Comments 5

Re: Talking Point: Did The Series X|S Bring You Back To Xbox? If So, How Come?


Series X is my first XBox console. I used to be Nintendo exclusive ever since NES. In 2016 after feeling like there wasn’t enough to play on Wii U, I ventured out and got a PS4. Within a month of the Series X And PS5 releases, I decided to try to get both of them. I got the PS5 in Dec 2020 and the Series X in Nov 2020. I got the Series X for one reason: Game Pass. If Game Pass wasn’t a thing I would have never bought it. I love having all 3 consoles.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Still Buy An Xbox Without Game Pass In 2021?


Series X is my first XBox. There’s no way I would have even considered purchasing it without GamePass. In general, I prefer the Nintendo and PS exclusives to what XBox offers. I’ve been a Nintendo diehard since the 80s, and it was only a few years ago that I got my first PS. But I wanted in on GamePass so Series X means I’m a 3 console owner this generation.