@StonyKL I live in the Czech Republic and yes I understand many private businesses are funded by taxpayers' money, I was just triggered by how Bloober Team is bragging about it, it would just ruin the joy for me knowing that the game was involuntarily funded by my fellow European citizens. By the way, I'm subscribed to Game Pass so I'm already contributing to their income with my subscription plus my tax money, I just won't play it for the reasons above. But that's just me being grumpy.
@StonyKL look I'm being taxed over 60% each month and I don't like the fact that private companies are funded with this money, that's all. If the studio is openly bragging about this with the EU flag next to their logo and even a section dedicated to EU funding on their website, that's where I draw the line I guess. I'd much rather support an independent studio that's unable to reach for this type of funding. But as I said I don't want to bring politics here and I genuinely hope you all have fun with this game!
I hate to bring politics but I was going to play this until I looked at their webpage and learned that the studio is heavily funded by the EU, meaning taxpayers' money going to a private company and I don't support that :/
Comments 17
Re: Chernobylite Dev: Ray Tracing On Xbox Series S 'Didn't Work So Well'
Who else bought Series S thinking it will perform the same as Series X, just with lower resolution and storage space?
Re: It's 'Way Too Early' For Cyberpunk 2077 To Come To Xbox Game Pass, Says CD Projekt
Of course it’s early, the game isn’t even finished yet
Re: Here Are The Release Times For Forza Horizon 5 On Xbox Game Pass
@Arcnail about 10 hours earlier for me, but that depends on what time zone you live in
Re: Here Are The Release Times For Forza Horizon 5 On Xbox Game Pass
My Xbox has already fast-traveled to New Zealand ^^
Re: Ubisoft Reveals Pre-Load Info & Release Times For Far Cry 6 On Xbox
@Roqka no all the games are literally the same, just a different theme
Re: Xbox Celebrates National Video Game Day With Nintendo & PlayStation
Wait why nobody told me about the national video games day? This would be a perfect excuse to spend all day playing games
Re: Six More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (August 19)
12 Minutes is a masterpiece
Re: Guide: How To Find Your House In Microsoft Flight Simulator For Xbox
No need to set the arrival location
Re: Random: Xbox, Stop Turning My Game Clips Into Complete Darkness
This happened to me every time I tried to capture a cool fatality in Mortal Combat, I legit thought it's so people can't spoil the fatalities😂
Re: These Five Bethesda Games Are Getting FPS Boosts On Xbox Series X
No FPS boost for Fallout 4 on Series S
Re: Review: The Medium - A Stunning Xbox Series X Showpiece, Let Down By Uninspired Gameplay
@StonyKL I live in the Czech Republic and yes I understand many private businesses are funded by taxpayers' money, I was just triggered by how Bloober Team is bragging about it, it would just ruin the joy for me knowing that the game was involuntarily funded by my fellow European citizens. By the way, I'm subscribed to Game Pass so I'm already contributing to their income with my subscription plus my tax money, I just won't play it for the reasons above. But that's just me being grumpy.
Re: Review: The Medium - A Stunning Xbox Series X Showpiece, Let Down By Uninspired Gameplay
@StonyKL look I'm being taxed over 60% each month and I don't like the fact that private companies are funded with this money, that's all. If the studio is openly bragging about this with the EU flag next to their logo and even a section dedicated to EU funding on their website, that's where I draw the line I guess. I'd much rather support an independent studio that's unable to reach for this type of funding. But as I said I don't want to bring politics here and I genuinely hope you all have fun with this game!
Re: Review: The Medium - A Stunning Xbox Series X Showpiece, Let Down By Uninspired Gameplay
I hate to bring politics but I was going to play this until I looked at their webpage and learned that the studio is heavily funded by the EU, meaning taxpayers' money going to a private company and I don't support that :/
Re: Poll: What Is Your Xbox Game Of The Year 2020?
Cyberpunk 2077
Re: Poll: Were You One Of The 8 Million Who Pre-Ordered Cyberpunk 2077?
The game looks like a ***** on base Xbox One S, I just got the Series S just so I can play this so hopefully it will run and look better.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Launch Trailer Contains A Hidden DLC Message
To all with base xbox one, don't even bother downloading this game
Re: Random: Pulling A Sickie On Cyberpunk 2077's Launch Day? Xbox Is On To You
I'll just quit