I don't like scalpers myself and never buy from them, but you have to admit at least they give those who can't find a system an option. It's an extremely expensive option but an option all the same. I blame MS and Sony for never having enough consoles at launch knowing they will sell fast and disappoint ppl. I give them a pass this year cause Covid 19 made it even harder than usual to secure a console with less ppl in the factories and more ppl at home buying up games and consoles cause stuck at home.
Kinda funny seeing Sony congratulating Ms on Series X and at the same time paying to keep games like FF 16 off the Xbox console for at least a year, among many others, but business is business
@Kefka2589 I would. Losing both systems sound too risky. I don't have a series x yet but when I can find one and order one I'll be calling off the day of delivery
@Grumblevolcano i didn't think Sony paid anything to have P5 be exclusive. It's been like 3 years since it came out, I still don't see why it can't come to Xbox.
Blame MS for not wanting to buy exclusive content. It's already been said, by a former game informer journalist, this is only the beginning for ps5 exclusive content
@UltimateOtaku91 I agree. As much as I'd love MS to buyout Sega or SE, I would be just as fine if MS simply purchased a xbox port of those niche games. I mean, sheesh, what's keeping MS from getting Persona 5 on xbox already?
Very interested in this. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it next year. I love my single player rpgs and since I'm not a pc gamer it'll be nice to experience league of legends in a way
Selling it at the end of the month when Series X is near. It's only a one S so I'll sell it for a hundred bucks or something. One console is enough for me.
@JesWood13 what does it matter? MS wants to put it's games everywhere through gamepass if nothing else. It's not buying all these studios for exclusives
@Chimera_Police I would love to see a return of skies of Arcadia. I used to own that game on Dreamcast several years ago, I got pretty far but never did complete it.
I'm sure Square will bring 16 and FF7R to Xbox when their exclusive deals with Sony ends. Square has brought every other mainline FF to Xbox at least from FF7 so I don't see why Square would deny FF fans on Xbox these games permanently.
It doesn't matter. After seeing how fast ps5 pre-orders sold out, mere seconds in some places, you can count on Series S and X to sell out near instantly especially everyone knowing exact times they go live.
Console launches are always a little stressful worrying if you will get a pre order or not. These things sell out so quickly and don't hardly get restocked till next year
I'll try to get the preorder for Series X somewhere, but if I can't no biggie. The new Xbox systems wont have anything I can't play on my Xbox one at launch anyway
Comments 69
Re: Black Friday Xbox Series X Restock: Where To Buy The Series X
@Bmartin001 good luck getting one in the next 6 months. I feel like I'll never find this thing at retail price.
Re: You'll Be Able To Change Your Gamerpic With The New Xbox App Soon
Definitely need the Xbox store back on the app for on the go purchases.
Re: Catarina Macedo Departs Xbox And Microsoft
I'm surprised no one posted "who??" Yet
Re: Scalpers Are At It Again With Expensive Xbox Series X eBay Listings
I don't like scalpers myself and never buy from them, but you have to admit at least they give those who can't find a system an option. It's an extremely expensive option but an option all the same. I blame MS and Sony for never having enough consoles at launch knowing they will sell fast and disappoint ppl. I give them a pass this year cause Covid 19 made it even harder than usual to secure a console with less ppl in the factories and more ppl at home buying up games and consoles cause stuck at home.
Re: Nintendo, PlayStation Celebrate Xbox Series Launch With Microsoft
Kinda funny seeing Sony congratulating Ms on Series X and at the same time paying to keep games like FF 16 off the Xbox console for at least a year, among many others, but business is business
Re: The Xbox Series Launch Produced Some Noteworthy FedEx Encounters
@Kefka2589 I would. Losing both systems sound too risky. I don't have a series x yet but when I can find one and order one I'll be calling off the day of delivery
Re: Amazon's Xbox Series X Pre-Orders Won't Arrive For Everyone On Launch
Sounds like it will be a long time before Amazon has any to sell to non pre-order ppl, ugh
Re: EA Play Joins Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Here's What's Included
Xbox keeps winning
Re: Xbox Has Reportedly Approached Several Japanese Devs About A Buyout
@Grumblevolcano i didn't think Sony paid anything to have P5 be exclusive. It's been like 3 years since it came out, I still don't see why it can't come to Xbox.
Re: Xbox Fans Really Aren't Happy About Call Of Duty's 'Sony Advantages'
Blame MS for not wanting to buy exclusive content. It's already been said, by a former game informer journalist, this is only the beginning for ps5 exclusive content
Re: Xbox Has Reportedly Approached Several Japanese Devs About A Buyout
@UltimateOtaku91 I agree. As much as I'd love MS to buyout Sega or SE, I would be just as fine if MS simply purchased a xbox port of those niche games. I mean, sheesh, what's keeping MS from getting Persona 5 on xbox already?
Re: Xbox Has Reportedly Approached Several Japanese Devs About A Buyout
Good. I want Series X to have strong jpn support next gen, much more than xbox one had.
Re: Customer Reportedly Receives Xbox One X Instead Of Xbox Series X
I can imagine the great disappointment she experienced when opening that package. Still, the One X is a fantastic system itself.
Re: Microsoft Reveals Time Spent Testing Each Backwards Compatible Game For Xbox Series X|S
Hopefully start adding new BC titles again soon
Re: Interested In More Games Like Tell Me Why? Xbox Wants To Know
Honestly I thought the game was going to be SJW fest but the story was so good I finished the game.
Re: Ruined King: A League Of Legends Story Heads To Xbox Early Next Year
Very interested in this. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it next year. I love my single player rpgs and since I'm not a pc gamer it'll be nice to experience league of legends in a way
Re: Xbox Wants To Know If You'd Buy A Series X Mini-Fridge
No but I'll take a free one like Snoop and Ijustine got☺️
Re: Xbox Is Offering You The Chance To Win That Huge Series X Fridge
@Thretosix ditto, no interest in twitter, facebook or any of that. It should have been a Microsoft rewards sweepstakes
Re: Confirmed! All Non-Kinect Back Compat Games Work On Xbox Series X|S
Great news! My whole x1 collection will come with me into next gen, and Series X will breathe new life into them.
Re: These 25+ Games Are Coming To Xbox Next Week (Oct 13-16)
Gi joe and Shantae for me
Re: GameStop Announces Multi-Year Strategic Partnership With Microsoft
Gamestop devoured, yum
Re: Here's Another Look At The Retail Box For The Xbox Series X
Can't wait to have it delivered 😌
Re: Talking Point: What Happens To Your Xbox One When You Go Next-Gen?
Selling it at the end of the month when Series X is near. It's only a one S so I'll sell it for a hundred bucks or something. One console is enough for me.
Re: Guide: What New Releases Are Heading To Xbox In October 2020?
It looks like next month is packed. I see at least 6-7 titles I want.
Re: Video: Here's What Happens When You Turn On The Xbox Series X
That was really really fast
Re: Anime Service Funimation Is A New Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perk
How much after 2 months?
Re: Some People Have Already Won An Xbox Series X With Taco Bell
Must be nice to get a 500 dollar system for free. I don't have that kinda luck.
Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming Has A New Competitor, Amazon Luna
I'll just stick to Xbox for gaming, and Amazon for buying
Re: It Looks Like DOOM Eternal Is Coming To Xbox Game Pass Soon
Awesome 👍 I always wanted to play it but that price isn't going down fast enough. I'll gladly play it on GP
Re: Xbox Will Continue To Consider Buying New Studios, Says Microsoft
@JesWood13 what does it matter? MS wants to put it's games everywhere through gamepass if nothing else. It's not buying all these studios for exclusives
Re: Guide: All The Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sale (Sep 22-29)
I'll take Code Veronica
Re: Random: The Internet Thinks Microsoft Is Buying Sega Now
@Chimera_Police I would love to see a return of skies of Arcadia. I used to own that game on Dreamcast several years ago, I got pretty far but never did complete it.
Re: Random: The Internet Thinks Microsoft Is Buying Sega Now
I don't think they would buy Sega right after dropping 7.5 billon but a partnership is more likely. I'm all for MS buying Sega though.
Re: Talking Point: Have You Been Able To Pre-Order An Xbox Series X|S?
Got my Series X pre-order at Amazon this morning. I'm so excited for November ☺️
Re: Guide: Xbox Series X & S Pre-Orders: Where To Buy The New Consoles
Just got my Series X preorder from Amazon, so happy!!!
Re: Yep, Scalpers Are Already Listing Xbox Series X On eBay
This is not looking good tomorrow morning....
Re: Xbox Acquires ZeniMax Media, Parent Company Of Bethesda Softworks
@Justifier that would be hilarious actually
Re: Xbox Acquires ZeniMax Media, Parent Company Of Bethesda Softworks
I guarantee Phil will still allow all those future games to still be on ps5
Re: Analyst Says Final Fantasy XVI Could Come To 'Other Consoles' After 12 Months
I'm sure Square will bring 16 and FF7R to Xbox when their exclusive deals with Sony ends. Square has brought every other mainline FF to Xbox at least from FF7 so I don't see why Square would deny FF fans on Xbox these games permanently.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Sep 19th)
FF 13 through BC, and my copy of Control arrives today from Amazon.
Re: Retailers Who Open Xbox Pre-Orders Early Will Be Penalized, Says Keighley
Good, the ps5 preorder was a disaster. I pray the Series X will be easier to get, but it will probably go just as quickly.
I'm also hoping no backdoor links to eat all the pre-orders before they even officially go live like what happened with ps5 on Amazon
Re: Final Fantasy XVI Snapped Up As 'PlayStation Console Exclusive'
@Friendly it'll be in or after April 2021 when the ps4 1 year deal ends.
Re: Xbox Takes A Dig At Sony As PS5 Pre-Orders Go Live Without Notice
It doesn't matter. After seeing how fast ps5 pre-orders sold out, mere seconds in some places, you can count on Series S and X to sell out near instantly especially everyone knowing exact times they go live.
Re: Final Fantasy XVI Snapped Up As 'PlayStation Console Exclusive'
Let's worry about getting FF7R first on Xbox before 16, which is coming to Xbox eventually as well
Re: US Retailer Target Announces Start Time For Xbox Series Pre-Orders
I'll be ready come Tuesday morning 🙂
Re: Xbox Series Pre-Order Supplies Will Be Limited, Warns Microsoft
Console launches are always a little stressful worrying if you will get a pre order or not. These things sell out so quickly and don't hardly get restocked till next year
Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming For Android Is Now Live With Xbox Game Pass
@FraserG I did just now, thank you.
Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming For Android Is Now Live With Xbox Game Pass
I don't even see a cloud section in my app
Re: Microsoft's Entire Xbox Series S Press Briefing Has Leaked Online
I hope they find whoever is leaking inside Microsoft and fire him/her
Re: Expect The Xbox Series S/X To Sell Out Very Quickly, Warns Best Buy
I'll try to get the preorder for Series X somewhere, but if I can't no biggie. The new Xbox systems wont have anything I can't play on my Xbox one at launch anyway