Let Playstation have DLC First for Bo3 to put an end to the "Xbox Cod machine image", New reveals/ updates of games of any party, good speaking, win over the fans, and then...boom! e3 Win!
Ugh not another Call of Duty and I hope Xbox doesn't renew its timed license because in my opinion, Xbox should be known for more all-around gaming(which they are doing ) and not just shooters. It's time that we stop the stereotype of Xbox(more like 360 nowadays) being known as the Call of Duty machine with bratty punks even though Playstation has the same amount of them.
I don't know why but this makes me angry. He wants to sue over his sons mistakes and doesn't realize that there are settings that you can use to prevent this crap. It's both the son and the dads fault. I'm also guessing this incident was on 360 or Windows.
@EternalDragonX Halo 5 is not going to come to MCC because it's a new installment going to be released this year in the series. MCC was meant to be a remastered version of all the previous Halos.
Comments 93
Re: Review: Rise of The Tomb Raider (Xbox One)
@NaughtyOttsel22 Okay. Congratulations. You wont buy it. Just stop. You never have anything nice to say.
Re: Shenmue 3 Could Be Coming to Xbox One As Well
@NaughtyOttsel22 Please keep that fanboy stuff out of here!
Re: EnjoyUp Confirms Rock Zombie Port for Xbox One
Never buy EnjoyUp games. I remember those guys from the Wii U. They are one of the top shovelware game makers. It's sad.
Re: User-Created Game Platform Roblox Coming to Xbox One in November
Yay! I play this game a lot. Glad to see it coming!
Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta Will Be Open to Everybody
Can't wait to try it! Battlefront looks interesting!
Re: Rumor: Konami Ceasing Triple-A Game Development
It wouldn't be surprising if it was true, but sad.
Re: Experience Inc. Confirms Two New Japan-Developed Xbox One Exclusive RPGs - Both Headed for Worldwide Launch
@NaughtyOttsel22 How can you be sure?
Re: Review: No Time To Explain (Xbox One)
I would give it an 8. I had a lot of fun.
Re: Review: Adventures of Pip (Xbox One)
Decent score. I'm interested in the gameplay and will probably get it.
Re: Phil Spencer Teases Backwards Compatibility Announcement
@Utena-mobile Square Enix was announced to be one of the supporters at Gamescom.
Re: Backwards Compatibility Could Be Extended to Include Original Xbox Games
Interesting. That would expand the games library a lot more.
Also Jet Set Radio Future!!!
Re: Press Play Wants Your Help In Developing Its Next Game
Karoo seems promising
Re: It Looks Like The Talos Principle Is Heading to Xbox One
Nice! The more, the merrier!
Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops II Is Now Xbox Users Most Wanted for Backwards Compatibility
@JaxonH Exactly my thoughts. Way more games deserve more exposure than CoD.
Re: Ubisoft Sales Decline, Xbox One Games Underperforming
@UlysessJDuckett Agreed
Re: Ubisoft Sales Decline, Xbox One Games Underperforming
The PC percent is ironic since Ubisoft said that "games on PC don't sell well because of piracy."
Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Juggernog Edition Revealed, Includes Working Fridge
@BAMozzy Just my opinion! Dont need to be discouraged by it.
Re: Electric Adventure TurnOn Set to Sparkle on Xbox One
This looks like a nice platformer! Will keep an eye on this.
Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Juggernog Edition Revealed, Includes Working Fridge
Call of Duty....groan.
Re: Prototype 2 Remaster Could Be Hitting Xbox One Next Week
Hey guys I think the original one is coming as well. I am seeing challenges on the achievements part of Smartglass with both Prototype and Prototype 2
Re: Out Today: BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend (Xbox One)
It's nice that there are Japanese games coming and have recently arrived such as Devil May Cry, Q, and Blazblue.
Re: Nordic Games Confirms MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore for Xbox One
Game got mixed reviews...hope this remaster will fix the problems
Re: Out Today: Q (Xbox One)
For some reason I'm intrigued by this game..
Re: Planetside 2 Will Come to Xbox... Eventually
Another good game coming! The more the merrier!
Re: Don't Starve: Giant Edition is Coming to Xbox One
I knew this would eventually come! Glad to see new games coming!
Re: Poll: Your E3 2015 Xbox One Digital Game of The Show
Cuphead, Castle Crashers(Havent tried it yet),Q, Elite Dangerous, and DayZ are probably the top ones, but there are so many good indies!
Re: Don't Forget to Vote for the Xbox 360 Games You Want to Play on Xbox One
Voted for a lot of different varieties of games! They should be at the top instead of that darn Call of Duty series
Re: E3 2015: Rare Replay Will Bring 30 Classic Rare Games to Xbox One This August
This is awesome! Lots of great games out there and classics! Can't wait!
Re: E3 2015: Microsoft Elite Controller Pricing and Package Details Confirmed
Expensive, but really cool and well-designed! Not going to get it though.
Re: Playing Dress-Up: Xbox Launches Official Wallpaper Site
@KelticDevil They're free!
Re: Talking Point: How Can Microsoft Ensure Its E3 Media Briefing Is a Success?
Let Playstation have DLC First for Bo3 to put an end to the "Xbox Cod machine image", New reveals/ updates of games of any party, good speaking, win over the fans, and then...boom! e3 Win!
Re: Surprise! An Xbox One Game Is In The Japanese Top 20
Great news! It's a start and I hope the best for Xbox to be decent in Japan!
Re: Review: Rogue Legacy (Xbox One)
Good review! Glad that Xbox owners will finally be able to play this game!
Re: Editor's Opinion: Indie Game Promotion on Xbox One Has to Change
I don't know why, but I'm not really bothered/concerned by this.
Re: Xbox E3 2015 Plans Detailed, Xbox Daily Show Returning
So excited! I wish for Xbox to do an amazing presentation!
Re: Fight! Mega Coin Squad Will Get You Battling for Gold on Xbox One
If it's a PC hit, it must be good.
Re: Platforming Without Jumping: Tinertia Is Rocket Boosting to Xbox One
This looks very nice and fast-paced! I might take a look at this!
Re: Activision Confirms Call of Duty: Black Ops III Release Date: New Trailer and Screenshots
Ugh not another Call of Duty and I hope Xbox doesn't renew its timed license because in my opinion, Xbox should be known for more all-around gaming(which they are doing ) and not just shooters. It's time that we stop the stereotype of Xbox(more like 360 nowadays) being known as the Call of Duty machine with bratty punks even though Playstation has the same amount of them.
Re: Infinity Runner Announced for Xbox One
The game got mixed reviews but it's nice to see Xboxs library expand
Re: SteamWorld Dig Coming to Xbox One
I heard this game was really good! Maybe I'll check it out!
Re: Conker Returns Next Month in New Episodic Series for Project Spark
Awesome! Can't wait!
Re: Child Spends $4.5K in Microtransactions, Parent Wants to Sue Microsoft
I don't know why but this makes me angry. He wants to sue over his sons mistakes and doesn't realize that there are settings that you can use to prevent this crap. It's both the son and the dads fault. I'm also guessing this incident was on 360 or Windows.
Re: Rumour: Microsoft Has An Exclusive Licensed NFL Football Title in the Works
@ryanator008 Same here. Xbox One definitely needs a mlb game similar to "The Show" and not RBI Baseball '15
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Forty Eight
I'm going to play Ori as soon as I get it. It's going to be a fantastic game.
Re: The Remastered Version of Halo 3: ODST Looks to Be Coming along Nicely
@EternalDragonX Halo 5 is not going to come to MCC because it's a new installment going to be released this year in the series. MCC was meant to be a remastered version of all the previous Halos.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V Worldwide Release Date Now Confirmed
Might give this a try and make it my first MGS. I heard so much hype about it!
Re: Yacht Club Games Confirms Shovel Knight For Xbox One
Now this I am looking forward to!
Re: World of Tanks Now Coming to Xbox One
Looks nice and cross play is a bonus
Re: Phantom Dust Reboot Developer Shut Down By Microsoft
Very strange, but they are probably going to get one of their first-party studios to do the game which makes financial sense.
Re: Review: Don Bradman Cricket (Xbox One)
Wow I'm actually surprised by the rating, I thought it was going to be even lower!