Comments 5

Re: Special Xbox Game Pass 'Upgrade' Bundles Confirmed For Starfield & Forza Motorsport


@themightyant no offense man but I think you’re making this a way bigger deal than it is. You only get early access with the premium and collectors edition, not the standard. A LOT of gaming companies do that. The real release day is September 6th as that’s when the standard edition (the one that will be on game pass) comes out. You’re paying more for dlc, cosmetics and early access.

Re: Starfield's ESRB Rating Appears To Have Been Revealed By Bethesda


Starfield will either be a masterpiece or mediocre. It all depends on if Todd and Phil get their ***** together and if it launches in a completed state. Both fallout 76 and ESO were made by much smaller and inexperienced teams compared to the ones that made Skyrim and fallout 4 as well as they were using a engine that was never meant for multiplayer. Starfield is using a completely new engine, has the main development team working on it and is exclusive to Xbox and PC meaning the resources that would have gone to a PS5 version can go to bug fixing and developing content. If it’s everything we’re being promised then it could easily be a strong contender for game of the year (but ToTK will probably take it). But if it launches in a mediocre or buggy state then I don’t think Xbox and Bethesda will recover from that backlash.