The release of the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime has brought the franchise into the limelight over the past few days, and according to the "Top Paid" Xbox charts this week, it's resulted in some great sales for a bunch of old games.
Looking at the rankings in the US, Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is currently #2 in the Top Paid chart, while Fallout: New Vegas is #9, Fallout 3 is #13, the standard version of Fallout 4 is #40, and Fallout 76 is #50.
It's a similar situation in various other regions right now as well, such as the UK and Australia.

Of course, the current sales for these games combined with Fallout 4's upcoming next-gen update will have added to their appeal, although we're surprised Fallout 76 made the list considering it's free with Prime Gaming right now.
The big takeaway here is that Xbox fans are simply craving some Fallout action, and thanks to the backwards compatibility program, we've even got some classics from the Xbox 360 era selling like hotcakes. You love to see it!
Have you been playing Fallout on Xbox this week? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 18
I downloaded FO4 again last night but will wait for the next gen update before i play again.
Does anyone know if the DLCs are getting the same treatment?
@johnK Also, be aware that FO4 achievements are currently bugged and not popping since late March.
@FarmDog08 I didn't get any achievements first time around because i used mods to get rid of most of the bugs! I wonder why no points since March, what has changed?
@johnK There is an article about it on TrueAchievements. It sounds like a bug.
@FarmDog08 Thanks bud was going to jump on this tonight get a few dlc achievements I missed hopefully it's fixed with the update it's a bit of a joke considering Bethesda is owned my Microsoft and the series literally just released
@Ricky-Spanish I was going to start it as well. I've downloaded it, but am waiting on the next gen update. I may be waiting longer...
I may pull the trigger on Fallout 4 GOTY edition for under a tenner. I’m assuming you start in the bunker? I’ll probably start the game before the upgrade drops just to get the bunker bit out of the way. Is base building a big part of the game, or can you largely ignore it? Not really into that aspect of it.
I started playing some more of my low level fallout 76 character via the cloud as I wanted to just hop in and do some missions. I tried Fallout 4 last year but just couldn't get into it despite giving it 15 hours or so.
I will admit because of the TV show I went back to Fallout 76. Haven't played it since launch.
Hope the upgrade for Fallout 4 fixes the constant crashing i experienced when last tried to play it.
@Nightcrawler71 Well you start in the game on a suburban street before the bombs drop but after that you play as your character in the bunker. Still it probably is a good idea to get that introduction out the way and sort the character creation and stats out then start a proper play through beyond the vault door when the next-gen update arrives.
The base building isn’t an essential part of the game, you can carry on playing the game without it but I definitely had fun building my base and making it an impregnable fortress. I’d definitely pick the GOTY up for under a tenna, an absolute bargain at that price.
Jumped back into Fallout 76 last week. It’s so much better than it was at launch. Some games just need some extra time in the oven these days. I’m glad I came back to it and gave it another go as it’s a great game now. I own every Fallout game along with all of the DLC and have already played all of them multiple times. Great sales going on atm for those that want to pick some titles up.
@Nightcrawler71 Don't listen to the bull about it being the worst fallout it's amazing 100% worth your money best fallout by a mile for me truly great!
@Ricky-Spanish @MaccaMUFC Thanks for your replies 👍
played fallout 76 tried it at launch and during the first npc dlc and the brotherhood of steel but back then they had added contents but didn't touch any balance in the game it was grindy it was unrewarding it was harder,it was still filled witg bugs believe it or not so i decided to gave up on it, i watched the tv show reecently and it gave me a urge to go play some fallout so i decided to launch fallout 76, what was my suprise when i noticed it was running at 60 fps the game ask you if you want a prebuild dharacter lv 20 full geared and with a weapon of choice then you notice another thing oh enemy now don't kill you in three hit and they die quicker they upscaled the game at your level making the game more accessible and more enjoyable for everyone,the hunger and thirst do not affect your character directly anymore it rather buff you if you think about drinking or eating in short the game now is enjoyable,explorable and beautiful now we can finally realize it's their most diversify map ever made, i reached lv 50 tonight and i'm glad to report the game is really enjoyable. Now that we can play a game and not beta test it because it was a early acess sold full price back then, it really deserve all the harsh comments at launch it was buggy as hell and had balance issues,reward issues and overall EMPTY, now it's fill with content to be discovered and solid story with the brotherhood of steel.
All my mods are gone NOOOao!!1?
@Ricky-Spanish Just saw on TrueAchievements that the achievements are unlocking again for FO4. Great timing too since the next gen update is coming out this week.
@FarmDog08 Sweet thanks for the info all set for the update so
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