Man this is literally the only site I trust for Xbox related news and with it gone I can't help but feel sad about that. Still, while the site had a dedicated fan base it didn't seem to be growing so this unfortunately doesn't really surprise me because the reality is that sites need money to run, and the little traffic this one received obviously wasn't enough to pay the bills. I am going to miss all of the well written articles and unbiased reviews, so thank you for all of the hard work you guys have put in the site and I wish you well in all of your future efforts!
I played this game last weekend at a friend's house and I ended up absolutely loving it and though I REALLY want to get the game I just bought the Master Chief Collection so I am definitely going to be busy for quite awhile. Still, when I have time to play I will have no qualms about buying it.
Considering that I just bought The Master Chief Collection today I think I will be holding off on buying any games for awhile, unless they are dirt cheap.
This weekend I will mainly be trying to get as far as I can in Dark Souls 2, though I will also accompany that with some relaxing downtime in Animal Crossing City Folk, which I just picked up recently.
Out of all of those I definitely feel like Runner 2 is the best of the bunch. Such a great game. @JaxonH I am wondering the same thing myself because although it isn't as good as the other 3 in my opinion it still doesn't deserve a drop in score THAT sharp.
I personally would rather they make the 360 versions backwards compatible but seeing as that would defeat the purpose of this collection that is unlikely to happen, and even if it does it will be a long time from now. I already 100%ed both games multiple times over so I doubt I will be picking this up, despite the fact that they are excellent games.
@GraveLordXD Nice! One thing I have already noticed in Dark Souls 2 is that most fights are rather easy in all honesty, and if you use the summons then some of the fights are a joke. I just beat the area after the Lost Bastille, or at least I think that is what it is called so maybe the game will get harder but right now I am having little trouble with the game. Why do you consider the first one better than 2? I am just curious is all. Still loving the game though, such a cool world and now that I have played it I feel kind of silly about being hesitant to get into this series because of my fear of it being too difficult, so glad it isn't!
@GraveLordXD Yeah Dark Souls 3 is definitely on the cards for me to get but seeing as I am a bit of a Dark Souls noob I decided that Scholars of the First Sin would be the perfect place to start since I have heard that it is rather easy compared to Dark Souls 1. I wouldn't mind 3 being a little easier as long as you can't just faceroll through enemies and have to approach them carefully, that just gives me more time to enjoy the world!
@GraveLordXD I really hope Stardew Valley hits the Xbox though considering it is made by just one man I think it may be awhile. He has stated he wants it to happen but unless he gets help we may be in for a bit of a wait.
I decided to bite the bullet and just go out and pick up Dark Souls 2 Scholars of the First Sin for my Xbox One, and it was totally worth it because this game is AMAZING! That is definitely what I will be playing the most this weekend!
I have yet to play any of the souls games but I did love Lords of the Fallen, which seems to be quite similar. I think I will play the others before I tackle this one, which is easy to do since they are both playable on Xbox One.
Fire Emblem Awakening mainly this weekend. I have been contemplating booting up Shovel Knight again since I have never played the game since the plague of shadows update.
Fire Emblem Awakening for me along with a little Super Mario Maker. I am really enjoying building the relationships which is not only a way to see some funny dialogue but it is also indispensable on the battlefield.
I have been waiting for this game for what seems like ages and it is nice to see Square Enix stepping up and making a fully polished Final Fantasy game rather than the rush jobs that the previous ones felt like. Square Enix has been on a roll recently and I hope it continues with this and Kingdom Hearts 3!
I have this game on Wii U and I definitely think it was worth every penny I payed for it. As far as metroidvanias go the magnet mechanic is utilized pretty darn well and it helps that the art style is so full of charm too. I highly recommend this game for those who want some old school puzzle solving with a new twist on the premise.
It will probably be between Rayman Legends and Perfect Dark for me and if I finish one of those I may consider playing something on the 3DS, just not sure what yet. Legends has become one of my favorite platformers thus far based on what I have played of it, it is just so good!
Skylar and Plux looks right up my alley as I am always down for some platforming action and since I have always had a fondness for games with an underwater theme I will be keeping my eye on Subnautica as well, though to be honest most of the games on this list look pretty promising if I do say so myself.
Can't complain about this lineup at all that is for sure! I alredy own Sunset Overdrive but I am definitely looking forward to giving the Wolf Among Us a go since I loved the first episode when I played it on the 360. Never played Dead Space and don't play very many horror games in general so I am eager to give that one a try as well. Games like these are what makes me glad I renew my Xbox Live Gold every year.
That controller actually looks pretty awesome! I loved the first game but I think I will stick with my Master Chief themed Xbox One controller in order to play it!
@VanillaLake Yeah I am loving the interface myself. So much easier than the other consoles browsing the shop and what not. By the way I added you on Xbox but the dude on there was acting kind of surprised that I added him. Did you receive a request from me because if not I think I may have messed up and punched in the wrong name?
@VanillaLake I definitely agree about the new Killer Instinct. I am pretty good at that one but when I tried to play Gold I was getting my butt kicked all over the floor, and I was playing on easy! I just got an Xbox One last Christmas and believe it or not when I thought of what game I most wanted for the system to play first I didn't think about the hits like Fallout 4 or Witcher 3, though those are excellent games, no the game I was looking forward to playing the most was Rare Replay! I am currently addicted to Lords of the Fallen but I really should get back to getting the achievements for Perfect Dark, and I need to finish up the Zr Spectrum games. Why you wouldn't own this collection is beyond me!
@Utena-mobile I definitely recommend Rare Replay as you can't really argue getting 30 games for that price. I have over 3k achievements from the game and I am still hooked, though I did grow up with these games so they likely hold more appeal for me then most other people. For me it is an essential part of my collection.
Recently I have taken a liking to Lords of the Fallen which seems to be a game heavily inspired by the Dark Souls series. When I am not getting by butt kicked by that I will frantically destroy buildings in Blast Corps in an attempt for a gold medal! I am nearing the end so hopefully I will finish it up soon, though if Oyster Harbor is any indication then I am betting I am in for a challenge.
I was kind of hoping that the ability to return to the temples would have been added in an update but oh well. It is worth the 5 bucks and since I received the game for free it isn't too big of a deal to spend the extra money for the complete experience.
That is a good price for sure but I still need to pick up the Master Chief Collection, after I do that I will get Halo 5. Still haven't played the first two games.
I am a sucker for medieval games and the fact that it will kind of be like Skyrim has ensured that it definitely peaked my interest. Whether the final product on Xbox One will be quality is the real question here though.
@VanillaLake Yeah fortunately the Monster Hunting community in general are very easy to play with. Other than some players biting off more than they can chew I haven't had a problem with any of the players online and that speaks volumes about the quality of the fanbase. All of this talk of the game has me wanting to go for a few hunts!
@VanillaLake So many good times playing that game online! That was my first MH game and I have been a huge fan ever since. As for The Division seeing as my internet isn't fast thanks to living in a rural town I really couldn't play this game even if I wanted to, though I am not a fan of always online games anyway. More looking forward to Ghost Recon myself.
Like others have stated I won't be purchasing this one again without a hefty discount and since it is available via backwards compatibility it looks like I won't have to. Great game though!
I never played the first one but seeing as the sequel is so well packed with content then this may be where I give the series a try. Looks like a fun and quirky shooter!
Graphically it looks amazing and if the gameplay is up to snuff we could have a real winner on our hands with this one. I love narrative focused games like these.
Shame that they couldn't have simply made Fable 4 since that is a game people actually wanted to play, myself included. I enjoyed all three of the original Fable games so while this does kind of suck I hope they give the ip to a studio a little more capable because while all three if the games were good, in my opinion only 1 and 2 we're excellent, with the first game taking the gold by a large margin. When games don't improve over the years it is probably best to hand the ip off to a new team with fresh ideas for the gameplay.
This makes me sad considering that I just finished up Max only a few days ago and loved it so much that I was hoping that there would another game in the series some day. Looks like that isn't going to happen anymore. This studio had some talented people on their team, and they will be missed by me at least.
I picked up Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition yesterday so I know what I will be playing for not only the weekend, but likely far longer! I am definitely liking the changes from the pc version of the game as I feel like I am finally playing the game as it was intended to be played!
For me I will be continuing Jet Force Gemini through Rare Replay and will likely play some of the other games in the collection too. Probably play Gears of War 2 as well.
Have yet to play any of the Shantae games despite them being on sale multiple times on Wii U and 3DS. I really need to fix that soon since I loved Mighty Switch Force and this looks all around even better!
I have always been interested in trying Killer Instinct and since I will now be getting the full game for free this is a pretty sweet deal! Hopefully I like it more than Street Fighter.
Like others I definitely would have preferred a "proper" Fable game but I am not going to write this one off just yet. I will give the open beta a try before I form any opinions about the game since the gameplay itself doesn't look too bad based on the videos I have seen.
I just got my Xbox One but Arkham Knight is so amazing I find it hard to imagine it not being a huge contender. I too 100 percented it and loved every minute of it and right now I am enjoying playing through Witcher 3.
Comments 83
Re: So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks
Man this is literally the only site I trust for Xbox related news and with it gone I can't help but feel sad about that. Still, while the site had a dedicated fan base it didn't seem to be growing so this unfortunately doesn't really surprise me because the reality is that sites need money to run, and the little traffic this one received obviously wasn't enough to pay the bills. I am going to miss all of the well written articles and unbiased reviews, so thank you for all of the hard work you guys have put in the site and I wish you well in all of your future efforts!
Re: 343 Teams With Loot Crate for New Halo Legendary Crate Series
Even the box looks awesome! I can only imagine the goodies inside of it!
Re: Review: DOOM (Xbox One)
I played this game last weekend at a friend's house and I ended up absolutely loving it and though I REALLY want to get the game I just bought the Master Chief Collection so I am definitely going to be busy for quite awhile. Still, when I have time to play I will have no qualms about buying it.
Re: Soul Axiom Gets Launch Date, Exclusive Xbox One Content
Assuming the frame rate is better than the Wii U version I may consider this game. The Wii U version was dodgy at best.
Re: Deals With Gold: Over 60 Xbox Offers Thrown Into The Mix
Considering that I just bought The Master Chief Collection today I think I will be holding off on buying any games for awhile, unless they are dirt cheap.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 103
This weekend I will mainly be trying to get as far as I can in Dark Souls 2, though I will also accompany that with some relaxing downtime in Animal Crossing City Folk, which I just picked up recently.
Re: The BC List - Issue 3 - Joining The Jet Set
Out of all of those I definitely feel like Runner 2 is the best of the bunch. Such a great game.
I am wondering the same thing myself because although it isn't as good as the other 3 in my opinion it still doesn't deserve a drop in score THAT sharp.
Re: WB Games Own Magazine Leaks Batman: Return to Arkham for Xbox One
I personally would rather they make the 360 versions backwards compatible but seeing as that would defeat the purpose of this collection that is unlikely to happen, and even if it does it will be a long time from now. I already 100%ed both games multiple times over so I doubt I will be picking this up, despite the fact that they are excellent games.
Re: Dishonored 2 Release Date Has Been Confirmed
Awesome! The first game was one of the best stealth games of last generation so you can bet I am going to be excited to get my hands on the sequel!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 101
@GraveLordXD Nice! One thing I have already noticed in Dark Souls 2 is that most fights are rather easy in all honesty, and if you use the summons then some of the fights are a joke. I just beat the area after the Lost Bastille, or at least I think that is what it is called so maybe the game will get harder but right now I am having little trouble with the game. Why do you consider the first one better than 2? I am just curious is all. Still loving the game though, such a cool world and now that I have played it I feel kind of silly about being hesitant to get into this series because of my fear of it being too difficult, so glad it isn't!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 101
@GraveLordXD Yeah Dark Souls 3 is definitely on the cards for me to get but seeing as I am a bit of a Dark Souls noob I decided that Scholars of the First Sin would be the perfect place to start since I have heard that it is rather easy compared to Dark Souls 1. I wouldn't mind 3 being a little easier as long as you can't just faceroll through enemies and have to approach them carefully, that just gives me more time to enjoy the world!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 101
@GraveLordXD I really hope Stardew Valley hits the Xbox though considering it is made by just one man I think it may be awhile. He has stated he wants it to happen but unless he gets help we may be in for a bit of a wait.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 101
I decided to bite the bullet and just go out and pick up Dark Souls 2 Scholars of the First Sin for my Xbox One, and it was totally worth it because this game is AMAZING! That is definitely what I will be playing the most this weekend!
Re: Review: Dark Souls III (Xbox One)
I have yet to play any of the souls games but I did love Lords of the Fallen, which seems to be quite similar. I think I will play the others before I tackle this one, which is easy to do since they are both playable on Xbox One.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Eight
Fire Emblem Awakening mainly this weekend. I have been contemplating booting up Shovel Knight again since I have never played the game since the plague of shadows update.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Seven
Fire Emblem Awakening for me along with a little Super Mario Maker. I am really enjoying building the relationships which is not only a way to see some funny dialogue but it is also indispensable on the battlefield.
Re: Final Fantasy XV Uncovered Event Revealed A Whole Lot More Than A Release Date
I have been waiting for this game for what seems like ages and it is nice to see Square Enix stepping up and making a fully polished Final Fantasy game rather than the rush jobs that the previous ones felt like. Square Enix has been on a roll recently and I hope it continues with this and Kingdom Hearts 3!
Re: Review: Teslagrad (Xbox One)
I have this game on Wii U and I definitely think it was worth every penny I payed for it. As far as metroidvanias go the magnet mechanic is utilized pretty darn well and it helps that the art style is so full of charm too. I highly recommend this game for those who want some old school puzzle solving with a new twist on the premise.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Six
It will probably be between Rayman Legends and Perfect Dark for me and if I finish one of those I may consider playing something on the 3DS, just not sure what yet. Legends has become one of my favorite platformers thus far based on what I have played of it, it is just so good!
Re: Xbox One at GDC: The 12 New Games That Got Under the Radar
Skylar and Plux looks right up my alley as I am always down for some platforming action and since I have always had a fondness for games with an underwater theme I will be keeping my eye on Subnautica as well, though to be honest most of the games on this list look pretty promising if I do say so myself.
Re: Megaton! Sunset Overdrive Comes to April's Games With Gold
Can't complain about this lineup at all that is for sure! I alredy own Sunset Overdrive but I am definitely looking forward to giving the Wolf Among Us a go since I loved the first episode when I played it on the 360. Never played Dead Space and don't play very many horror games in general so I am eager to give that one a try as well. Games like these are what makes me glad I renew my Xbox Live Gold every year.
Re: You'll Need a Little Faith to Get Hold of This Official Mirror's Edge Limited Edition Controller
That controller actually looks pretty awesome! I loved the first game but I think I will stick with my Master Chief themed Xbox One controller in order to play it!
Re: Xbox Live Spring Sale: Xbox One Opening Day Deals List
@VanillaLake Yeah I am loving the interface myself. So much easier than the other consoles browsing the shop and what not. By the way I added you on Xbox but the dude on there was acting kind of surprised that I added him. Did you receive a request from me because if not I think I may have messed up and punched in the wrong name?
Re: Xbox Live Spring Sale: Xbox One Opening Day Deals List
@VanillaLake I definitely agree about the new Killer Instinct. I am pretty good at that one but when I tried to play Gold I was getting my butt kicked all over the floor, and I was playing on easy! I just got an Xbox One last Christmas and believe it or not when I thought of what game I most wanted for the system to play first I didn't think about the hits like Fallout 4 or Witcher 3, though those are excellent games, no the game I was looking forward to playing the most was Rare Replay! I am currently addicted to Lords of the Fallen but I really should get back to getting the achievements for Perfect Dark, and I need to finish up the Zr Spectrum games. Why you wouldn't own this collection is beyond me!
Re: Xbox Live Spring Sale: Xbox One Opening Day Deals List
Not too much for me on the first day but I will be keeping an eye on them as the week goes on.
Re: Xbox Live Spring Sale: Xbox One Opening Day Deals List
@Utena-mobile I definitely recommend Rare Replay as you can't really argue getting 30 games for that price. I have over 3k achievements from the game and I am still hooked, though I did grow up with these games so they likely hold more appeal for me then most other people. For me it is an essential part of my collection.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Five
Recently I have taken a liking to Lords of the Fallen which seems to be a game heavily inspired by the Dark Souls series. When I am not getting by butt kicked by that I will frantically destroy buildings in Blast Corps in an attempt for a gold medal! I am nearing the end so hopefully I will finish it up soon, though if Oyster Harbor is any indication then I am betting I am in for a challenge.
Re: Review: Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (Xbox One)
I was kind of hoping that the ability to return to the temples would have been added in an update but oh well. It is worth the 5 bucks and since I received the game for free it isn't too big of a deal to spend the extra money for the complete experience.
Re: Halo 5: Guardians Price Slashed to Celebrate Halo World Championships
That is a good price for sure but I still need to pick up the Master Chief Collection, after I do that I will get Halo 5. Still haven't played the first two games.
Re: Interview: Warhorse Studios Gives Us A History Lesson With Kingdom Come: Deliverance
I am a sucker for medieval games and the fact that it will kind of be like Skyrim has ensured that it definitely peaked my interest. Whether the final product on Xbox One will be quality is the real question here though.
Re: Would You Kindly Look At This Box Art for BioShock: The Collection?
I already own all three so unless they are backwards compatible it looks like I won't be playing them on Xbox One.
Re: Review: Tom Clancy's The Division (Xbox One)
@VanillaLake Yeah fortunately the Monster Hunting community in general are very easy to play with. Other than some players biting off more than they can chew I haven't had a problem with any of the players online and that speaks volumes about the quality of the fanbase. All of this talk of the game has me wanting to go for a few hunts!
Re: Review: Tom Clancy's The Division (Xbox One)
@VanillaLake So many good times playing that game online! That was my first MH game and I have been a huge fan ever since. As for The Division seeing as my internet isn't fast thanks to living in a rural town I really couldn't play this game even if I wanted to, though I am not a fan of always online games anyway. More looking forward to Ghost Recon myself.
Re: Shadow Complex Remastered Appears Out of Nowhere - Available Now
Like others have stated I won't be purchasing this one again without a hefty discount and since it is available via backwards compatibility it looks like I won't have to. Great game though!
Re: Review: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 (Xbox One)
I never played the first one but seeing as the sequel is so well packed with content then this may be where I give the series a try. Looks like a fun and quirky shooter!
Re: Dome City Will Bring First Person Sci-Fi Adventuring to Xbox One Next Year
Graphically it looks amazing and if the gameplay is up to snuff we could have a real winner on our hands with this one. I love narrative focused games like these.
Re: Fable Legends Cancelled, Lionhead Studios to Close
Shame that they couldn't have simply made Fable 4 since that is a game people actually wanted to play, myself included. I enjoyed all three of the original Fable games so while this does kind of suck I hope they give the ip to a studio a little more capable because while all three if the games were good, in my opinion only 1 and 2 we're excellent, with the first game taking the gold by a large margin. When games don't improve over the years it is probably best to hand the ip off to a new team with fresh ideas for the gameplay.
Re: Press Play Studios Closed as Microsoft Wields Axe
This makes me sad considering that I just finished up Max only a few days ago and loved it so much that I was hoping that there would another game in the series some day. Looks like that isn't going to happen anymore. This studio had some talented people on their team, and they will be missed by me at least.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Ninety Three
I picked up Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition yesterday so I know what I will be playing for not only the weekend, but likely far longer! I am definitely liking the changes from the pc version of the game as I feel like I am finally playing the game as it was intended to be played!
Re: 10 New Xbox One Backward Compatibility Titles Added
Awesome. Though I have played Witcher 2 a couple of times already when I am ready to boot it up again I will at least have the option now.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Six
For me I will be continuing Jet Force Gemini through Rare Replay and will likely play some of the other games in the collection too. Probably play Gears of War 2 as well.
Re: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Jumps to Xbox One in 2016
Have yet to play any of the Shantae games despite them being on sale multiple times on Wii U and 3DS. I really need to fix that soon since I loved Mighty Switch Force and this looks all around even better!
Re: Games With Gold For January 2016 Has A Killer Lineup
I have always been interested in trying Killer Instinct and since I will now be getting the full game for free this is a pretty sweet deal! Hopefully I like it more than Street Fighter.
Re: Fable Legends Delayed, Open Beta Now Arriving in Spring 2016
Like others I definitely would have preferred a "proper" Fable game but I am not going to write this one off just yet. I will give the open beta a try before I form any opinions about the game since the gameplay itself doesn't look too bad based on the videos I have seen.
Re: Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Is Also Free With Gold Right Now
I was too late unfortunately even though I checked only a little later in the day. Oh well.
Re: Feature: Our Top 3 Xbox Games of 2015 - Staff Lists
I just got my Xbox One but Arkham Knight is so amazing I find it hard to imagine it not being a huge contender. I too 100 percented it and loved every minute of it and right now I am enjoying playing through Witcher 3.
Re: Microsoft Adds Halo Reach and 15 More Games to Xbox One Backward Compatibility List
Nice! Halo Reach is one of my favorite games in the series so that is a nice inclusion. Keep em comin!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Five
This weekend it will be Gears of War Ultimate and Batman Arkham Knight. I have plenty of other games to play if I get the urge too.
Re: ARK Survival Evolved Coming to Xbox One Game Preview Next Week
Looks solid let's just hope it plays as good as it looks! With a price tag like that it had better be polished to a sheen.
Re: Microsoft Is Holding Another Huge Xbox Live Game Sale Later This Month
I will be keeping an eye out for some great deals though I already have a ton to play so the deal would have to be pretty darn good to make me bite.