Xbox boss Phil Spencer has once again been discussing the topic of Call of Duty during his recent interview at WSJ Tech Live 2022, explaining that Microsoft's plan for the franchise is to effectively treat it the same way as Minecraft.
In the discussion, Spencer stated he'd love to see Call of Duty on Nintendo Switch, and re-confirmed the series will still be available on PlayStation. Here's exactly what he had to say (thanks to Tom Warren for the transcription):
"Call of Duty specifically will be available on PlayStation. I'd love to see it on the Switch, I'd love to see the game playable on many different screens. Our intent is to treat CoD like Minecraft..."
For those unaware, Microsoft acquired the Minecraft creator "Mojang" back in 2014, and has since continued to make the franchise available on other platforms, although obviously Minecraft games are also included on Xbox Game Pass. The upcoming Minecraft Legends will continue this trend, also releasing for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.
Sony has been very public with its concerns surrounding Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard and specifically the Call of Duty IP lately, while Microsoft has been critical of Sony's "self-serving statements" in relation to the franchise.
Back to today's interview, Phil Spencer once again explained that Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard has a lot to do with the ability to tap into the mobile market, having previously called it a "critical" part of the deal:
"This opportunity is really about mobile for us. When you think about 3 billion people playing video games, there's only about 200 million households on console."
What do you make of Spencer's comments about Call of Duty? Let us know down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 17
It won't be on the switch unless it's a cloud version , the remasters & cod mobile could definitely be on the switch though
Yeah but does he mean mainline call of duty games or does he mean warzone only? His words, again, could mean one of two things.
I own a iPhone 13 Pro, a 2021 iPad Pro 12.9 inch, Apple TV and many other devices and TV’s and i just find myself never wanting to game on any of it. I prefer my Xbox Series X & PS5 and Switch on the LG OLED with Surround Sound and a controller in hand. It’s good that Microsoft wants to bring games to all screens, but i wish the main goals were to focus on Xbox and PC and maybe they are. But tablets and phones do nothing for me in the gaming space.
@UltimateOtaku91 I mean, everything having to do with Minecraft is on pretty much every platform under the sun. If he plans to treat CoD like Minecraft then I would say it's a safe bet that everything having to do with CoD will be on as many platforms as possible.
This isn't a far leap.
Heck we could see POP! CoD and RTS-game CoD. CoD Fridges. CoD IV's to inject all things CoD directly into your veins.
How many CoD promises will you accept before you stop assuming there is some kind of conspiracy to make CoD exclusive to Xbox and PC?
I think they plan to keep it open only because they want the deal to go thru. His words were carefully chosen and could mean a variety of things. I wish I could MS is doing this for the players but we all know that's not true.
So you saying Sony now got to also compete with Switch for CoD sales??? That’s extremely unfair and anticompetitive!!
@GamingFan4Lyf i just believe call of duty will be slightly different to Minecraft, Minecraft doesn't have yearly releases which sell 15+ million copies. I see it more like how Bethesda has treated fallout and elder scrolls, meaning free to play games, remasters/remakes and upgrades coming to playstation whilst new paid releases stay xbox/pc exclusive. I may be wrong but we will have to wait 4 years to find out.
@UltimateOtaku91 if he said “treat it like Minecraft” that literally means absolutely everything relating to the IP goes to all viable platforms.
@Tharsman the way i see is Microsoft putting call of duty on nintendo might just make them actually want to make a console with good specs. Infact I believe with the wiiU they had a few call of duty games (might be wrong) so I don't know why they stopped to begin with but I assume it was to do with the switch hardware and how the PlayStation/xbox consoles were lightyears ahead with their next consoles in terms of specs.
COD on Switch? Mobile version yes but it’s B-roads please no. It would be awful and every cloud game on Switch is terrible. Unless Nintendo bring out a more powerful Switch of course. Since I have had Xbox Series X/S and a Backbone controller I haven’t picked my Switch up for months and months. Apologies. I digress.
@UltimateOtaku91 I would expect mainline CoD to go into Switch as Cloud Versions, though, similar to recent Capcom games.
The Switch is six years old already. By the time Microsoft takes the reigns of Call of Duty, I believe Nintendo will have a successor for its portable console.
@Tharsman yeah would have to be, the new cod is 150GB and in no way would fit on the switch, I wonder why Activision haven't put call of duty on switch yet, not even warzone, even via cloud.
Also the Wii U was technically more powerful than its peers (360 and PS3) so porting current gen games to the platform was trivial. This mostly due to Nintendos offset means to release consoles, they tend to launch new ones mid the life of competitors. The Switch, despite being faster than the Wii U, was not at the same level as XBox One or PS4 spec wise, though.
That said, I would love to see a CoD in the line of the Wii Ghostbusters game. If you recall, while the 360/PS3 entry of that game had an art direction inspired on the movie, the Wii version was more akin to the cartoon, but otherwise the exact same game. Imagine the option to play a more cartoony looking CoD on the switch, that still was compatible with other platforms in MP.
@Tharsman that's would be pretty cool, I'm imagining a borderlands style call of duty for the switch.
I would imagine though that if Nintendo really cared about call of duty they could of paid Activision to make a call of duty game just for the switch, like how playstation vita got its own call of duty game. Doesn't need to be the best looking games, the name alone would sell it millions.
MS want to put CoD on EVERY device it can and if that means that they have to use the Cloud to enable some hardware, like Mobiles, Switch etc that cannot play those games locally due to hardware limitations, then so be it.
They aren't looking to 'reduce' the Player base, reduce the community but to 'grow'' it beyond what A/B were able to do because A/B were only focussed on Hardware that could run the game...
I thought this was Sony’s main problem with Microsoft acquiring Activision/Blizzard??? Why didn’t Microsoft just say this from the start??? Would have saved a lot of arguments!! Makes sense from MS point of view tho, 70% of COD console sales are on Playstation. If they made it exclusive they’d be cutting off their head to spite their face, never mind their nose!!
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