Comments 110

Re: Obsidian Provides A Brief Update On The Progress Of Xbox RPG Avowed


2024 seems early to me for Elder Scrolls. Skyrim was 2011. Fallout 4 was 2015. After Fallout 4 it's Starfield in 2022. They also support their games with a lot of DLC. Of course that is Bethesda game studios in Bethesda Maryland. I think Fallout 76 was made by a different studio in Austin.
I would expect Avowed to come first since Obsidian's games are smaller in scope. But since being acquired by Microsoft, that could all go right out the window with more resources.

Re: Insider Lists IP We Shouldn't Expect To See At Xbox's E3 2021 Showcase


I don't disagree with some of your criticisms, but I don't really think it's fair to say they are having fun and experimenting when Microsoft has been in the console market for 20 years.
In the end they need more games to make me purchase a series X, but Sony really hasn't moved the needle for me either. Returnal is the only game out that interests me currently, but not enough to buy a console.

Re: Control Ultimate Edition Requires A One-Time Internet Connection On Xbox


How did you know? I actually run Menchi's fan club. 😂 And you're not a jerk, you just insult the real jerks all the time while teaching them the lesson they deserve. Please forgive me, I'm only ignorant and know not what I say. I need a moral paragon to model myself after. Can you recommend one?

Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming Has A New Competitor, Amazon Luna


Honestly, I haven't seen it forever since it came out in like the mid nineties. But for some reason your running through the streets post made me think of that quote (had to look it up obviously). My mind works in mysterious ways. 😂

Who names these things anyway. Nyquil not cutting it? Get a good nights sleep with the new Amazon Luna. It doesn't scream gaming platform to me.

I wonder how this will do. Is the world ready for this stuff, or are they out there planting their flags? I just know I don't have the best internet speed and I have a data cap. I have no desire to upgrade when everything else I use it for is just fine. I think their biggest problem will probably be the same as Stadia - lack of content. Something Microsoft has now in spades.

Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming Has A New Competitor, Amazon Luna


" I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body playing Amazon Luna. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal?" -Edgar Friendly

Re: Xbox Throws Shade At PS5 Following Spider-Man Upgrade Debacle


I wouldn't say I expect it, but I think the competition has raised the stakes of expectations. It makes Sony look not consumer friendly to a lot of people or just plain stubborn, and maybe they are. Sony seems to be taking a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" approach, while Microsoft seems to be trying to redefine the landscape. So again, I can't say that I do expect it, but it sure as hell is a great gesture, and makes me want to support companies that do it, a la CD Projekt Red.

Re: Xbox Will Continue To Consider Buying New Studios, Says Microsoft


Oh wow at the Apple products comment. This is one reason why I own an Android phone. I don't find it's as bad as it used to be, but people used to be so arrogant about Apple products and it was a huge turn off for me. There also used to be a local Apple user meet up group in my area, which I found flabbergasting. The biggest reason for me buying Android though is I've always been price sensitive and don't want to pay Apple prices.

Re: Xbox Acquires ZeniMax Media, Parent Company Of Bethesda Softworks


That's an interesting observation about Fallout. I can't see them making a Fallout game a la Wasteland 3 though because of the overlap. And Elder Scrolls with guns sells quite nicely. I'd more likely see them collaborating on a New Vegas like game. Who knows though, it could happen.

Re: Xbox Acquires ZeniMax Media, Parent Company Of Bethesda Softworks


I wonder that too. Since Microsoft is about reaching as many players as possible. Not releasing Elder Scrolls and Fallout on Playstation seems like would be leaving a lot of money on the table. But at the same many people would buy an Xbox if they kept it exclusive? Depends on their strategy.