Comments 65

Re: Xbox Creator Offers Support For Teenage Fan 'Insulted In The Press'


Let’s be real here, guys. 40 hours is a lot of time. Play out how that might work. School 8-2, then game/online 2-6 and 10-12 on weekdays and 5 hrs each weekend day. If I were the parents in this case, I’d be concerned too. Getting in the Times feels like a bad move - but that kind of time doesn’t happen without parents looking the other way and I don’t think you can blame the kid for this.

Re: Feature: Here's What It's Like To Unbox The Xbox Series X


@FraserG I was going to say Cyberpunk... because even if it works on Xbox One, I’m guessing load times will be a beast. Guess that will be a little bit of a wait. It would be interesting to hear how AC Valhalla and Call of Duty compare, and maybe an older game with heavier load times like RDR2.

For me personally, part of the reason that I’m going to upgrade is that while my OG Xbox One and controller still hold up (and are quiet!), I feel like those are games that I’m not going to want to experience on the older platform. Is Cyberpunk a 90-hour game on Xbox One and 85-hour game on Series X because of load times? It’s kind of crazy to think about how that stuff adds up.

Re: Feature: Here's What It's Like To Unbox The Xbox Series X


@FraserG Hey Fraser, any chance we could get a comparison for loading times between the original Xbox One and the Series X? I feel like most of the coverage to date has been comparisons between the One X and Series X. I know, I know, it should be a no-brainer. But I want to know! Not sure if that was part of the embargo / NDA.

Re: Deals: If You're A Star Wars Fan, You'll Love This Xbox Mandalorian Sale (Oct 27 - Nov 3)


@everynowandben I really liked Jedi Fallen Order and it does have some Tomb Raider vibes, but it’s also a souls-like and gets pretty difficult at points. Would just know that going in. Kotor is a great recommendation. I also enjoyed Battlefront 2 for the single player - it’s a balanced, short single player that is worth getting into for sure. If only we could get an up-rezzed rogue squadron, I would be all about that.

Re: Poll: Would You Release Halo Infinite's Campaign & Multiplayer Separately?


I would be down with this as a limited beta for Multiplayer only. That feels more reasonable and would let them get the servers up and running. Even if it’s only three maps and limited options, I’d love to play some multiplayer Halo over the holidays. Heck, give me Blood Gulch and legacy weapons only, and I’d be happy. Given the way single-player is set up, it feels like that would be harder to release piecemeal. Whatever helps sell the most boxes so Microsoft can make more.

Re: Here's The Full List Of Xbox Series X|S Launch Day Titles


@FraserG Cool. The Falconeer, Enlisted and Yakuza I guess would round out that list of - only on Xbox launches.

@Sikthvash agree on those being cool showcases of experiences that might push people over the edge.

I think Cyberpunk and Call of Duty might help too. Personally, I’m wondering what the difference in loading times/performance will be for those because I’m leaning away from even trying to play them on my og Xbox one.

Re: Guide: This Is What You'll Get With EA Play On Xbox Game Pass


Play Madden anywhere or play FIFA anywhere are pretty compelling points of differentiation. The RPG lineup also gets boosted by Dragon Age, right? I wonder if an Activision deal might be next. It feels like we’re heading down a path of Microsoft saying - “hey, if you just want to play Halo, Call of Duty and Madden each year - don’t spend $500 for a box and $210 a year on games, just spend $120 a year to get all that and more.”

Re: These 5 Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early September


@electrolite77 took a while to click for me too, but then it opens up. Totally worth experiencing, but it’s not a game I’d recommend rushing through. Part of the charm of it is stumbling across a weird tree one minute, finding a legendary animal the next and then being ambushed by bandits - while on the way to your objective. The interruptions and discovery are the best parts, and I don’t think you appreciate that as much when trying to crush the main storyline.

Re: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Doesn't Sound Like It's Going Anywhere For Now


I don’t think this is an accurate interpretation of this letter. It’s a management shakeup, and all that line is intended to do is show who has responsibility for the studios right now after three leaders have been shown the door. That’s important because deals take time to work through both before and after they are announced. For all we know, a deal could have been made a month ago and it may just not be public yet.

A better interpretation might have been - ATT shakes up management. No news on potential sale for WB studios.

Re: Guide: What Is Project xCloud & How Does It Work?


@everynowandben give it time. If Apple feels like they’re losing people from their ecosystem by not offering it, and honestly, it’s a pretty great selling point for going Android, they’ll bite the bullet. You can now buy music and movies from Amazon and use them on your iPhone. Why not games!

Re: Some Xbox Fans Want To Boycott Marvel's Avengers Over Sony Deal


I don’t know about a boycott, but buying the Xbox version is a whole lot less appealing. It would be one thing if it was a minor character or if each platform had an exclusive, but it’s hard to not feel like you’re getting less for the same price because spider-man is so beloved. Would there be less backlash if this was paid DLC?

Re: Xbox Has Begun Adding Touch Controls To Project xCloud


Interesting. I would think this would work fine for some games (like a walking sim a la “What Remains is Edith Finch” or a turn-based RPG like Civiliazation or the South Park rpgs), but not most. Might be a nice way to get some simple puzzling in when on the go. But I’ll pass on touch controls for most games.

Re: Poll: Would You Trade Xbox Games With Gold For Free Multiplayer?


I would probably keep games with gold, but it just depends on the quality of what’s on offer. I loved playing through Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, Inside, Turing Test, Gone Home and Saints Row IV through the service. I know people complain about quality, but just 1-2 games per year that connect with me personally make it worth the price.

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