Comments 77

Re: E3 2015: DayZ on Xbox One Could Feature An Offline Single-player Mode


@KelticDevil - unfortunately that's the way the online world is. I recently experienced it in Destiny where I am trying to get my lowly level 5 Titan to level 20. I was hanging around an area killing targets when a bunch of level 34s speed up and start taking it in turns to one shot the targets I'm shooting. They didn't need the points, just doing it for giggles.

@WayneDavies89 I'm hoping that will be the case too. DayZ standalone has a lot of potential as a really good survival sim which is lacking on consoles so by upping zombie numbers and tweeking their aggression I can see this becoming a significant challenge

Re: E3 2015: DayZ on Xbox One Could Feature An Offline Single-player Mode


I've been following Day Z since a mate showed it to me back in late 2011 and have watched hours of videos - DevilDogGamer and Frankieonpcin1080p are good sources. In both these instances the game became a lot more interesting with PVP content. The ability to hold othert players up, engage in random attacks and plan strategy is what makes DayZ stand out amongst zombie games.

However, there are certain caveats. Cherno is rife with spawn killers on PC, people who camp on hills with high powered sniper rifles waiting for new players to run through their sights. Some people treat it like CoD arcade and bring foul language to the table and you do run into hackers on a regular basis.

While I would like to play PVP if the environment becomes a toxic wasteland then I'm switching back to solo.

Re: E3 2015: The Long Dark and Elite: Dangerous Both Part Of New Xbox Game Preview Program


A little update regarding Elite: Dangerous. The game is now ready to be installed on your Xbox. It will set you back £24.99 for the full version and it's 4.7GB in size. For some reason it says pre-order on the buy button (at least it did on the iPhone app) so I'm currently not sure whether the game can be launched yet. It's at 90% and still hasn't told me it's ready to play. Will keep you posted, 91%

UPDATE - game installed, and it has launched! See you out there people. Drop me a message and I will fly with you!

Re: FIFA 16 Adds Women's National Teams to the Mix


I really shoudn't be surprised that the majority of comment threads on every major media site are teaming with sexist, vile and downright abhorrent remarks.

Thought this won't be a purchase for me, I'm not a sports gamer, I do have to give props to EA. They have really stepped up to the plate which, hopefully, will encourage more publishers to green light games with stronger, charismatic and proportionate female leads.

DoA take note!

Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 30FPS Lock Patch Coming Soon


I sometimes get texture pop in when I ride into a town on Roach, some NPCs and assets take 3 seconds to load properly.

Other than that I've been having a great time. I keep loading up the Smartglass app and seeing @BAMozzy ever increasing kill count which makes me want to play more.

However, I am slightly paranoid about the save corrupting issue. So I make sure to completely quit out of The Witcher after I finish.

Re: Weekly Wrap: Too Many New Games Edition


1) Elite: Dangerous (i'm a serious sci-fi nerd so was considering forking out for a gaming PC and Star Citizen, then saw this and changed my mind)

2) Wolfenstein (always a classic and the last one was spot on in terms of story, mechanics and graphical fidelity so a no I wrote the article so I'm probably biased).

3) Adventures of Pip (been watching this game since it's Kickstarter announcement so I'm happy to hear its coming to Xbox One)

Like Ken there are many more that are fighting it out over slot number 4. All we need is No Mans Sky on Xbox One and I'm going to be a happy Turian!

Re: Elite Dangerous Coming to Xbox One This Summer


@stylon, completely agree, although to match the rotation will require some computer assistance. @PacificMustang the software required for voice recognition is known as Voice Attack and is PC only. However here I agree with @SuperKMx that it would make sense - in the grand scheme of things - to have kinect support. The PC version of Elite is a complicated affair that requires a mouse, keyboard and joystick to enjoy properly. Mapping all the commands to the Xbox gamepad will be a nightmare and will result in some severe dumbing down of the control interface were it to happen. I have been reading up on Elite ever since this announcement and the more I see the more I like. I have always been a self-styled explorer/trader so I will be exploring as many systems as I can jump to. Maybe it's too early at this stage but it might be worth setting up a forum thread and discussing possible guild/corporations - "pX Industries" I can see it now..written on billboards, t-shirts, plastic lunchboxes!

Re: New Assassin's Creed Unity Patch Says Goodbye to Companion App Requirements


While I agree with the others here I must admit to some disappointment upon reading the patch notes last night.

Both my wife and I saw this as an opportunity to work together on a game using our prefered play styles. While I like core console games she likes micromanaging games (like Dragon Vale) so this was the perfect way to combine the two. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the helix marker appear on my screen pointing to a chest or mission she had unlocked - almost like a challenge to complete it as soon as possible to free up the associate assassin. In return I would scoop up nomad points at each turn allowing her to invest in better assassins.

While I can understand that Initiate chests may be a bone of contention they were all unlocked when I started the game so I wasn't impacted. Initiates has been down for a while now yet, even so, getting to the required rank was not hard if you had played the previous AC titles.The associated companion app was free (although there was an option to spend £1.49 to unlock a premium feature) meaning it was always going to be an optional. Indeed, the missions and rewards feel free/optional - kill a single target 10m away or open this chest for 500 livre, nothing challenging, and contribute nothing to the achievements.

This patch feels like a loss of faith in companion apps in general which doesn't bode well for The Division (something which I am very much looking forward to playing with Mrs Turian) and with SmartGlass becoming nothing more than a glorified stat tracker and remote control it makes me wonder whether we will ever reach an innovative pairing?

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