Welcome to a new week - a week that marks the beginning of Stalker 2 updates on Xbox and PC!
The first post-launch update in the game's history should arrive at some point in the coming days, and we already know what kind of improvements it'll be targeting. There are seven areas of focus for this one, and they are as follows:
Crash Fixes, including:
- Issues and memory allocation failures, which previously caused the game to exit unexpectedly, particularly around rendering, skeletal meshes, and quest-related cutscenes.
Main Quest Progression Fixes, including:
- Several bugs blocking the main quest progression, NPCs getting stuck in objects, incorrect quest markers, and issues with quest cutscenes.
- Revision of the main quests (like Visions of Truth or A Minor Incident) to ensure smooth transitions, avoiding rare cases of players not being able to proceed further.
Gameplay & Balance Adjustments, including:
- Fixing the price of the weapons with upgrades installed compared to their value without attachments.
- NPCs behavior, including the way they act when lacking a shelter during the Emissions.
Cutscenes & Visual Fixes, including:
- Rarely missing facial animations, misplaced NPCs, and visual inconsistencies like detached heads and clothes clipping.
- Quality and stability improvements of the visual effects.
Softlock Fixes, including:
- Issue where players were unable to close the trade screen after putting ammo in a wrong slot while playing on a gamepad.
User Interface Improvements, including:
- Quest notifications now showed correctly during dialogues.
- Corrected texts and missing interaction prompts.
Noted to be addressed in future updates:
- Analogue sticks dead zones bugfixes.
- A-Life system bugfixes.
This is just the first of many updates to come in the seemingly near future, with GSC Game World confirming last week that "frequent" hotfixes are on the way, which will then be followed by larger updates with bigger improvements.
We've also got a roadmap of content to look forward to, although we won't be getting it until next month.
For now though, let's focus on this first patch for Stalker 2 on Xbox and PC! What do you think of these planned fixes? Let us know down in the comments, and we'll obviously inform you as soon as the update goes live this week.