Comments 1

Re: Talking Point: Xbox One Users, What Do You Think Of The Console In 2023?


Strangely enough, I’ve just bought an Xbox One X, even though I own both a Series S & X 🙂
My Series X is connected to a 4K gaming monitor with my PC upstairs, while my Series S is connected to my main (1080p only) TV in our living room.
I recently had a PS4 which I used as a BluRay player only (I’m old and still buy movies and CD’s 😁), but my trusty old PlayStation suddenly decided to go to that big gaming heaven in the sky.
It was a no-brainer buying an Xbox One X.
Currently, the cheapest 4K players are roughly coming in at £180, so grabbing the Xbox was a steal for £100.
I now have even more storage for my library and the only problem with getting old is remembering which controllers go with which console in multiplayer. lol