Update: Imran Khan has since provided additional comments about this on ResetEra:
"There isn't a major third party out there Sony failed to approach asking what kind of deals they could work out. Some had content, some had games, some had content and games. It is not like Microsoft was not willing to offer, they just didn't want to pay the asking price, because Sony approached with pretty high numbers in the first place."
Original story: One of this week's major talking points has centred around the decision to make Spider-Man exclusive to the PlayStation versions of Marvel's Avengers, and now according to an industry insider, Sony will be locking up more "huge" games with timed exclusivity going forward (thanks GamesRadar).
This comes from former Game Informer editor Imran Khan, who made the comments on an August 6th episode of Kinda Funny Games Daily. Khan recently stated that the next year will be a "marathon of getting upset" for those who are unhappy about timed exclusivity, and elaborated on this further in the show:
"There are things you will be shocked to find out that Sony is moneyhatting, that they are locking up for timed exclusivity. 'Wow, that is a game that you're choosing?' Not because it's bad, but because it's huge.
I'm interested to see where this conversation is going to be in a couple of months because there are games that are widely accepted as multi-platform that Sony is locking up for a little while..."
How do you feel about this? What games do you think Khan's referring to? Share your thoughts in the comments.
[source youtube.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 109
I think Microsoft are very ‘pro’ consumer and Sony are very ‘anti’ consumer. But it’s nothing new in the games industry so... if you have a PS5 you’ll have tons of games to choose from, not so much on the Series X according to this report but you’ll have Game Pass and possibly better looking graphics. However if Sony tie up lots of third party games under the exclusive banner, does that mean the PS5 would be the lead developer machine for the game?
Maybe Call of Duty?
I've always had a PlayStation until last gen when I had kids and just skipped it due to time constraints. I was excited to learn back in Jan that the PS5 was coming out this year (I was out of the loop on all things gaming) and was 100% set I'm getting it. As time went on and I started listening to more podcasts and reading up on the Xbox I totally switched to my surprise. Xbox is definitely a better option for a casual gamer. I'm in with game pass playing on PC as of this week and looking at getting the series x so i can buy used games. The way PlayStation is acting is really just turning me away from all things PlayStation. They just want your money and they don't care what you think about them.
@GunValkyrie FFXVI I could see happening, but GTA 6? I don't think they could afford what Take 2 would charge for that. Lol.
@GunValkyrie seems they are looking at timed at exclusives vs full only on PS5 exclusives.
Timed is timed, I can wait. Plus he’s said “Little While” makes me wonder how long the exclusivity really is, months, a year? I can wait; I have a huge backlog.
Anyway, It doesn’t matter in the long run because what’s going to happen is at launch Sony’s going to have bigger numbers for the box. The box. But people will purchase some form XBox. Like xCloud/Gamepass/Gamepass for PC just made it super easy for people to invest in both companies.
@Bmartin001 I don’t know that seems weird. It’s usually big Japanese Games that they lock up the most. I guess they could but I feel more like it’s going Final Fantasy XVI.
That's why they haven't announced the price of the PS5 yet. They need to add on all the money they are paying out for timed exclusives to the consumer.
Not sure what Microsoft's excuse is though.
Microsoft needs to jump on that WB aquisition...
Sony knows they are at a disadvantage, they likely also know their console will be more expensive, and despite what anyone says, Halo is a big game that will be available at launch.
Of course Sony is being way too aggressive with these timed exclusivity stuff to buy time before they actually have any of their big first party titles ready.
But it seems they doing a way better job at it than MS did at the start of XOne gen, when they too did the whole timed exclusivity. The timing of WB is way too good to pass on, they should snatch the hell out of it.
@S1ayeR74 "Xbox" is very pro-consumer. Microsoft have their own bad habits elsewhere.
@Medic_Alert - I think it can stand on it's own merit. But they are seeing what Microsoft are doing ie going down a bit of a different path, and they want to maximise sales from those how shall I put it.... traditional gamers? I don't want to say hardcore as hardcore gamers explore all gaming.
Sony want people to invest in PS5, they want current owners to stay invested by saying play the biggest third party games here first.
It is captalism at it's finest, but Sony and Microsoft have both done it aggressively over the years and MS have timed-exclusives even now so I don't get all the hatred in one direction.
If the boot was on the other foot would us Xbox owners say forget this bad practice I'm jumping to Playstation? Nope.
@Medic_Alert looking at the latest state of play they don't have a lot of launch titles lined up and the industry as a whole will be struggling for games next year due to the lockdown on mocap and other production components that you need to be on studio for. Not a lot of games to justify buying the new console and their intention is to get you on a PS5 where Xbox just wants you in game pass.
@Jaxx420 Honestly, right now it would be very stupid for any big company to take such an offer, but sounds like these will be announced in the next couple of months.
Just imagine, if XBox manages to pull off a perfect launch, and they instantly get 50% of the next gen pie? Anyone that accepted money from Sony would likely do so under the assumption of the current gen ratios, and that would make them lose a LOT of money, at least if we talking FF16 or GTA6.
That's great news cause I'll be getting a PS5. Nice one 👍
I will be waiting out timed exclusivity deals no matter the platform.
FF7R burned me too badly with the trainwreck on Ps4 Pro.
@Tharsman it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and they need more studios to keep making games. They will have the regular AAA for cross platform like Mortal Kombat and Batman I belive and allow them to create a lot of smaller passion projects as well which in many cases can be some of the most entertaining games.
@Medic_Alert I agree with that, I think Microsoft have totally rocked Sony as they have essentially turned the ‘traditional’ gaming business model on its head with Game Pass! And Sony hasn’t got anything remotely close to compete with against it. So they are pilling on the exclusive deals.
Also I somehow think the PS5 will be more expensive too. But Microsoft will make more money then Sony with Game Pass. Hopefully we will find out this month.
But it does seem Sony we’re most definitely rattled by Microsoft this time.. plus where is this PS5 teardown they promised? I am intrigued to know what cooking solution they’ve come up with, or if it’s another jet engine system like my PS4 Pro..
@Krzzystuff Its not even the studios, because I am sure MS can dangle enough money in the face of devs to poach their talent away.
Its mostly about what the studios own, the licensing deals that can come with such acquisition, and the titles they might have read to launch in the next 14 months.
Like, imagine Aug 22 comes, they reveal Suicide Squad, and all the PS fans of Batman are watching the stream... and at the end the bomb drops: Exclusive to XBox Series X. One more thing: We are now part of Microsoft Studios. fade to black
@Tharsman I would love fir them to be bought by MS but i have a feeling that they won't go the exclusive route with the games. They will make a ton of cash by making it cross platform which will help pay for the acquisition. MS has the cash but Xbox doesn't and it will have to pay for it. Plus it's hard to be pro consumer and just start doing the same anticonsumer tactics. Big sell will be it's in game pass at no extra cost for members which will help drive subscriptions.
@Krzzystuff The only games MS has squired and kept multi-console have been games that already been announced to be multi-console before the acquisition. Plus, all of them were small enough they had publishing deal with a third party publisher, potentially making it harder to get off that publishing deal.
WB is a big self-publishing set of studios, if acquired, there would not be any third party to worry about, and at least this game has not been announced yet, so its perfectly fair to just never announce a PS version.
Wouldn’t surprise me if this includes the new Rocksteady game as a timed exclusive.
Nothing has changed from current and last gen. The two would try and get the best exclusives for their platform and to support their brands consumers.
Its no question that Sony took a significant player base this generation and they seem confident that those consumers will follow them to PS5, with the possibility of even more.
So investing in timed exclusives makes total sense to strengthen their portfolio.
Will be interesting to see how Xbox counter this, maybe with games released day and date on both platforms, being free under GamePass on Xbox rathe than the full price on PS5. That would be a huge get for Xbox with certain titles, though only time will tell.
@tinCAT-zero How is this great news?.
1) You don't know which games this includes.
2) If they didn't pay for timed exclusives, they'd still come to PS5 where you could play them exactly as you are going to.
Timed exclusives isn't giving PS5 owners something extra. It's blocking other players for a short time. As far as PS5 owners go, their experience and access isn't changed.
I'll agree it's not great news for people who are only getting an Xbox. A lot of people will be getting both console's, so for me it doesn't matter as I'll be getting both. Anyway it's only speculation and what are these massive games? GTA V or some other junk that I'm not interested in.
My comment is more in response to the Sony bashing that is going on on this site.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, The Medium, The Gunk, Warhammer, 12 Minutes, Dead Static, Drive, Exo One, Lake, Last Stop, Mad Streets, Sable, Shredders, Song of Iron, The Artful Escape, The Ascent, The Big Con, The Falconeer, Tunic, Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy...all bought and paid for timed exclusives for Xbox.
@Richnj because some people feel the need taunt people?
I mean most people on both side are respectful, but there is a small group of people that derive pleasure when things like this happen. They need things like this to happy to feel justified. It’s just another form of cyberbullying.
@lacerz I think you missed the point of the article that Sony has deliberately pulled a title that is usually a big third party multi and tied it to PS5. None of the games that you listed could be defined that way.
Here is a difference in company approach:
Struggling kickstarter game, Little Devil Inside. Promised to its backers to all platforms, Sony steps in to help but demands the game PS timed exclusive. Plenty of backers robbed of their money.
Struggling kickstarter game, Psychonauts 2. Promised to its backers to all platforms, Microsoft steps in, out-right buys them entirely and finances the rest of development, but demands... nothing. Game still goes to all platforms. Backers are all very happy!
I think Sony need to fill in the gaps since teams like Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch have literally just put games out, so won't have anything for at least another 3 years.
One thing I would say, is that FF7R has only just sold 5m units just over 5 months of being released during a global pandemic where gaming was on the boom. In contrast, FF15 sold 5m units within 24 hours of being released.
So in terms of that example, goes to show the difference between launching as multiformat rather than a timed exclusive...
Ehhhh this next gen is going to be so toxic lol..
Like yourself. Lol
I for one like both consoles and also have a switch this is just buisness if you get more content and a console that's the console I will buy it on.
Oh, so it's like Tomb Raider, which Phil Spencer created a precedence for. Gotcha.
It’s just Sony being Sony. No surprise here to me. They’ve always been a lousy company.
Definitely looking forward to Hitman in VR. Thank you Sony for being lousy and bringing us lousy games and gaming experiences!
I love it when the “ignore” button comes in handy. 👋 👍🏻
@lacerz Two things wrong with your response.
1) You brought up indies to justify an opinion about a potential big Sony multiplat, and that comparison is a fallacy. You are basically saying Xbox fans shouldn’t feel upset or angry because look at all the indies that were shown off, when the majority of people wouldn’t play said indies if MS didn’t make them exclusive and market them. Literally how many of those games would have flew under the radar, hmm?
2) Then, you bring up something that happened years ago to justify an opinion about “now”. Should I bring Sony’s behavior in the PS1 era to justify anything the company does now? That’s again oh you fans shouldn’t feel bad because back in the day...
Listen you want to have this conversation that’s great; it’s useless because I was simply pointing out the flaws in your arguments, and now I’m pointing that they were design to hurt people. Basically you were saying “Take what you can get loser xoxoxo”. Like if that’s what makes you better, great for you. But expect to called out on it. Also, I never stated “Sony was bad” for doing this, it’s a business; practice.
@lacerz "Oh, so it's like Tomb Raider, which Phil Spencer created a precedence for. Gotcha."
OK at least keep up with the room? Spencer was not in charge of XBox for that deal, that was all on slimy Don Mattrix, whom no one here holds any love for. He was the one in charge during the first few years of XBox One, and the final years of 360. Funny how during that time Xbox lost its edge too... but that's a separate topic.
I think it's fair to say Microsoft have set a precedent for this over the years, albeit not always with major third party games. All Sony have done is do what always happens between competitors: raise the stakes and go one better.
Now, for me, there are two key questions to take away from this. The first is what games have Sony managed to acquire as a timed exclusive, and the second is how will Microsoft respond? The latter is definitely the most thought-provoking.
Will they do the same and bag a major third party game as a timed exclusive for themselves? To some it may go against their pro-consumer strategy, but at this point I think it's a necessary evil. Sony have already got Deathloop and GhostWire: Tokyo bolstering their portfolio, and they've evidently got more up their sleeve going by this. This isn't the time for Microsoft to play fair anymore.
The other option (and I think this would be better in the long run) is to acquire another big studio. Rocksteady, IO Interactive, Bungie, CD Project Red (wishful thinking, I know)? Bringing one of these or any other major developer you care to mention under the Xbox Game Studios banner would be a major win for Microsoft. That Warner Bros deal is looking too good to pass up at this point.
Either way, it's going to be an interesting launch to next-gen. I for one can't wait.
@Tharsman totally agree! He's the sole reason I believe why Xbox is in the state its currently in. He sucks balls and should never have held a position of power at Xbox
@Kingleo31 Yea, he also seemed to hold this stupid philosophy that unless it was Halo, MS should not bother developing games and instead everything should be driven by exclusivity deals, be them timed or permanent.
@Tharsman I dont think that is how it went down with Psychonauts 2.
Its more likely Microsoft did as they always do when they acquire a studio and allow the game to release everywhere rather than buy out the contractual obligations to other platforms.
That is just a calculated risk rather than being nice.
As for Little Devil Inside. It does look awful but Sony would have no doubt put money in for marketing and distribution in exchange for that. Money that developer likely could not have fronted on their own.
@Tharsman thats a little ironic considering the exclusives seemed to stop when he ran xbox. I feel the overall feel and quality left when he came on board. I mean, xbox 360 were getting games that were always associated with Playstation, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, even the Jrpgs were more prominent in the early days of 360 which I was so stoked for! Then he came along and xbox has never been the same since.
Imran Khan? I believe in the last gameinformer issue, the editor, Andy McNamara announced he was leaving as well and said Khan was a great journalist. I'll always love GI.
Not surprised by timed exclusivity. I don't even know if I care either. I'm not planning to upgrade anytime soon anyway.
@Krzzystuff I think Sony cut a larger State of Play in half because Xbox's July event was bad (Sony going all out would've risked them being undercut by Microsoft later this month). The first half being the recent State of Play (PS4 and PSVR focus) and the 2nd half being a State of Play airing sometime after Microsoft's August event focusing on PS5 stuff.
@Kingleo31 He didnt run MS at the time the 360 got those titles got signed up for xbox, though. He took over in 2007, the Xbox was successful in great part due to the first 2 years of foundation. You could almost draw a downwards line on the 360 performance that starts during his early time managing the division.
I mean, look at the end, the platform first party efforts were almost entirely focused on kinect casual game development. They had Rare working on Wiiware games for the Xbox 360 😥
@Tharsman @Kingleo31
Yea Don Mattrick was the reason I bought a PS3 halfway through the 360 generation. Like you said......if it wasn’t Halo, Gears, Forza, or Fable he didn’t care about the franchises. And don’t get me started on Kinect! 🙄
He was the worst leader Xbox has had & Phil is still trying to undo the mess that Mattrick made with the early Xbox One/late 360 era.
And he loved his timed & 2nd/3rd party exclusives, as we all know.
Sony’s State of Play sucked bc they have nothing to show. I’m sure Covid-19 has effected their teams just like everyone else. Hence all the timed 3rd party deals.
And Microsoft’s July show wasn’t bad, but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I thought it was great.
@Tharsman I know that was my point. That was all due to the hardwork of others establishing those relations with developers and building Xbox to be a real force in the i industry. I feel if he hadn't gotten the role of Xbox boss, the Xbox 360 would have probably beaten the ps3. Xbox 360 will always have a special place in my heart cause it was the first time I felt like they actually stood a chance against Sony.
@KelticDevil Agreed. I wish so much that what he did could be undone and it would go back to how it used it to be. I love xbox, but I didn't get and Xbox one until a year ago or so. I played on an ps4 which had some good games, but my preference is Xbox and it just sucks that it never really developed into a worthy successor to the Xbox 360. Here's hoping to better days with the Xbox Series X!
@Kingleo31 ah, thought you meant it was ironic that during his time on the 360 he had done well. Got your point now.
There is a thought that Sony does this because it can’t compete with Game Pass. So to prevent third party titles to be practically “free” on XSX, they try to get timed exclusivity.
@Jaxx420 not to mention that a game like GTA6 makes most of its money through online, which benefits from NOT cutting off a portion of its player base. I could see something like the new Batman going timed exclusive.
If this is true then Sony is clearly scared and worried about the next generation. They know the biggest reason they did so well this time was due to Microsoft botching the Xbox One launch and they know that isnt going to happen again.
If you’re looking at buying a new console for new games (shocker) there’s no reason to buy the Series X. Like it or not, ‘anti-consumer’ timed exclusives give a reason to actually buy a new, next-gen console.
All the people complaining about Sony making items console exclusive are conveniently ignoring the fact that Microsoft took a multitude of multiplatform game developers and made them Xbox exclusive. So yeah, there's that.
To what end? Of course it's always good to have the games first. But, But, But the best version will most likely be on Xbox.
@GunValkyrie which lets be real most people have FOMO, so they’ll purchase it regardless if they finish it or not. Then a year later when comes to Gamepass same day as Xbox release; everyone gets mad or other emotions. I mean look at DQ11s? For Xbox it’s a new game, so it doesn’t matter that it’s a Switch Port. I’m not sure how I’d feel if I owned a PS4 with that one (and a save file that would render useless).
@S1ayeR74 Microsoft is so "pro-consumer" right now because they got crucified this generation and they need to make up ground right now and PS5 needs to maintain their dominance. I love both systems, but these are the facts.
@SolarSailor And the PS4 is an all round better console than the PS3 because of all the mistakes Sony made with that console.
Being handed success doesn't teach you lessons, failing does. Sony learnt the lesson last gen, MS learned one this gen.
This is standard practice in the gaming industry, really. It's not even that newsworthy, imo.
@Richnj Agreed. Competition propels the industry forward. Imagine where we'd be right now if the PS4 wasn't here and Xbox continued down their Xbox One as a DVR road lmao. I like how both companies are taking different approaches this generation.
The Tomb Raider deal was all Phil. Quit lying about hypocrite Phil.
@lacerz you mean all the studios they purchased that could not make the game they are making now because they never had the financial backing before?
Hell, Psychonauts 2 is only getting boss fights at all (on PS4 also) because of that purchase. So... you welcome?
As for Tomb Rider: do more than a quick google search. Tomb Rider exclusivity was a thing that started with the series reboot, and it was common for the Don Mattrik deals to have "rights of first refusal" and timed exclusivity clauses for sequels.
This may be in response to MS buying up those game studios, last year. Or gamepass. If it's a bunch of singleplayer games, fine, I'll get the definitive/GOTY edition. If it's a multiplayer, that's fine, too. Cause everyone on xbsx will have the same start time as me. I ended up with all three, this gen. I'm sure I'll have all three(?) next gen.
Gents gents gents, please. Lets not turn this site into a fanboy battle ground. We all have Push Square for that.
I hate this kinda thing. It back fired on Microsoft with tomb raider so hopefully it’ll back fire on Sony
@Arugula Sure. It's possible to judge consoles both objectively and subjectively at the same time.
The N64, Gamecube, and Dreamcast are some of my favourite consoles, and I also happen to to have a soft spot for my Wii U, but run away successes, they are not.
My bets are on GTA/ES6/Starfeild/CoD. Any of these games being "delayed for Xbox" can easily sway most.
It looks more and more that Sony's play here is "Xbox only has old game" imagine if the PR if Sony got cod2020 and Xbox didn't get it till Cod2021 launched.
Ms needs to secure it's third party output, I'm not say timed exclusives, just making sure important games don't end up PS exclusives.
The saltiness between the 2 systems is why i won’t be getting either of the systems and will probably stick with my primary gaming system, the Switch
They're as bad as each other, how many console launch exclusives were at the Xbox show? Plus we all remember Tomb Raider. Its just nonsense from both sides for 3rd party games unfortunately.
Luckily as someone who is going to buy both consoles it doesn't matter that much to me personally
So I've checked the PS article on this, and the comments are telling. People cheering this. People from this thread acting like they are taking the high road on here, while also just straight up trashing xbox on the other site. There's no moral basis, it's all just bias.
@carlos82 I'll eventually buy both consoles too, but not for a good few years, and I only very rarely buy games at launch anyway, so this won't actually effect me either. But I still feel like this matters.
Not holding companies to account for sucky behaviour is why we've ended up with microtransactions riddled through products that cost £95 at launch. The more we explain and excuse for their behaviour, the more they push the envelope to something more sucky.
The fanboys are just so caught up with winning the race, they've not noticed they're just racing to the bottom.
Tech companies are not your friends.
@Richnj I do agree in that it still matters, it just affects me a bit less having both and I really don't understand who timed exclusives benefit, do people really buy one console just because they can play a third party game sooner? Things like Spider-Man in the Avengers game though I just can't support and won't be buying it for any platform, the other stuff such as being able to buy microtransactions 30 days early doesn't sound like a privilege but removing a character is just flat out wrong
Lmao, remember rise of the tomb raider....
That's all I'm saying
@Thretosix are you forgetting what xbox did with rise of the tomb raider? Now that was laughable, forget a bit of content, that was an whole actual game xbox bought for a year of exclusivity. And since then both Sony and Microsoft have been paying for exclusives like its a war
@Thretosix yes but xbox are still doing it, I watched their show the other day and they announced some time exclusive games just like Sony did. Both companies are at fault here not just Sony, though I'm not a fan of it either especially not for whole games to be exclusive for 6-12 months like final fantasy and tomb raider as the biggest examples but also xbox recently with Vigor and PUBG
Tomb Raider was how many years ago? Get over it. 🙄
@KelticDevil lol so that was fine but spiderman in avengers for sony is despicable... OK
Just remember xbox started this timed exclusivity bulls**t
@Thretosix my point was that Microsoft are just as bad as Sony with the timed exclusivity BS.
Happy Gaming.
All of this because some guy on a PlayStation biased YouTube channel (and an annoying one at that) said he’s heard this? 😂
Let Sony waste their money on buying up a bunch of timed exclusives. It just shows that their 1st party studios don’t have much coming yet.
And their State Of Play was just as bad as the Xbox show in May & rumors are the PS5 may cost more than XSX. PS Now is a joke. PSVR has bombed. Sony looks scared to me.
Not the same thing, as many (including myself) have explained already. If you can’t understand that, well not sure what else to tell ya. Keep trolling then.
Bye. Ignored. 👋
@KelticDevil ps4 had more than double the Xbox one sales! And it was a state of play showing lesser games not a proper presentation, the content for avengers has been confirmed in a trailer released yesterday, Psvr has actually been successful and now go a hitman trilogy VR which looks amazing, nothing will ever be as bad as Microsofts show in May lol and finally microsoft are also paying for timed exclusive games.... Only thing you said with merit was that ps now is sh*t
Some really salty xbox fan boys on here who haven't read up on facts before spouting nonsense
Sony have nothing to fear and ready to make it 4 generation wins over xbox in a row...
Have a nice day
I have found the best way to deal with the Push Square trolls who crawl over here to start nonsense is that handy “ignore” button.
Who has time to argue with these types of people? 😂
Agreed! And Happy Gaming to you, as well. 👍🏻
@KelticDevil says the Xbox troll himself, have your read your comment about Sony
What an hypocrite.
This is what 3 generations of losing does to you?
@Thretosix oh and your comment about the ps4 having lousy 1st party titles? Look at the facts, ps4 1st party titles out performed all of xbox ones 1st party titles in both sales figures and review scores...
But i suppose if those games were on zbix one and made by Microsoft then they would be masterpieces to you lmao and you say I'm trolling.
Sony: "Why spending money on funding our own IPs, when we can just take games away from other players?"
Just Sony being Sony.
As I said earlier, let Sony waste their $ on crap like this. I want Microsoft to spend $ on buying studios to help their 1st party content & Game Pass. We’ll get any timed exclusives on Xbox eventually anyways.
And if Microsoft comes and says that XSX is $400 & announces they bought WB Games (among others)...... 🎤 drop.
@playstation_king let me get this straight you come here to the Xbox site and @KelticDevil is the troll? Wow I’d say you have issues. You quite literally came over to this side to start a fight.
BTW Nintendo does “Timed Exclusives” as well Panzer Dragoon Remake, DQ11S, Untitled Goose Game, ring a bell? They all do it on some level. But besides “Rise is the Tomb Raider” what exclusive has Xbox got that recently that upset you? A handful of indie games? Yeah I didn’t think so. Listen people are allowed to have feelings and are expressing them in a mostly civil manner. You again come here to drum up some sort controversy. Don’t worry I’m sure PS5 will sell more physical units. Guess what MS is okay with that, and so am I. Now please go home, this is getting old.
@Grot oh I fully admit Nintendo have the best numbers for 1st party sales and will never be beaten, mainly because the lack of third party support and let's be honest if Nintendo went all out like Sony and Microsoft do in terms of graphics and include a blu Ray player then I'm sure sony/Microsoft would be no more
@mousieone I came over to defend sonys strategy by pointing out Microsoft do the same and then he starts bashing playstation Vr and sonys 1st party titles and ps now? And Microsoft announced a few times exclusives during their last presentation more than Sony did infact. And Vigor, pubg, back dessert online. And 15 titles already for next gen
@AlexSora89 what game have they took from you?
First my angry & reaction depend on the title names, cause games like Final Fantasy have never interested me, now if it's a game like GTA, COD or a game of such caliber then it's a whole new thing. Sadly I have developed a system for such... Not on Xbox at release it doesn't exist, shows up six months to a year later it still doesn't exist. On the chance it's a great game I will buy it second hand from Gamestop as still a big FU to studio and those behind the BS. Win win
@lacerz SF5, Destiny content anyone remember that
@PhhhCough wonder what MS retaliation will be for insomniac, hopefully it's a WBI purchase along with all IP license. How great would that be
@playstation_king again those titles are mostly indies and maybe a few AAs, I mean if you want to play Quantity over Popularity, but it’s a losing fight. You and I both know none of those titles match the player base of a Final Fantasy or a Diablo. If Sony has Silent Hill do you think The Medium could go toe to toe with it ?
PUBG is the biggest thing you listed and honestly at the time period it wasn’t that well known. It blew up sure, but at the time who knew what was going to happen? That’s the thing MS took a gamble, but it could have easily not paid off.
Again, if your upset over a handful of indies and some AAs okay fine, but somehow I doubt the bulk of PS fans are upset over something like “The Falconeer”.
Trying to go over like it’s a numbers game doesn’t make sense. Most people would have no idea who these indies even are if the Big 3 didn’t sponsor them.
As for defending Sony? Please Sony doesn’t need you to defend their business practices. Look some of the people posting are saying, it’s a business practice; I know I did.
And @KelticDevil is not allow to state a pro Xbox opinion on a pro Xbox site? I mean there are plenty of people that bash Gamepass/Xbox on PushSquare; I didn’t feel the need to start correcting them. What would that have done? I’m not going to change their minds, just like I doubt you are going to change @KelticDevil
But by all means keep coming over here at the bare minimum you generating more ad revenue, but don’t think you are helping Sony nor soothing people emotions. You wanted a fight.
@mousieone I never said I was trying to help sony, I saw the comments bashing sony and thought I'd point out that Microsoft do the exact same thing with time exclusive content and games.
And yes I fully expected a fight but at the same time I wanted the discussion to stay on topic about timed exclusivity not someone bashing sonys 1st party titles, playstation vr, state of play etc...
And for your information I'm not a troll playstation fan boy, yes I have a ps4 bit also rwi Nintendo switches and I've rthe last few months been playing the Xbox stream app on my phone using my dualshock and fully enjoy state of decay 2 and re-core
@Kmcroc5472 can never see COD or GTA ever being a timed exclusive, they are way too big and make more than enough money than whatever sony or Microsoft could offer them
@playstation_king was using their standing as an example without overexerting myself thinking of studio & games. As for your point I agree totally
@Kmcroc5472 Microsoft is going about throwing 54 billion dollars at TicTok, something that can very easily become the next MySpace... they better dont cheap out on the 4b needed to acquire a studio that could become one of the biggest Microsoft Game Studios strengths.
Owning WB does not just strengthen XBox, it also strengthens Windows gaming, if they can make sure no more fiascos like Batman Arkham Knight for PC ever happens again.
@Tharsman 54 billion for Tic Tok especially if it's bound to become the next Myspace doesn't seem worth it unless they have solution inline to avoid that. As for the WBi purchase it has the potential to put Xbox & Gamepass front & center for all it's endeavor going forward, yes hopefully they have repeat of any screw ups of any kind. Sadly it's a wait and see scenario for now.
@playstation_king Glad to know we are on the same page then. L
I don’t think it’s outright COD or GTA either. Sony has deals with them already anyway. I think it’s FFXVI, Silent Hill, Diablo 4, and the upcoming Need for Speed. Neither company has a new racing game out soon, Square-Enix loves times exclusivity deals, Bethesda has been doing this a lot recently, and Konami wasn’t doing anything with the franchise. My vote is those 4, I also wouldn’t be surprised if there are few games that went silent from last years E3 that are docket too, but not as big those.
@mousieone i have a feeling silent hill will be ps5 timed exclusive, but definitely not diablo 4 it is too big of a game and literally blizzards top game and sold over 30million on pc alone
@playstation_king maybe I don’t know. I kind of feel Sony is literally funding Silent Hill, like Nintendo with Bayo 2? Maybe.
The thing is I don’t think they are restricting the exclusivity to PC, minus FF. So Diablo is really only losing out on Xbox players. But with Covid, I’m a little concerned with any games slated for early next year :/
@mousieone yeah covid has certainly delayed some future games, some strong launch games are definitely going to needed, imagine a weak launch line up and then hardly any new games in the first quarter of 2021 that would be a disaster.
So far I see a lot of indie games releasing for both consoles on releases and many upgraded ports for games alrwady out such as cyberpunk and the last of us 2 etc
The more i read about these stuff the more i start hating sony.
Days ago i whas like mm maybe it will be Ps5 this generation but the more i read what sony has been doing, now i want to skip ps5 as a whole.
Neither Xbox nor PlayStation are pro or anti consumer. They are mega corporations who offer competing visions and products, and who engage heavily in PR and spin.
You could argue that Game Pass is anti-consumer if you wanted. Pay forever and own nothing. Doesn't sound like a great deal when you spin it that way.
You could argue that PlayStation are anti-consumer for blocking Spider-Man in Avengers on other platforms.
You could argue XBOX are anti-consumer for buying Obsidian and denying Pillars of Eternity fans on PlayStation access to future games in that series.
We could go on an on here with examples from both parties, and Nintendo. Remember those 3DS XLs that came without chargers?
These companies don't know you. They don't know your names. Everything they say in public is PR, a message to justify the decisions they've made to extend their profit margins.
That's it.
Stop waving corporate flags. Spend your money where you feel it's deserved based on your own particular tastes and move on.
And anyone who thinks either one of these companies has been put in a bad position or rattled by the other is dead wrong. They both have different approaches to gaming now, and they're both going to do perfectly fine with all of the money we're going to give them over the next few years and beyond.
MS will push Game Pass and streaming, Nintendo look to be keeping it traditional, PlayStation are somewhere in between.
More importantly, they're competing with each other and pushing each other, which is great for us in the long term.
Meanwhile MS and Sony will both continue to spend money for deals like this. I don't like it, no matter who does it, but it's going to keep happening because we all cheer and throw our wallets at them anyway.
@Krzzystuff that’s funny as I’m feeling the opposite!
Remember MS just announced 20 or so timed exclusives during their showcase. It’s not like Sony are alone in doing this.
@WesEds I agree. The saltiness is really strong, especially on here!
@SolarSailor I’m afraid those are not facts, Microsoft also has PC games market and cloud gaming locked up, this new gen they are an absolutely behemoth against Sony and they do not need to shift millions and millions of consoles to be so. PlayStation will very quickly find they are not market leaders anymore. And it’ll all come down to the games.
@playstation_king yeah I mean I think it’s a good time for these indies to shine. At least if that’s a one positive that happened during this crazy awful time.
The indies really helped flesh out the Switch launch library, and I think they have a chance to do the same this time for MS/Sony.
Xbox needs exclusive deals if it is going to compete with PS5.
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