Comments 242

Re: Review: Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360)


@szchifo It's entirely optional, which is what makes GTA so special. Some people may like training and walking Chop, while others will like playing Tennis or Jet Skiing. This game is overflowing with side content.

Re: Wildcard Wednesday: Metal Gear Solid


@Tasuki I know exactly what you mean about the other MGS games not having the same impact as the original. I still love each game in the series but there's definitely something about the first that feels really special. Maybe it's because the story feels more contained and doesn't rely on convoluted story threads.

Re: Microsoft Isn't Giving Up On An All-Digital Future With Xbox One


I would love to see this console generation truly embrace a digital future. My disappointment so far with next gen is that — despite prettier graphics and beefed up specs — the X1 and PS4 aren't different from consoles now. I'm hoping MS brings a few things back but to not sacrifice physical media for those who still want it

Re: Reaction: Xbox One Release Date


Great thoughts all around there, Ken! It seems that Microsoft knew where there strengths were when deciding on a release date. Ultimately, I don't feel that a week separation between console launches isn't going to make as much of an impact in the grand scheme of things. This is an interesting time for both companies and gamers. My excitement is through the roof right now

Re: Review: Storm (Xbox Live Arcade)


@DRL I really wanted to like the game because it does have an interesting concept. Every time I'd boot it up, I'd expect my experience to be better than the last. More often than not, I'd just end up getting more upset. Lol

Re: Microsoft is Getting Serious About Next-Gen: "We Will Kill Sony at E3"


@hydeks We're all gamers here and some of my cherished gaming memories happen to be n64 era games — after all, that was where my passion for games came to be. There have been some obvious influences from Nintendo games that have made there way to 360/PS3 games in recent years: Darksiders, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, Little Big Planet Karting.

Some fanboys make snicker at the 3DS and WiiU games but many developers these days have been greatly inspired by previous gen nintendo games

Re: Microsoft Phasing Out Points for Next Generation


This is all good news and long overdue. I've never liked the points system as it never quite made a lot of sense. I've avoided with putting my credit card on my profile and instead have used PayPal linked to my bank account. It's easy transferring funds.

Re: Fuse Demo Now Available


Played the demo and was deeply underwhelmed, which is a damn shame since Insomniac has proven that they can make a competent game.
I remain cautiously optimistic though.

Re: First Stage - Resident Evil Revelations


Not too sure how this will be received on consoles but I loved the 3DS game. Raid mode was a welcome post-play addition that should transition well across the new platforms.
However, I worry that the negative reaction to RE6 has put many gamers off of the franchise.