Xbox one - Resident Evil 2. I want to play Resident Evil 3, but I will have to wait. Switch - Animal Crossing (probably going to playing this a little bit every week for awhile) and Flashback.
@gingataisen That would be so awesome. Or just a 4k patch for the OneX would be great too. One of my favourite games. Girlfriend watched and helped me play the entire game. Was so much fun.
It doesn't bother me, but I can't use game pass right now. Satellite internet with its slow speed, 100gb a month cap and high price makes it a challenge. One day though.
The Xbox one was bulky, but well built and quiet. The Xbox one S and X are two of the best console designs, sleek and quiet. The Xbox SX is looking great so far too, hopefully it's just as quiet as Xbox one family.
This really should please most people, so the debate is odd. Disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries or a battery pack. The choice is yours. MS has the best solution.
Comments 69
Re: Microsoft Exec On PS5 — "I Think We're Going To Have A Better Console"
I don't think Mr. Cerny was in a bad spot. He delivered a great presentation. He is Sony's lead architect, not a public speaker.
Re: Poll: Which Is The Best Xbox Dashboard Of All Time?
I only have experience with Xbox one and I wouldn't vote for any of the designs.
Switch dashboard gets my vote.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 11th)
Xbox one - Resident Evil 2. I want to play Resident Evil 3, but I will have to wait.
Switch - Animal Crossing (probably going to playing this a little bit every week for awhile) and Flashback.
Re: New Resident Evil 3 Patch Fixes Performance Issues On Xbox One X
Good. Smooth stable framerates over resolution any day. Looking forward to getting this game.
Re: Six Games Join Xbox Game Pass Today, Including A Surprise PC Title
@gingataisen That would be so awesome. Or just a 4k patch for the OneX would be great too.
One of my favourite games. Girlfriend watched and helped me play the entire game. Was so much fun.
Re: Poll: Do You Avoid Downloading Large Games On Xbox Game Pass?
It doesn't bother me, but I can't use game pass right now. Satellite internet with its slow speed, 100gb a month cap and high price makes it a challenge. One day though.
Re: Phil Spencer Discusses How Xbox Series X Can Beat PS5
I hope MS, Sony and Nintendo (or any newcomer or old veteran) have much success.
Re: The Original Design Of The Xbox One Was Rushed, Admits Xbox Boss
you give a good team time and clear direction on what we're trying to go do, and they can do amazing work." - Phil Spencer
Great example of leadership.
Re: The Original Design Of The Xbox One Was Rushed, Admits Xbox Boss
The Xbox one was bulky, but well built and quiet. The Xbox one S and X are two of the best console designs, sleek and quiet. The Xbox SX is looking great so far too, hopefully it's just as quiet as Xbox one family.
Re: Inspiring Gamer Uses Xbox Adaptive Controller To Play Animal Crossing On Nintendo Switch
Awesome! Thanks MS!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 4th)
Xbox one - Resident Evil 2, Doom 2016. Switch - Animal Crossing. 3ds - Bravely Default.
Re: The Co-Creator Of Xbox Has Sued Atari Over The Upcoming VCS Console
I doubt the pandemic is the cause of the delay.
Re: Poll: What Is Your Favourite Resident Evil Game On Xbox?
Resident Evil 2 remake is the only one from the series that I played. Looking forward to Resident Evil 3 remake.
Re: Review: Resident Evil 3 - A Disappointing Follow-Up To Last Year's Brilliant Resident Evil 2
Bummer, but I'm still getting it.
Re: Some Xbox Series X Games Could Feature No Loading Screens, Suggests Dev
I really hope next gen consoles deliver on this promise. Too much time spent at loading screens.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 28th)
Xbox one - Resident Evil 2.
Switch - Animal Crossing, Psikyo shooting stars Bravo.
Re: Video: Listen To How Project Acoustics Improves Audio On Xbox
Awesome that MS and Sony are focusing on sound immersion. I could hear a difference with just my mono speaker phone.
Re: The Xbox Series X Has Four Tiny Rubber Feet For Horizontal Orientation
Always had my consoles horizontal, but XBSX just looks right standing vertical.
Re: Microsoft Comments On Its Decision To Support AA Batteries For The Xbox Series X Controller
This really should please most people, so the debate is odd. Disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries or a battery pack. The choice is yours. MS has the best solution.