Ubisoft's Watch Dogs: Legion Is Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (February 25)

Welcome to another Xbox Game Pass update! Today, Ubisoft's 2020 open-world adventure Watch Dogs: Legion heads to the library - as a huge AAA addition to the service.

Here's a bit more about this new XGP addition, alongside a little something on why we think Watch Dogs: Legion is worth exploring on Xbox.

Watch Dogs: Legion (Console, PC, Cloud) - Later Today

"Built with a next-gen concept, Watch Dogs: Legion introduces "Play as Anyone," a never-before-seen gameplay innovation created by Ubisoft Toronto, the studio behind Watch Dogs: Legion. Play as Anyone gives players the entire city of London to choose for their roster of resistance members. Every single person in the open world can be recruited and played, is unique and has a backstory, personality and skillset."

Excited to try out Watch Dogs: Legion for yourself? Tell us if you're playing this one down below!