Everyone can make their own choice on the cat ears, but if I see a 7ft Spartan wearing them they're going to get a punch after I've knocked them into the dust 🤣
I've recently picked up an LG CX and I've been pretty impressed with 120 FPS, it's the feel rather than the visuals that impressed me. It really makes the games feel super responsive and so buttery smooth.
Playing Titanfall 2 at 120 FPS is amazing, the highly dynamic nature of the game makes you feel like a proper space ninja.
Really pleased that Steitzer is lending his vocal talents to Halo once more, wouldn't be the same without him. I remember how jarring I found the Destiny multiplayer announcer when I first heard it. Still grates today. No one can beat Jeff.
CD Keys has the ultimate edition for £19 at the moment. I've held off playing the vanilla edition on GamePass so going to pick this up to stretch the legs of my Series X.
Edit: Scratch that. CD Keys has gone up to £24 since this morning.
Makes sense. If you're old enough to buy a digital game with a credit card, you should be able to make a decision if you want to proceed with purchase when presented with a caution.
It's a mess! The only good thing that may come out of this is that CDPR learn from this and don't ever do it again. Maybe even some other gaming publishers also take heed. Here's hoping this is the case.
Difficult one. The game is undeniably broken on last gen consoles, however there does seem to be a lot of folk enjoying it on the Xbox Series and PS5 consoles. Maybe a large warning advising buyer discretion on last gen platforms would be a better solution.
I got burnt with Anthem and have had a strong word with myself to never pre-order again. I'm glad I took my own advice with Cyberpunk. I've been looking forward to the game, but will wait until a full fat Series X version releases.
It's clear that they're not going to take it out the oven until it's fully baked. I'm sure that internally they don't have a firm date, a target maybe, but really depends on the extent of the work required. Take Anthem as an example, it looks like this is going through at least a 2 year rework.
I initially tried GAME in the UK, I attempted login at 07:30 and got put in a queue. Initially the countdown was going well, it took me from a 15 minute wait to a 2 minute wait in exactly the stated time, after this though... I was still in a 2 minute queue after 35 minutes of waiting.
Not sure if GAME UK were using time displacement technology for their queuing system, but ultimately Amazon took my pre-order.
I bet it was a horror story at MS when all the wheels came off the marketing wagon, got to feel for those guys. However, it's clear the response has been overwhelmingly positive and MS must be feeling pretty smug with their price and package.
A really strong launch model when you throw Xbox All Access into the mix, I'm sure they've won over many fence sitters with the series S offering.
Microsoft and Sony currently staring each other down to see who blinks first. Xbox Series X allegedly launching Nov 6th and PS5 on the 13th, perhaps Sony are using their 1 week of grace to see how far they can make MS sweat. It's apparent that the XSX is likely to be sold with very thin margins, if any at all, they're clearly waiting for Sony so they can make sure the undercut is significant, but also give the greatest return.
As many have mentioned, the next generation is not just about the new hardware, but a step-up in the gaming subscription service that is Xbox Game Pass. For me it's a service that represents great value for money and I'll be sticking with Microsoft for that fact. A day one purchase of the series X is almost a side effect, as I want everything to look as shiny as possible.
As far as the games go, I'm pretty nonplussed, they look impressive, but not anything that bowled me over as being revolutionary, although the same could be levelled at Microsoft.
When it comes to the hardware, I'm looking at it and trying to understand why. The design is certainly unique and flamboyant, but I think they may have gone a step too far. I believe the design will polarise the community and that's not really what you want when launching a new console. I think that Microsoft's understated look will have a few going "meh", but it's not going to put you off buying it and sticking it under your telly.
Console spec looks great, only thing is, I'm going to have to upgrade to 4k eyes and somehow improve my reactions to deal with 6 teraflops of bad guys.
Great review. Having completed the campaign and plunged several hours into the multiplayer, I can honestly say you've given Halo 5 a very fair appraisal.
I do feel like they could have made so much more of the story, as you've alluded, the adverts prior to the release of Halo 5 promised a far more intriguing interaction between the Chief and Locke. As it happened, it all felt a bit "meh" for me, but fortunately great level design and gameplay mechanic kept me engaged to the finale.
Where I think 343 have really excelled, is with the multiplayer component of the game. I'm more of a classic Halo arena player and it's this aspect of the multiplayer that really shines for me. The mobility, verticality on the maps, the smooth, fast pace and Bungie's original gun, grenade, melee mechanic are knitted together to make an unparalleled competitive FPS experience.
Warzone is an awesome and impressive addition, I'm still finding my feet with this mode and it undoubtedly has many hours of fun to offer, particularly if you're in a Fireteam of friends.
All in all, a bit thumbs up from me and I certainly feel like I'm going to get very good value for money from my £40 quid outlay.
Very good points. I can't understand why the Indie games don't have their own store area. There are a lot of areas where the Xbox One seems to be a backward step from the 360. Unfortunately, as well put in this article, there are an awful lot of quality titles that are being overlooked by millions.
Out of interest, how does the PlayStation store manage their Indie titles?
I love retro games, but part of me wishes that they wouldn't go the whole hog with the graphics too, we have massively powerful consoles. Why the trend for using pixels as big as a Lego brick rather than a nice bit of texturing and blurring? Geometry Wars is one example of a retro game that gets this right... Or is it just me?
Voted for Vanquish - loved the crazy robot shooting action.
As a bit of a wildcard, I'd love to see a remake of Chromehounds. Alas, it received harsh critic reviews (that were only based on the single player campaign, I might add), so I suspect we're more likely to get 40 idiots on Mars before they do a remake.
A great event and a great cause. Thoroughly enjoyed watching and joining in. Unfortunately my last donation registered as anonymous, but it was me. Honest. Been reading the site for a while, but now fully signed up. Hope to join you guys for a game, or two. Thanks again.
Comments 45
Re: Cat Ears Have Some Players Worried About The Future Of Halo Infinite
Everyone can make their own choice on the cat ears, but if I see a 7ft Spartan wearing them they're going to get a punch after I've knocked them into the dust 🤣
Re: PSA: Titanfall 2, Sniper Elite 3 Are Ridiculously Cheap In This Week's Xbox Sales
Titanfall 2: The greatest FPS of the last generation.
If you haven't played it yet, you need to give yourself a good shake.
Re: Feature: 120FPS Is Quickly Becoming A Game-Changer On Xbox Series X
I've recently picked up an LG CX and I've been pretty impressed with 120 FPS, it's the feel rather than the visuals that impressed me. It really makes the games feel super responsive and so buttery smooth.
Playing Titanfall 2 at 120 FPS is amazing, the highly dynamic nature of the game makes you feel like a proper space ninja.
Re: Resident Evil Village Will Dial Back The Tension Found In Its Predecessor
RE VII was too much of the hide and seek mechanic for my liking. Stopped playing after a few hours.
Re: Reaction: Wow, Titanfall 2's Community Day Was A Massive Success
Greatest FPS of the last generation.
Re: It's Official, Halo's Legendary Multiplayer Announcer Is Back For Halo Infinite
Really pleased that Steitzer is lending his vocal talents to Halo once more, wouldn't be the same without him. I remember how jarring I found the Destiny multiplayer announcer when I first heard it. Still grates today. No one can beat Jeff.
Re: Sorry Folks, BioWare Is Officially Ending Development On Anthem
I guess it goes to prove that you cannot polish a turd...
Re: Control Ultimate Edition Is Now Available For Xbox Series X
CD Keys has the ultimate edition for £19 at the moment. I've held off playing the vanilla edition on GamePass so going to pick this up to stretch the legs of my Series X.
Edit: Scratch that. CD Keys has gone up to £24 since this morning.
Re: AMD Surprised By Demand For Next-Gen Consoles At Launch
I should think AMD are looking at both Sony and Xbox selling well and thinking "Win-Win".
Re: LinkedIn Profile Drives Speculation That Halo Infinite Might Have Been Cancelled For Xbox One
Come on guys, this is a bit tenuous.
Re: Site News: Thank You For Your Fantastic Support In 2020
It's been good to have you back, thanks for your passion and energy in bringing us the latest stories on Xbox. Enjoy your Christmas.
Re: Microsoft Adds Warning About Cyberpunk 2077 To The Xbox Store
Makes sense. If you're old enough to buy a digital game with a credit card, you should be able to make a decision if you want to proceed with purchase when presented with a caution.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Reportedly Fire 'Hostile' Questions At Management
It's a mess!
The only good thing that may come out of this is that CDPR learn from this and don't ever do it again. Maybe even some other gaming publishers also take heed. Here's hoping this is the case.
Re: Xbox Rival PlayStation Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 From Its Digital Store
Edit: Further clarification on the Sony story: https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1339846154176126976?s=09
Difficult one. The game is undeniably broken on last gen consoles, however there does seem to be a lot of folk enjoying it on the Xbox Series and PS5 consoles. Maybe a large warning advising buyer discretion on last gen platforms would be a better solution.
I got burnt with Anthem and have had a strong word with myself to never pre-order again. I'm glad I took my own advice with Cyberpunk. I've been looking forward to the game, but will wait until a full fat Series X version releases.
Re: Five More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (Dec 8-9)
@G8crasha Destiny 2 looks and plays like a different game on the Series X. I'm blown away by the difference and that's from the One X version.
Re: Happy Xbox Series X|S Launch! Have You Received Yours Yet?
On it's way. I shoehorned everything onto my USB SSD last night from my Xbox One X. Looking forward to trying out a few games tonight.
Re: Everyone's Talking About This Nostalgic Walmart Xbox Series Ad
Welp! I was there when the ZX Spectrum Launched and I now have a 3 year old Granddaughter that likes playing on my Xbox.
Re: 343 Reminds Fans There's No Official Release Date For Halo Infinite Just Yet
It's clear that they're not going to take it out the oven until it's fully baked. I'm sure that internally they don't have a firm date, a target maybe, but really depends on the extent of the work required. Take Anthem as an example, it looks like this is going through at least a 2 year rework.
All I would say is, please don't rush it chaps.
Re: Xbox Throws Shade At PS5 Following Spider-Man Upgrade Debacle
Well it made me giggle 🤣
Re: Talking Point: Have You Been Able To Pre-Order An Xbox Series X|S?
I initially tried GAME in the UK, I attempted login at 07:30 and got put in a queue. Initially the countdown was going well, it took me from a 15 minute wait to a 2 minute wait in exactly the stated time, after this though... I was still in a 2 minute queue after 35 minutes of waiting.
Not sure if GAME UK were using time displacement technology for their queuing system, but ultimately Amazon took my pre-order.
Re: Xbox Series Pre-Order Supplies Will Be Limited, Warns Microsoft
I think there may be a few broken websites on the morning of the 22nd.
Re: Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox Series S Reveal Was Supposed To Be Next Week
I bet it was a horror story at MS when all the wheels came off the marketing wagon, got to feel for those guys. However, it's clear the response has been overwhelmingly positive and MS must be feeling pretty smug with their price and package.
A really strong launch model when you throw Xbox All Access into the mix, I'm sure they've won over many fence sitters with the series S offering.
Re: New Xbox Game Pass Feature Reportedly Set To Be Revealed Soon
Xbox game pass Twitter account pretty much just confirmed that EA games are coming to games pass.
Re: Microsoft Teases More Major Xbox News For This Month
Microsoft to confirm cure for Coronavirus.
Re: Leaked Xbox Series S Reveal Trailer Confirms 120FPS Support, 512GB SSD
Microsoft lands a first heavy blow in the next-gen console war, over to you Sony...
Re: Microsoft Officially Reveals The Xbox Series S, $299 Confirmed
Well that clears that up. Smart move by MS, be interesting to see if Sony has a counter up their sleeve, suspect not.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Still On Track For November Launch, Says CD Projekt
YESSSSSSS!!! This is my most anticipated game for so long, really looking forward to getting myself lost in the world of Cyberpunk.
Re: Xbox Marketing Lead: We'll Share Series X Price When We're Ready
Microsoft and Sony currently staring each other down to see who blinks first.
Xbox Series X allegedly launching Nov 6th and PS5 on the 13th, perhaps Sony are using their 1 week of grace to see how far they can make MS sweat.
It's apparent that the XSX is likely to be sold with very thin margins, if any at all, they're clearly waiting for Sony so they can make sure the undercut is significant, but also give the greatest return.
Re: Poll: Has July's Xbox Showcase Changed Your Mind On Xbox Series X?
As many have mentioned, the next generation is not just about the new hardware, but a step-up in the gaming subscription service that is Xbox Game Pass. For me it's a service that represents great value for money and I'll be sticking with Microsoft for that fact. A day one purchase of the series X is almost a side effect, as I want everything to look as shiny as possible.
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, How Do You Feel After Sony's PS5 Event?
As far as the games go, I'm pretty nonplussed, they look impressive, but not anything that bowled me over as being revolutionary, although the same could be levelled at Microsoft.
When it comes to the hardware, I'm looking at it and trying to understand why. The design is certainly unique and flamboyant, but I think they may have gone a step too far. I believe the design will polarise the community and that's not really what you want when launching a new console. I think that Microsoft's understated look will have a few going "meh", but it's not going to put you off buying it and sticking it under your telly.
Re: ​So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks
Got to say you guys have done a cracking job and have been my go to site for honest and unbiased reviews.
You will be sorely missed. Thank you to Ken and all.
Re: E3 2016: Microsoft's Project Scorpio Promises to Be The Most Powerful Console Ever
Console spec looks great, only thing is, I'm going to have to upgrade to 4k eyes and somehow improve my reactions to deal with 6 teraflops of bad guys.
Re: Microsoft Ends Xbox 360 Production
I'm still outraged at the fact that I can no longer buy a brand new Ford Capri...
Re: Review: TrackMania Turbo (Xbox One)
Darn it! Pure Xbox has already ruined my life with Rocket League, and here it goes again with TrackMania.
Re: Review: Rocket League (Xbox One)
I missed the Rocket League bandwagon on PC, sounds like now would be the ideal time to join Team Xbox.
Re: Review: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One)
Great review. Having completed the campaign and plunged several hours into the multiplayer, I can honestly say you've given Halo 5 a very fair appraisal.
I do feel like they could have made so much more of the story, as you've alluded, the adverts prior to the release of Halo 5 promised a far more intriguing interaction between the Chief and Locke. As it happened, it all felt a bit "meh" for me, but fortunately great level design and gameplay mechanic kept me engaged to the finale.
Where I think 343 have really excelled, is with the multiplayer component of the game. I'm more of a classic Halo arena player and it's this aspect of the multiplayer that really shines for me. The mobility, verticality on the maps, the smooth, fast pace and Bungie's original gun, grenade, melee mechanic are knitted together to make an unparalleled competitive FPS experience.
Warzone is an awesome and impressive addition, I'm still finding my feet with this mode and it undoubtedly has many hours of fun to offer, particularly if you're in a Fireteam of friends.
All in all, a bit thumbs up from me and I certainly feel like I'm going to get very good value for money from my £40 quid outlay.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Crackdown 3 Shows Off Fully Destructible Environments
That destruction looks like mighty good fun.
Re: Space Shooter Hyper Void Coming to Xbox One
Yeah, next-gen Beam Rider
Re: Editor's Opinion: Indie Game Promotion on Xbox One Has to Change
Very good points. I can't understand why the Indie games don't have their own store area. There are a lot of areas where the Xbox One seems to be a backward step from the 360. Unfortunately, as well put in this article, there are an awful lot of quality titles that are being overlooked by millions.
Out of interest, how does the PlayStation store manage their Indie titles?
Re: Enjoy Even More Local Competitive Play: Hyperdrive Massacre Takes Aim At Xbox One
I love retro games, but part of me wishes that they wouldn't go the whole hog with the graphics too, we have massively powerful consoles. Why the trend for using pixels as big as a Lego brick rather than a nice bit of texturing and blurring? Geometry Wars is one example of a retro game that gets this right... Or is it just me?
Re: Elite Dangerous Coming to Xbox One This Summer
I have this on PC, it's a fantastic game, mind-bogglingly huge and great news that it's coming to Xbox One.
Re: Interview: Gateway Interactive Discusses Spectra: 8Bit Racing for Xbox One
Reminds me a bit of the old Commodore 64 classic, Beam Rider. Who remembers that old gem? Showing my age now...
Re: Feature: These Are the Xbox 360 Games We Want to See Remastered for Xbox One
Voted for Vanquish - loved the crazy robot shooting action.
As a bit of a wildcard, I'd love to see a remake of Chromehounds. Alas, it received harsh critic reviews (that were only based on the single player campaign, I might add), so I suspect we're more likely to get 40 idiots on Mars before they do a remake.
Re: Exclusive: March Games With Gold Jumping Into View, Double Helpings in April
Maybe Lords of the Fallen in April after it was so quickly withdrawn from the Ultimate Games Sale?
Re: Pure Xbox's GameBlast 15 48-Hour Marathon Livestream and Giveaway Details Locked In
A great event and a great cause. Thoroughly enjoyed watching and joining in. Unfortunately my last donation registered as anonymous, but it was me. Honest.
Been reading the site for a while, but now fully signed up. Hope to join you guys for a game, or two.
Thanks again.