What most don't realise is it's still cheaper to claim 3 months of gamepass core and convert it to 50 days of game pass ultimate even if you are subscribed. If you calculate points per day that tell you what you need to know.
Works in new Zealand on the start app along with the daily news points that now appeared.
It's getting close to not worth the extra effort now, in more than paying for gamepass and once mine is back to being paid up 3 years in advanced I think I'll relax on the points chasing. If you use it to claim 3 month Xbox live gold and convert that to 50 days of gamepass you only really need 300 daily points to sustain it which is easy to get. Even without the play PC quests on my account I'm easily clearing 300 points every day.
That's great but they haven't fixed the bug for achievements the other week that cost me 162 week streak. The achievements tracking in the app is just broken and has been for a while, in glad they moved achieve more earn more to gamepass quests as that's been triggering reliably. They obviously know it's broken as the earn 3 achievements hasn't come up since the week I lost my streak.
@frosty360 I lost a 160 week atreek a few weeks back in the achievetbit tracking that killed achieve more earn more. I've had a lot of issues with the rewards app just not tracking achievtfir a while now but that week everyone had problems I couldn't get any to trigger it and lost the streak. I have however screenshotted my am5 achievements and the lunch card showing the rest is complete and sent to support as evidence to reinstate it.
Also fun they said we will go things globally days after adding more points for reading the news but only in certain regions again. Loving the scheme now I can get more points where I live but still missing out on loads compared to the UK and us versions.
I thought I'd have problems but I'm actually doing ok. I do have a 512gb USB SSD but barely use that either. My biggest problem was rewards quests, so downloading extra games I have no intention to keep, playing then and forgetting to uninstall them once it popped. Since xcloud went live here a few weeks back that issues gone away as I just boot up the games that way to make them pop. I can see it being an issue eventually but hopefully the promised optimizations if using an SSD when developing for one from the outset start to materialize to help us out a bit.
@demian I still don't understand why if xcloud can receive form a server why the app can't also receive from your Xbox in another room. Just let us use our expensive box as a server style box to play around the house to reduce the latency back to the data centre.
One day I'll come back to this game properly, it just runs like garbage on the one s and I gave up putting up with the performance dips, so when I finally get that series x, maybe, just maybe I'll see it through.
If there's a refresh/bump I feel like it will just be to m one tmfrom Rdna 2 based gpu to whatever amd release next. Probably likely to be a subtle update that will likely just drop less frames or resolution it make the experience smoother.
Series S however might get an upgrade if they find themselves with the hardware able to increase its power but retain it's pricing. PC gpus see improvements whenever new a new series of cards arrives, so an rtx 3060 is better than a 2060, so swapping out for the next revisions equivalent card could see gains for them. Not entirely sure how the custom silicon works and if it's cheaper or easier for them to keep their custom chips on the same base as amds consumer PC chips.
@Xiovanni most quests aren't a chore though. It's mostly open a game, earn an achievement or do those several times in a week. It's free money for making a concerted effort to just turn on your Xbox and use it. I've never been one for achievement hunting, I get what I get on that front but I don't see the rewards as effort and I get gamepass basically paid for by turning my Xbox on for 2 minutes each day.
As others said the annoyance for most people is they aren't American or British so get very little in the way if rewards, and even less now their schemes have been scaled back like this.
Comments 10
Re: Microsoft Rewards Hosting 'End Of Year Sale' On Xbox Game Pass (In Some Regions)
What most don't realise is it's still cheaper to claim 3 months of gamepass core and convert it to 50 days of game pass ultimate even if you are subscribed. If you calculate points per day that tell you what you need to know.
GPU 28000/90=311 points/day
GPC 15000/50=300 points/day
I've been redeeming this way for ages and it's been the best value.
Re: Microsoft Rewards Begins Offering More Free Points With New 'Daily Check In' Offer
Works in new Zealand on the start app along with the daily news points that now appeared.
It's getting close to not worth the extra effort now, in more than paying for gamepass and once mine is back to being paid up 3 years in advanced I think I'll relax on the points chasing. If you use it to claim 3 month Xbox live gold and convert that to 50 days of gamepass you only really need 300 daily points to sustain it which is easy to get. Even without the play PC quests on my account I'm easily clearing 300 points every day.
Re: Microsoft Rewards Team Acknowledges Serious Issue With Weekly Streaks On Xbox
That's great but they haven't fixed the bug for achievements the other week that cost me 162 week streak. The achievements tracking in the app is just broken and has been for a while, in glad they moved achieve more earn more to gamepass quests as that's been triggering reliably. They obviously know it's broken as the earn 3 achievements hasn't come up since the week I lost my streak.
Re: New Microsoft Rewards 'Custom' Feature Could Have Major Benefits For Xbox Users
@frosty360 I lost a 160 week atreek a few weeks back in the achievetbit tracking that killed achieve more earn more. I've had a lot of issues with the rewards app just not tracking achievtfir a while now but that week everyone had problems I couldn't get any to trigger it and lost the streak. I have however screenshotted my am5 achievements and the lunch card showing the rest is complete and sent to support as evidence to reinstate it.
Also fun they said we will go things globally days after adding more points for reading the news but only in certain regions again. Loving the scheme now I can get more points where I live but still missing out on loads compared to the UK and us versions.
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Series S Owners, How's Your Storage Looking In 2022?
I thought I'd have problems but I'm actually doing ok. I do have a 512gb USB SSD but barely use that either. My biggest problem was rewards quests, so downloading extra games I have no intention to keep, playing then and forgetting to uninstall them once it popped. Since xcloud went live here a few weeks back that issues gone away as I just boot up the games that way to make them pop. I can see it being an issue eventually but hopefully the promised optimizations if using an SSD when developing for one from the outset start to materialize to help us out a bit.
Re: Roundup: All The Key Xbox Announcements From Today (June 9)
@demian I still don't understand why if xcloud can receive form a server why the app can't also receive from your Xbox in another room. Just let us use our expensive box as a server style box to play around the house to reduce the latency back to the data centre.
Re: Xbox Trolled Us Yesterday With A Ridiculous Microsoft Rewards Quest
One day I'll come back to this game properly, it just runs like garbage on the one s and I gave up putting up with the performance dips, so when I finally get that series x, maybe, just maybe I'll see it through.
Re: Will Chip Shortages Mean No Xbox Series X|S Upgrade This Generation?
If there's a refresh/bump I feel like it will just be to m one tmfrom Rdna 2 based gpu to whatever amd release next. Probably likely to be a subtle update that will likely just drop less frames or resolution it make the experience smoother.
Series S however might get an upgrade if they find themselves with the hardware able to increase its power but retain it's pricing. PC gpus see improvements whenever new a new series of cards arrives, so an rtx 3060 is better than a 2060, so swapping out for the next revisions equivalent card could see gains for them. Not entirely sure how the custom silicon works and if it's cheaper or easier for them to keep their custom chips on the same base as amds consumer PC chips.
Re: Xbox Game Pass Quests Have Undergone A Few Changes For March
@Xiovanni most quests aren't a chore though. It's mostly open a game, earn an achievement or do those several times in a week. It's free money for making a concerted effort to just turn on your Xbox and use it. I've never been one for achievement hunting, I get what I get on that front but I don't see the rewards as effort and I get gamepass basically paid for by turning my Xbox on for 2 minutes each day.
As others said the annoyance for most people is they aren't American or British so get very little in the way if rewards, and even less now their schemes have been scaled back like this.
Re: Everyone's 'Moving To New Zealand' For Elden Ring's Xbox Launch
As long as you aren't paying NZ prices, things ain't cheap down here.
If only all these new users down here would prompt Microsoft to offer the full rewards program and cloud gaming here as well