Comments 5

Re: Three Games Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (October 27)


@ThatFilbo Always wondered that myself. What I've been told is the first 40 hours or so is kinda like that... After that your able to get some freedom but then who the hell wants to play through 40 boring hours to get into the game. And then still you gotta do all the social sim stuff, follow the calendar, go in and out of the dungeons. Not enough freedom for me.

Re: Talking Point: How Often Do You Actually Buy Xbox Game Pass Games?


Rarely but it happens. I'm all digital on Xbox, Playstation so my physical collection is on Switch. If theres a multiplat indie with a physical release and its on Gamepass I always try it here first. If I like it I add it to my Switch collection. I've done this with Slay the Spire, Children of Morta, Bloodstained Ritual of the Night and a few more games.