Right at the tail end of last week, Redfall developer Arkane Austin announced that one final update is coming to the game before the studio's impending shutdown, and we're starting to think about what exactly could be included in the game's closing patch.
The team has already confirmed that an Offline Mode is coming, alongside single-player pausing and revamped Neighborhood & Nest systems, but what else could be included here? We already know that "'more" will be featured, so it's just a case of what Arkane has been able to sneak into this patch before development has to wind down.
Back in early May we did a big retrospective on what we think went wrong with Redfall - this was before the studio closure announcement believe it or not. Vampire-related bugs, dodgy AI and an empty-feeling world remain some of our biggest complaints, so anything to improve those aspects would be much welcome at Pure Xbox HQ.
What about you, though? Is there any specific feature you're hoping Arkane has managed to work into this update? Are you just hoping for a general overhaul of what's already there? There are a lot of potential things we could see here!
Comment down below and tell us what you want from this final Redfall update.
Comments 32
They should delist it and pretend it never came out no final update can save that trainwreck of a game.
They won't even bother with a PS5 port as nobody would buy it lol
Revamped cutscenes.
A Balance pass would be nice for people who do choose to go solo as sometimes it feels like certain encounters don't scale quite so well when you're alone.
Having the ability to return to Redfall proper.
Perhaps some new mission types for Neighborhoods.
I mean, it’s not like we could ask since the studio will no longer exist, I guess with the offline mode is enough, the game may not be great but at least everyone will be able to give it a chance instead of ceasing to exist when they pull the plug on the servers.
Shutdown the servers and delete this game from all consoles and remove Games from shelves, should be the final update of this horrible game.
An Arkane game experience.
I liked the game sorry
it was a 7/10 game for me
I would like a ps5 port i would buy it on there
@Sk8boyP yeah it should definitely of had matchmaking i played though it solo and enjoyed it
A proper co-op mode
I still need to get back into it. I put a little over 8 hrs Into the game back at launch and stopped when totk dropped. I thought it was a fine game.
I like this game. Offline mode welcome.
If they can fix the movement, graphics, story, moment to moment gameplay and general netcode I think that would be great
Smarter AI. Not just more spongy
Matchmaking. I played it for a few hours post 60fps patch and I enjoyed it.
Redfall will always represent missed opportunity. Every time I tried to play it all I could think was, "this isn't the game they set out to make ". It had a lot of problems, but mostly, it CLEARLY just wasn't finished.
One of the weirdest things about this game to me other than the obvious flaws is how it seems to actually be disjointed with itself. The marketing and cutscenes show this stylized game with fortnite colors. The actual game looks photorealistic "shades of brown" like it kind of wants to be a real Arkane immersive sim. Feels like there's two games here, the actual immersive sim they started to make and the fortnite colored gaas patch they were forced to drape over it like a blanket.
@armondo36 love the pfp lmao
@Kooky_Geezer I don't know about that, with the lack of PS5 AAA First Party current gen exclusives it looks like they will take anything.
It would be nice to see some groups of npcs trying to survive on their own, trying to escape, and coming out of their shelters to warn or assist you with the dangers. The world feels empty in it's current state unless you are on a mission.
match making for sure. when i sort weapons i would like them to stay sorted ok?
they should have put the redfall 60 fps team on bethesda to lean them how 60 fps is done properly. not fire them.
A special studio close out sale of $0.99 would be nice
I've already played it twice and done but the offline mode will be great for all
Hard to say. A former developer on the game was surprised that the game was released in the was it was and thought it needed a full rework. I think MS/ Xbox just figured it was better to just release the game as it, take the hit and move on to other games/ projects. Perhaps with the final patch I might play and finish the game. Like Far Cry 5 it's like better played after having a few beers or so.
-Optional Companion AI
-incredibly improved enemy AI
-a rotating changing effect on the world
-the promised dlc heros for all those who paid for them
Mission select so it will be easier to go for collectibles. If they do that I'll definitely go for a 100% achievments, I loved Redfall, finished once with Devinder and have an unfinished second play through with Layla.
It's been a weird one to follow based on the comments. Some love the game, and some hate it with a passion. I keep planning on trying it just to form my own opinion... one day maybe.
It definitely won't have the great revival story that No Man's Sky has.
I thought Redfall was great. Solid 8, so I'm happy where it's at right now. I'll eventually play it again.
The game after the 60fps is really good as it is. The only thing they need to add is offline mode. Its ridiculous that there is no pause and that everyone who owns the game or even the gamepass subscribers wont be able to play if they close the servers.
@RetroMan71 the problem is that half the people who hate it either never played it or never gave it an other chance after the updates... They just go with the flow. Reviews said its bad so its bad. Its popular to hate xbox, ea and ubisoft games these days
@GeorgeKal It certainly does seem that way 👍
I'd love if there was a secret code somewhere that reveals Arkane Austin hasn't really been shut down and its all part of an elaborate marketing ploy for Dishonored 3. Here's hoping!
Normal-sized hands for NPCs. Or just build new models for the NPCs altogether. Dishonored 2 had far superior NPCs.
I beat the game within a month or so of launch. The AI and difficulty for neighborhood bosses was very low. The were also generic. That should be fixed.
Hives were really repetitive, with exits close to the end, instead of having fight your way out. It was purely a looting thing. Greed was the main cause of missing your escape time, and the punishment was not severe.
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