Update: Square Enix has commented on Final Fantasy XVI's PS5 exclusivity in a statement to GamesRadar. It doesn't tell us much, but the publisher hasn't denied that it could come to other platforms down the line.
"We have no further information on if Final Fantasy 16 will be released on platforms other than the PS5."
Original story: We've got some bad news, Final Fantasy fans - Square Enix has today unveiled Final Fantasy XVI as part of the PS5 Showcase, but according to Sony it's been snapped up as a 'PlayStation Console Exclusive'.
We're still a little bit confused as to what that means though, as the trailer above suggests it's "not available on other platforms for a limited time after PS5," suggesting an Xbox release could still be on the cards.
It sounds like we're out of luck for now at least, but we'll let you know if we hear anything more.
Disappointed to be losing out on Final Fantasy XVI? Give us your thoughts in the comments.
Comments 71
Based on the wording at the end of the official trailer it will eventually come to Xbox
Now that's what I call a presentation
@steveo0209 it's playstation 5 "console" exclusive meaning that it will come to ps5 and pc
PlayStation nailed it
More like an average 30fps filmic show. All thanks to the leaks, the prices are as previously predicted.
game square Enix maximum year of exclusivity
Well that sucks..
i have to be honest......meh. i didn't think it looked that great, i'm sure it will be good of course, but yeah i wasn't blown away...
Thats a big deal for me, I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan so that has swung it in PS5's favour
Cue to salty xbox fans who will say the game looks crap etc etc
Edit: alrwady started
It's officialy timed exclusive on consoles, Sony official trailer states that clearly. It is coming to Xbox!
I'm a huge Xbox fan but the Final Fantasy series is my passion in gaming. This really is a massive blow.
A timed exclusive was an issue for me. A full exclusive really does force me towards a PS5.
@Carck it said "console" exclusive also meaning that when the time exclusive period ends it will come to pc not xbox
@LocalPenguin it's a ps5 console exclusive meaning it will also come to pc
Good thing by then I'll have an RTX6090 by the time it releases.
@playstation_king that's not how I interpret that. There's an asterisk next to console exclusive, followed by *not available on other platforms for a limited time following release.
This sounds like timed exclusivity to me. Maybe I'm just hopeful you're wrong as I'm not buying a PS5 to play one game, but I think it's a safe bet, as this seems to be SE's method as of late
@XBontendo yeah it's timed before it comes to pc, hence why they said its console exclusive as they don't class pc as a console.
It’s a timed exclusive.
But Final Fantasy hasn’t been great for many years. This is geared towards the PlayStation audience. Let ‘em have it.
I’d rather see Sony pony up the $ for this than a 3rd party game that I am actually interested in.
They did not do anything in that presentation to change my mind from the PS5 is just a PS4 Pro with a new hard drive.
@Carck yes but after the timed exclusivity it goes to pc, so still remains a console exclusive
Doesn't bother me as I am not a FF fan and will be getting a PS5 at some point anyway
@playstation_king Right, you keep saying that. I was saying I don't think that's what that means. I disagree
@Carck we're on the same page. But time will tell, I suppose
@playstation_king on another purexbox thread you said you weren't a troll but had this name on all your accounts such a pushsquare. That's cool because I'm sixrings on nintendolife. But your comments today had troll all over them. Enjoy your system and your trolling.
@sixrings what comments made it seem like I was a troll? I've literally been saying what it said at the end of the trailer...
Didn't like the look of this one. Final fantasy 7 remake was the best one in a long, long time. I'd so much rather have that and the sequels on the Xbox. This is a timed exclusive anyway. This one just looks like a really generic western RPG.
After how bad 15 was do people care?
I'm still baffled how the same company that made 13 and 15 are putting out something as good as the 7 remake.
@playstation_king Some other games using the same wording are day and date with PC, so it could be day and date.
Like Deathloop. And Ghostwire Tokyo. And Project Atheia or whatever it's called.
It said "other platforms", in the plural. It will come to Xbox, no matter how much you want it not to. 😎
@graysoncharles I don't think it's understandable to have timed exclusives when it just pisses people off. I know it's more popular in Japan, but this just really sucks for everyone I feel. It's a scummy way to do business. We had FF15 at launch on Xbox, so it should be that way for FF16 as well. They could make it up by having FF16 on Game Pass though
The games gives off a big FFXIV vibe, which is one of the best in the series IMO. And Yoshida being the producer I can’t see this becoming a failure.
They seem to use the same formula that worked on FF14 so great. Plus back to the roots of medieval FF (pre FF6 era).
It may not look as good as Project Athia (since it’s not the same engine), but I’m sure the story will be amazing.
@InterceptorAlpha The whole FFXIV community cares.
This time the project is headed by people who have been highly successful with FFXIV. As long as there is no Nomura, I believe it can be a success.
I'm not a fan of timed exclusives but in this case I'm glad. If it's anything like XV then the best version will come a few years later anyway.
Game looks bland. Not a big loss for the green team, I think.
I’m getting FF VIIR vibes because I remember it said PS only and then later “first on PlayStation”. It’s fine again I can wait. I’m still leary if them hitting a release date for this in under 5 years we will see.
@AJDarkstar I’m pretty sure they are looking to double dip honestly. Sony for times exclusivity and MS for Gamepass. They basically get their sales up front on both platforms.
@tatsumi Hey now, the Nomura-hating is unnecessary! He is legitimately a good artist and macro visionary. I'll bet anything he's involved with art/monster design for FFXVI.
Fans constructed a toxic bandwagon to hate on George Lucas as well, which was a mistake in hindsight to Disney's treatment of the IP (Mandalorian not included).
So it appears FFXVI is being developed by parts of the FFXIV team.
The Heavensward devs + Hiroshi Takai (assistant director of ARR and Stormblood) + Yoshida.
This is already giving a lot of hope for a good game.
@AJDarkstar yeah that’s why I wasn’t too upset with the FFVIIR. I’m comfy waiting honestly.
This seems like an odd one to do as an exclusive as there are many Final Fantasy games on the XBox through backwards compat we could just play instead.
Yeah, old Vs new but chances are unless you're a diehard fan of the franchise, there's bound to be a few you might of missed out on. Or heck, go back and nab achievements you missed while waiting for 16 on Series X/S.
I dunno, while it's true Sony has the exclusives trump card, this and the fact some of those exclusives are coming to PS4 like Spiderman only really made me feel less interested in getting one anytime soon.
@Ralizah I absolutely agree about the blandness. It just screams ‘dark’ anime to me, and by ‘dark’ I mean it has a boohoo story where they inexplicably kill off a party member because it makes it gritty. Still though, it’s the FFXIV producers and that’s a good sign.
@Z3u5000 yeah this looks like ***** unlike Halo Infinite which is an amazing looking game. You Fanboys are just ridiculous 😂
@playstation_king There's quite a lot of games that Square Enix have made as "exclusives" and as soon as the time ends it came to Xbox so I bet the same thing will happen here.
But anyhoo, I'm not going to lie, I was a little bummed out when I read the headline. But after the trailer I'm ok with waiting while I work on my other games that I own. After 15 I was hoping we would go back to a woman as the main character. And as much as I love Kingdom Hearts, I wish we still had traditional jrpg experiences instead of action jrpg. I'll still pick this up as soon as it comes to Xbox, but I'm willing to bet that FF7 Remake will appear around 16's launch so that will keep me more than happy until then. I'm playing the original right now and loving it.
Based on what was shown... Would've been better off investing money in Housemarque or some other good indie studio. Can't imagine this was a cheap deal and the game looked very meh. Don't see it having as big an impact as Sony hopes, won't do what FF VII did for PS1, especially if it doesn't launch until 2024 or 2025.
I like that its a return to a more medieval fantasy setting, but I can definitively wait until it arrives on XBox a year later.
Dang. I really hope it comes to Xbox Series X someday. I will not be buying a PS5 just to play it unfortunately.
Fair play to them, that’s a spicy exclusive right there! It’s business at the end of the day, folks.
It's a timed exclusive.
However, SE and Sony are now in damage control mode and instructing news outlets to remove any mention of a PC or other consoles version.
Aside from that, looks underwhelming. Developed mostly by the FF14 MMO team and it tells. FF7R looked miles better graphically on PS4 Pro, better voice acting and better combat.
Let's worry about getting FF7R first on Xbox before 16, which is coming to Xbox eventually as well
@Armyof1 FF7R will be there in February, right? Or was the exclusivity deal longer than one year?
Can’t remember
I have a big enough backlog to use the time during the timedexclusive wisely, beating my backlog. I have no worries. Everwild looks miles more interesting then the cliche’d ff16. ff 7 and 8 already scrapped the bar.
@Friendly ff7 will be on xbox on (latest updated date) 10 april 2021.
@Friendly it'll be in or after April 2021 when the ps4 1 year deal ends.
Based on the wording in the official trailer, it's a timed-exclusive for PS5 that will come to PC and Xbox. It has happened with every Final Fantasy game except XV which was released on both consoles at the same time. The exclusivity deals between Sony and Square Enix are usually one-year long. So next year Xbox will get Final Fantasy VII Remake and the year after XVI launches Xbox will get this game, too.
@trancefl0W @armyof1 thanks!
Confirmed, Final Fantasy XVI has a one-year console exclusivity deal and a six-months exclusivity deal. In other words, it will launch on Windows six months later and on Series S/X one year later.
Final Fantasy, Kid Arachnid and Devil May Cry all have very similar air and ground combat styles.
Final Fantasy looked like Game of Thrones at first. I thought it was Jamie Lannister.
That sucks for all of the final fantasy Xbox fans. I loved the series up through X but after that they lost me. I prefer Dragons Quest these days.
From the article:
""We have no further information on if Final Fantasy 16 will be released on platforms other than the PS5," a Square Enix spokesperson told me, the tape on their mouth beginning to inhibit oxygen flow." 😨🙊😂
@gingataisen At least, they are not forced to lie but hide the truth 🤣.
""We have no further information on if Final Fantasy 16 will be released on platforms other than the PS5."
Interesting wording. The trailer said "PS5 console exclusive" which sounded permanent. This statement sounds very impermanent..... Unless that means Stadia.
Timed exclusives just suck full stop. Luckily I’m not interested in FF really so Won’t bother me this time but there’ll be a next time I guess.
@BlueOcean Holy frak the whole PS thing is a miserable joke of mixed messages. I'm starting to wonder why I stayed up all night preordering. Yeah, I know there will be great games that I like from them (starting with R&C, I don't give a flip about a $70 remaster of Demon's Souls. I have DS1 on Switch; 2 and 3 on XB, and I never touch them, they bore me. Sekiro, and Sony's Nioh are a better version of the formula, to me.), but still, so much of what they showed was mixed messages, both June and now.
Finding out the thing we've been hyperbolically mocking as "tarted up PS4 DLC" was finally announced as actually being tarted up PS4 DLC. I thought we were being dramatic by declaring a game that could and should have run as PS4 DLC being locked behind a hardware paywall.....and the whole time it really was literally actual PS4 DLC. They opened their trailer with console exclusive FFXVI, which after the rumors of money hatting I thought "welp, that does it, those money grubbing scumbags finally paid off Square to go exclusive again", and it turns out its the same timed deal as FFVIIR. The moneyhatting rumors were overblown. Hogwarts is multiplat? So what as that big showcase about? It opened with a timed exclusive, went to PS4 DLC and it's Enhanced for PS5 output, then to a multiplat game, then to a bunch of other multiplat games, then to Fortnite (Are they gunning for the iPad players?) and then finally closed with an actual exclusive with a release date as realistic as Halo Infinite?
I'm hoping I can secure my 2 XSeX. I'm hoping to do one with XAA....if I can I'll keep all my preorders. If I only get one (or no) XSeX I'll keep my PS preorders. If I can't, I have to seriously consider just paying outright for 2 XSeX and cancelling PS5s....which I don't want to do because i worked so hard to secure them But I'm really wondering, given so few actual exclusives, which ones I'll actually play on PS5 instead of just buying on XBox?
I know I'll be glad to have it sooner than later, but still..
@NEStalgia I really thought that their show would be more focused because if there is something that Sony has being doing well it's the exclusives business but they messed their communication and strategy up and where are the exclusive games, after all? Besides, how can they mess up when they are waiting for Microsoft to make every move before doing their own?
"I think it's safe to say, we'll let you know when pre-orders will happen. It's not going to happen with a minute's notice. We're going to at some point let you know when you can pre-order a PS5 so please don't feel like you have to go run and line up anywhere until you receive official notice on how that will work."
Eric Lempel
"PS4 controller will not work with PS5 games because PS5 games should take advantage of the new capabilities and features we're bringing to the platform, including the features of DualSense wireless controller".
"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5."
Jim Ryan, 29th May 2020.
@BlueOcean thanks, really wanted to know this. it feels awesome to be able play lots of games for a year knowing a next gen final fantasy releases after that. it gives a nice gap to bridge.
@Kev_Morrison haha yeah. that airborne black clover anime / ff7 adventchildren fighting style
very japanese way of fighting ‘cool’
@trancefl0W No problem, it's the same thing as Final Fantasy VII Remake but Sony's statements can be confusing.
@NEStalgia haha feel your pain, im not in the samen boat (im waiting for tuesday next week XOSX preorder, but can imagine your doubt).
monster hunter rise announcement today for the nintendo switch made me more hyped then the graphics shower in the ps5 showcase..
it made me dream about botw2 and metroid4 from retrostudios.
im also very curious about nintendo’s move to replace their 3rd of march 2017 switch with a modern 2021 switch. I have the feeling nintendo has some hidden surprises.
@BlueOcean yeah confusing indeed. it doesn’t feel right to throw money for a timed-exclusivity. if that will really work. people can wait. or is sony hoping people can’t read and/or are lazy and take the first/quickest option to get the game??
maybe young gamers are very impulsive and impatient so buy to be the first. i’m still like that a bit.
@trancefl0W Ha ha, right. We can wait, there are tons of games to play in the meantime and I expect the Series X version to be the best anyway.
Nintendo is probably preparing a new Switch with Breath of the Wild 2 to go with it but Metroid Prime 4 seems so far away.
@trancefl0W I don't think Switch will be that significant an upgrade. They "could" go the X1X route, but I think it'll be more "New 3DS." Actually DSi was worse than X1X, though...it did have games that didn't run on DS Lite. But yeah, it's kind of funny as Sony has this list of current gen games they sat on all of last year. I've been railing for 2 years since Sony started skipping E3 that they abandoned PS4 2 years early to race into PS5. Apparently I was wrong. I owe Sony an apology. They didn't abandon PS4. They just sat on all the PS4 games so they could use them to launch PS5, and then will release the prior 2 years of PS4 games now.
Technically Nintendo is doing the same i think.
XBox doesn't have much to show up front, but they're going to backload this generation so heavily. Tons of big games, none of them releasing soon. After Sony and Nintendo run through their exclusives, MS's gen will really just get going. Fable will probably release along with FFXVI on PS
I really don't get the timed exclusive thing either. 1 year advance on the game can't be that profitable? For me it works ok-ish. I probably end up buying the game on PS5 because when they release it for $70 on XBox, it'll be discounted to $40 on PSN....not sure that's really a win for Sony...but I get the game cheaper at the same time... I hope that was worth millions for them?
Timed exclusivity is usually around a year. So, no problem here. Or just play it on PC if you really can't wait.
This is from. Eurogamers article on ps5 ***** pr about everything they have been saying is wrong
"Sony signalling timed console exclusivity during its event. According to an analyst I've spoken to, Final Fantasy 16 is six months full exclusive on PS5, and 12 months console exclusive"
@NEStalgia hey thanks very intelligent reply.
i didnt follow ps4 gen (im more into ps1 rpgs and vita, mirrors edge....) but i REALLY like your point about when to inject the gold or to sit on it to offer something substantial (but confuse your loyalists apparently). yeah it could be again that nintendo that cashes on minor changes and rereleases...
nintendo really wants to keep steady offerings for the insatiable gamers yet stay in the blue ocean strategy from iwata and keep the dogbone fighting to ms and sony. im tired of console wars. i think xbox or microsoft just wants peace and unite the four worlds. starting with pc. I have a big glass monolith pillar at home and it displays the entire history of gaming. I have/had also all consoles except ps4 (went to xbox one). in hindsight I love all time periods and games released. this nextgen would be also a memory to cry for. my mood just swings through timeperiod and consoles. and sometimes i just only want to play the latest. luckily its not all different kinds of water from a holy mountain from paradise xp
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