always get called out by someone. 🤦🤷 but cool, don't worry about it.
@FriendlyOctopus how did I turn this into a console fan thing? Wtf is wrong with you.
I literally said hope you like it in my original reply then you just constantly attacked and mocked me for watching reviews and gameplay videos to see if a games good, you know millions of people do that right.
Ive noticed its always you who gets triggered by the simple things I say, I can't say anything negative about anything without you commenting on it, just block me as I can't deal with people like you who just linger on here to attack people who go against your own view
@UltimateOtaku91 deep breath
You told people to avoid buying this game as it's crap. Yet you haven't played it. I disputed this. You dug down on the logic that watching a game rather than playing it can determine on whether it's good or bad. I Disagreed. You then brought Pushsquare and Nintendo into it, as if I'm only calling you out because this game is on Xbox. Which I wasn't.
The rest is in your head, man
On a side note, this isn't the first time I've seen you arguing with other people on here. Ever stopped to think you're looking for arguments 🙄 but whatever, I'm done, this is a boring pointless activity and I'm hungry
@FriendlyOctopus I'm a regular poster across all 3 sites so I mentioned push square and nintnedo life so it didn't look like I was just single-in out pure xbox as an example of no negativity.
But OK just leave it at that
Wow UltimateOtaku91 is still going on ? I saw the post this morning he made and left it i am pretty sure hes just a pushsquare troll who wonder off pushsquare to here and Nintendo life. Must be getting boring being a sony fan.
@RedKnight34 for your information I own all three systems, but because I commented on an indie third party game that means I'm a sony troll? Once an article comes on pushsqaure or nintnedo life il say the same about the game.
Wow that was quick do u spend all day on here looking for someone to comment about u anyways goodbye welcome back block land
@RedKnight34 my pleasure
@RedKnight34 Personally, I haven't seen him as a troll, and I'm sure he's equally critical on all sites, that said, I don't agree with his critcism most of the time, nor does a lot of other people, hence why these heated conversations take place. I wouldn't block him, don't know him personally, and I hope I haven't upset him or anything. I just strongly disagree with his points, maybe I should ignore him, only comment if there is something I agree with him on. Either way, I'm sure he's not her to cause trouble 🙏 he's just very opinionated and can sometimes seem overly negative.
@Originut so far it feels like Animal crossing meets the twilight zone hahah. Worth a try. I love it, hope you get some fun out of it too 😊 it's not to everyones taste, haha, it's shamelessly weird. But yeah, feels almost like I'm playing a nintendo wii or GameCube game. Has a timey feel to it.
@FriendlyOctopus you know what I respect that comment, I can seem a bit forward with my comment as I say what I think even though I should hold back, my original criticism of this game was purely down to reviews I've read and gameplay I've seen, but should of played it before posting such a comment. Maybe I should look at it from a different angle as it's not a AAA game.
On a side note without starting an argument, if this game wasn't on gamepass would you pay £26.99 for it
@UltimateOtaku91 After having played it, I would spend 30 pounds max. It's a really enjoyable game, plus my wife loves it. So she gets to play it on the S, too.
@Originut Every now and then we need these kind of games, if not for us, for our partners haha. My wife for bored of Sims and was talking about decorating 😐 then she saw this, now the subject has vanished hahaha phew
This game looks……… interesting. Is it one of those that’s meant to look and even play awful but it actually funny and fun? That’s the beauty of Gamepass, you can give it a go at least unlike the switch where you’d have to buy it.
I’ve been playing Sable and it may be my GOTY, so I don’t really have time to try this for now.
Wouldn't necessarily normally be my type of thing but I'm down to give this a go on gamepass, it sounds odd and I like anything different. I'm particularly keen now I've seen SWERY made it, I loved Deadly Premonition. Not that this looks at all similar.
@Lester_Bang had an email for your comment to me but seems you removed it, the video I watched was the first hour Walkthrough on YouTube but I did also read some reviews on the game aswell mainly metacritic
@UltimateOtaku91 I hadn't read all of the comments when I posted and saw that the subject of your original post had been quite heavily covered by this point so despite my agreeing with some of the earlier responses I chose to remove my post as some later replies had gotten a little mean spirited I felt.
Give it a go if you have gamepass man! You never know, it might surprise you 😁👍😉
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