Depending on how much you bought into the hype during the long run-up to the release of Bethesda's Starfield, it's hard to know quite what you might have been expecting when you finally sat down to press the start button and get stuck in. Was this going to be some monumental step forward for video games, a piece of interactive art that forever changed the landscape, a seismic shift for the RPG genre as a whole or just, well, Skyrim in space?
Luckily for us, all we really wanted was the latter, because that's pretty much what we've got here. Yes, in the end, Starfield isn't some dramatic, game-changing moment. It's very much in line with what's come before from this studio, a great big sprawling RPG that's full of heart, full of fun and full of the kind of jank we've pretty much come to expect at this point with Bethesda. Its menus are a pain in the neck, its maps and inventories are bewildering at the best of times, it often feels like there are too many ways to do the same thing (can I fly straight to my destination, do I fast travel, should I hold X or open a menu and jump from there?) and all the usual messy cameras and misbehaving NPCs are present and correct.

But to focus on these relatively minor points - and in the grand scale of things they are relatively minor - would be to sweat the small stuff while a galaxy full of excellent adventures awaits. There isn't the level of freedom we expected (or were perhaps led to believe), this isn't anything like No Man's Sky, and there's been plenty of chatter online already about the barriers you'll run into on planets, we don't need to regurgitate any of that. However, for all the things that haven't transpired as we may have wanted or expected, there's so much good stuff here that, in the end, we've fallen entirely in love with Starfield.
This is Bethesda's best RPG, there's no doubt about it, and for as much jank as there is, it's still far more polished on release than anything that's come before from the studio. It looks fantastic overall, a galaxy packed full of awe-inspiring vistas, incredibly evocative planets (even when they're entirely barren) and some of the best large hubs and cities we've seen in the genre. There's a fantastic universe to set about exploring, quite simply. If you want a sprawling sci-fi narrative that goes to some surprisingly interesting and emotional places (no spoilers here), seemingly endless side quests, activities and breathless exploration to indulge in, it's all here. We love Morrowind, were utterly spellbound by Oblivion, have bought pretty much every version of Skyrim (not a proud boast) and yet this is the one, we reckon this is the one we'll end up loving the most in time.

Amidst all the frivolous side missions and narrative strands that break off in multiple directions to less serious stuff, classic sci-fi themes are explored to interesting effect as you follow along the main storyline. Humanity's place in the universe, the meaning of existence, religion vs science and all that stuff that keeps our beds nice and sweaty at night is married to an aesthetic that harkens back to the 1970s, to that grim and grimy vision of space travel that takes something so fantastical and roots it in a kind of gritty reality. It's an excellent choice, making the world feel so lived in, dirty, beaten up, and you can see the years of work that's gone into the details here, with every major location jam-packed full of lovingly-crafted environmental storytelling. Spaceship cockpits are made up of huge banks of wonderfully bleepy and bloopy buttons and complex graphs and, listen, it may seem like a small thing to focus on, but the doors in this many wonderful doors.
The game's larger hub areas are all nicely distinct from one another, managing to evoke memories of the likes of Mass Effect through the rather sterile New Atlantis, the Fallout series in the form of Akila, and even Cyberpunk 2077 when you finally get around to visiting the aptly-named Neon. There are also plenty of smaller settlements, outposts and camps to discover as you blast from planet to planet (via some menus, unfortunately), ensuring that you'll get your fill of meeting strangers to take on random silly errands, solve small-time local problems and disappear into or down every unexplored cavern and facility you come across in classic Bethesda fashion.
In terms of the combat, well, it's easily the best we've seen in a Bethesda RPG. There's a messy, kinetic madness to the shooting action here, it actually feels weighty, enemies are just about smart enough to make engagements interesting, locations provide all the explosive barrels and other components you need to make a right old mess and there's an exquisite range of guns and melee weapons, grenades, mines and hacking tricks and traps to make use of as you go.
The combat has been the biggest surprise for us really, it's not just serviceable or an afterthought when compared to any other aspect of the game, it's genuinely great, punchy and satisfying stuff - even if we do still sorta miss the ultra-violence of VATS. Oh, and the ship to ship action, the space dogfights, they may be rather small-scale and a bit repetitive, but they're fun, mechanically solid encounters that feel great and give you a chance to put all your ship upgrades and skill tree unlocks to work.
There's the usual expanse of factions and various parties to join (we recommend UC Vanguard for an early game tour of this universe's lore), surprisingly deep customisation for weapons, tons of cool gear and cosmetics to hunt down, as well as a galaxy's-worth of spaceships to steal, upgrade and even design from scratch. You've got outposts to construct, homes to purchase and furnish, endless planets to survey and explore, cooking, crafting, skill trees, goes on and on, and it's all backed up by super tight core gameplay and a narrative that actually delivers.

The essence of Bethesda's classic RPG magic hasn't been lost in this dizzying mix either, all the sneaking around and nicking stuff for no reason, the endless books and notes to read, the unlocking of millions of doors and chests and just endless wandering, discovering and getting into trouble. It's all here, even if it does feel a little more serious than usual. Without wanting to spoil anything at all, we should also mention that the New Game Plus aspect of this game is clever, it's handled in a way that immediately pushes you into more exploration, further playthroughs and a feeling that things are actually not nearly as wrapped up as you may have thought. That's all we'll say on that front.
Of course, as we mentioned at the top, there are also some notable issues. The constant menus, the amount of time you need to spend in inventories, the many, many loading screens, the fiddly and often confusing nature of travelling here and there and the bugs that see you talking to the back of a head or spinning around during an important conversation, all of this stuff can grate. There isn't the level of "next-gen" advancement that we expected overall, but if you can accept that, if you can accept that Starfield really is just the next big Bethesda RPG, that it's very much in line with its predecessors, then you can get on with having a very good time with a game that is, despite its flaws, right up there with the very best of 2023.

One of the very first things we did when we started exploring Starfield, and we're sure we're not alone in this, was to make our way to Earth, landing our ship in a vast, lifeless desert and going for a lonely, silent wander. We didn't find anything beyond a few craters and caves, but just being there, wandering this barren landscape, stopping to look up at the night sky and just considering this reality, it's one of the most powerful experiences we've had in a video game this year. This is exactly the sort of knockabout Bethesda RPG we know and love, but it's also got its moments of feeling like something more, something deeper, and we can't wait to see how it develops and grows in the weeks, months and years to come.
Starfield is Bethesda's best RPG to date, an enormous space odyssey that serves up some incredibly evocative and engaging exploration, satisfying combat, and a narrative that had us hooked right to the end. Yes there are issues here with the usual jank, and some very messy and fiddly menus and interactions, but all of these problems feel minor when compared to everything this game gets right. In a year that's been packed full of absolutely essential games, Starfield manages to sit right up top with some of the best of them. After all the hype and bluster, this is just a very, very good RPG and a game we'll be playing and replaying for a long time to come.
Comments 115
"Very, very good rpg" is what I want out of any game I sit down to play really. I don't need my mind to melt.
For my own experience I went ahead and just (10 minutes ago) created my character - to really sink into this one for the rest of the week....or year.
Fully agree with the score on this.
Having had the game since early release and invested 25hrs to date its a great game.
9/10 seems about right as it definitely isn’t perfect as some reviewers have made out and is no way a 7 that IGN and Gamespot gave it.
Ultimately the more I play the more fun it gets and I’m hooked.
I'd say it's between an 8.5 and a 9 for me I've never been the biggest Bethesda fan never finished any of their games but I'm already planning a new game plus playthrough for this when I've finished my first. It's fantastic with a few small issues holding it back from being perfect great review.
@Cashews Agreed. I vividly recall comments here (including some from Xbox-only warriors) insisting that this game was going to be/MS needed this to be a revolutionary redefining moment. It always felt a little unreasonable to me (and ironically unfair to Xbox and Bethesda).
“A very, very good RPG” is totally what I want and worth celebrating. And that’s saying something in a year FULL of very, very good RPGs (Baulders Gate, Diablo, Final Fantasy 16, Tears of the Kingdom, Sea of Stars, etc — what a year!). It’s also finally the big exciting exclusive that Xbox really needed.
Newborn baby demands, busy work week, sick toddler, etc. has kept me from booting up Starfield but it’s installed and I’m eager to jump in. Especially since my last Bethesda RPG was Morrowind.
I dislike the skills.
If I'm using points to "unlock" them, I shouldn't ALSO have to complete objectives to unlock those same ones I just used a skill point on!
I'm also having an issue with my first quest!
The red bandit pirate on the moon.
It keeps disappearing and I have to wait hours again for it to come back. Only to get to/near it for it to disappear again.
It happens at different times of days, not the same, so it isn't a time prerequisite quest. At least to my knowledge.
Also, that same moon.
I have to be stuck inside my spacesuit and helmet yet not too far from my landing zone is another spaceship and a dude standing outside it.
and here I am with Lung Damage shortly after walking around a little bit!
This comment coming from me is rare and surprising.
If anyone read my prior posts know I'm very much against and definitely make fun of the immortal, angelic, elite 60fps try hards. But wow does starfield give me a headache playing it. The only other game to EVER do this to me is Rage 1. Which stinks cause I'd love play Rage 1. Some of it may be the head bob. Absolutely despise and can't play majority of games that have head bob.
Is anyone else having issues with starfield giving them a headache from the display? I've tried everything. No film grain. No field of view. No motion blur. Just really bothers me.
For me i like the game and its good the 30 fps is the worst thing of all I can not get used to it and it's giving me motion sickness no way in 2023 should this run at this frame rate on series x anyway other than that I'm enjoying it I'd give it 8 it's not a patch on skyrim or fallout 3 but better than fallout 4 thanks for the review guys appreciate everything that's done on this site 👍
Glad to see the review! PJ has been really working hard on getting reviews out lately, thanks for the efforts! I, for one, truly appreciate it!
Starfield is excellent. From the moment I started it just felt like slipping on a comfy old pair of Bethesda branded shoes. I think a lot of the negativity towards the game comes from it not living up to the ridiculous hype of being a “go anywhere and do anything you want” space sim which I think is mostly comes down to the community building it up to something it’s not but also some of it lays with MS and Bethesda not being able to realistically set expectations.
Just like Skyrim and Fallout I can see myself playing this for years to come. I can deal with the bugs, I can deal with the fast travel, I can deal with the encumberance but one of the main gripes I’m finding at the moment is just how ridiculously thick the AI is. Got into a firefight last night and a high level Spacer decided to hide behind a metal grate which I could shoot through. I literally just stood there shooting him for the minute it took to knock down his health and he didn’t make any effort whatsoever to move. But this is the sort of stuff we both love and hate Bethesda for
@GuyinPA75 I've gotten headaches constantly as far back as I can remember but no video game itself has ever given me one. I've gotten plenty of headaches after a night of binge drinking > and then playing way too many hours of games to cope. But that was a result of the drinking not of the game.
let me ask yall a serious question. I never once heard anyone really complain much about getting woozy all of the time after playing games. There were people who got motion sick from faster FPS games but never just all-around like they seem to be doing today. Do you think this is a result of development, or is it in people's heads because of ridiculous sites like Digital Foundry? I think the latter. I think it is bad for the hobby and better off completely ignored.
I know by it's very definition motion sickness is simply a trick of the mind - all in one's head - it doesn't really exist. but it seems DF exacerbates this mind sickness.
Already bought this, but I'm waiting until my work slows down and my mind is clear to truly enjoy this. Should be about a month, and I'll dive in. Sounds like a lot of outlets are loving it and it's what I expected it to be.
Is it my personal GOTY? No. Tears of the Kingdom still sits miles above everything else.
NOTE: I absolutely adore The Legend of Zelda series, so there is bias there. However, the creativity and care Nintendo put into that game is just incredible and it hit all the right notes for me.
Is this the best Bethesda game I have ever played? Absolutely. Skyrim is the only Bethesda game where I finished the main questline and stuck with for more than a couple of hours. Even then, I was just happy to be done with it and move on.
Starfield absolutely hooked me.
That being said, I won't be "living" in this game - I just have so many games that I want to play that it's just not feasible for me (games are my books/movies/streaming series and need to move on eventually).
I probably won't focus on outposts, resource production, ship building, etc. unless I have to within the context of the Main Mission or even a side quest or two. I'll probably do some side questing, though I generally start to lose interest in that stuff over time.
The game sounds incredible - and the amount of stuff going on in surround sound is fantastic (my surround speakers always seem to have something coming out of them). It looks great (I know people have been saying the HDR looks washed out, but I haven't noticed issues when using Dolby Vision). Performance is consistent. The world is engaging. Voice acting is actually really good. I like the story so far and really want to see where it leads.
All-in-all a solid game for me.
@GamingFan4Lyf My GotY is still Bayonetta Origins >.>. I didn't play TotK and haven't sunk my teeth in this one yet. I plan on Wonder flooring me. I plan on having the most fun with the new Warioware. Exoprimal was really fun.
After around 6 hours I'm not super excited.
Besides these rigid eye NPCs everywhere, the game looks and plays great and I like the soundtrack.
But I already find it a bit boring. There's so much to explore, but I don't feel like I want to explore everything. Random side missions which bring a bit XP and Space traveling which feels very disappointing.
So far I'd don't regret buying the Premium Upgrade Steelbook, but I won't pay full price on the disc for sure.
After about 25 hours I would agree so far it's about a 9/10. The loading screens and the odd bug knock down which is overwise a very very good game! This is exactly what Xbox needed to get right back on track and selling subs/hardware. I can imagine Forza MS will be a 9 or 10 too. The new Flight Sim 24 next year has 10/10 written all over it haha.
I’ve had motion sickness from some games for over 20 years, nothing to do with DF. All the way back to XIII and the original Timesplitters on PS2.
Rage 1 and 2 were completely unplayable for me. Made me want to puke. I’m holding off on Starfield until I finish TOTK but I’m worried that I won’t be able to play it.
I never expected anything ground breaking....only played the intro....very much just a Bethesda rpg know wether that's for you or not
On point review! Very cool game in the 9 range for me as well.
@Spider-Kev Was thinking the same thing.
@Cashews I think the faster response times on things like high end OLED TV's make 30fps seem more stop motion than it does on normal LCDs which slightly blurs the gaps between frames. Perhaps that is contributing to the motion sickness. (which i've never suffered from except in VR)
I had an LG C8(B7? I forget) OLED (before it got burn-in and I switched back to a Samsung QLED) and while the blacks were great and there were some other benefits it really made 30fps and lower content like on the Switch look WORSE to my eyes.
About 12 hours in and I'm having a decent time with it. This is my first Bethesda game and I can certainly see why they have their fans. The menus and dialog portions are somewhat of a drag and nothing has really "hooked" me so far. Excited to keep playing though it's a 7.5-8 range so far.
Removed - inappropriate
@Cashews I must have spent an hour at least on the character set up. Was great when my son came in and said it looked just like me. Worth every second 😂
I was originally disappointed by the reviews (as the negative points out here not the game changer we'd hoped) but i bought it physical yesterday. I haven't played all that much but i struggled to put it down and go to bed yesterday and I did not feel like that trying out Baldurs Gate 3 or with Zelda earlier this year. The graphics are STUNNING, the music, everything. I was immediately drawn in.
Feels a bit odd to put that it isn't a game changing game in the negatives. Practically no games are, no matter how much the developers say it will be (and I don't think Bethesda said it was very often. I don't remember a single occurrence).
For me, it's GOTY. The universe they have created is just brilliant to play in and I've only really just got started.
@Reptilio most sites have given it perfect scores or just dropped 1 mark. Have we seriously gotten to the point where the best score or extremely close is disappointing?
I know you mentioned the game changing aspect, but it does feel like people have gotten a bit odd with reviews. Starfield has reviewed extremely well, yet some people are acting as if it was terrible (not specifically you in this case, just adding this onto the discussion).
Good review a little bit generous for me.
The main annoying thing for me is what you mentioned.
“some very messy and fiddly menus and interactions”
Bethesda could have so sorted this out and god knows why they didn’t, they have had the time and that’s why it’s even more frustrating.
Playing both this and Baldur's Gate 3 is bliss.
Review spot on. Personally I think it’s worth a 10 and it’s only going to get better. The problem with Xbox right now is that far too many spend far too long looking for things to complain about.
I’m running on LG C2 in game mode.
Series X VRR on at 60hz, it seems to look good smoothness wise when panning around.
Though I will be honest, when panning around in a 60hz game the difference is really noticeable and much better at 60hz.
Nice review. c10 hours in and enjoying more than I thought I would but it does give me a headache!
Wish someone could combine the best bits of Everspace 2 and Deus Ex with the scope, detail and storytelling of Starfield.
Then we’d have a game on our hands.
@redd214 My experience is essentially identical to yours, except I’ve played every Bethesda game. So far, I really don’t like the space travel and it is a bit dull in the quests in comparison to their previous games for me, but I’m not that far and mostly piddling with side missions. I felt that Fallout 4 was a downgrade from Skyrim, but so far, I like Starfield better than I did Fallout 4. That said, there is a lot to like in the scenery and characters and general improvements to the Bethesda formula. I’m hoping the story grabs me a little bit harder as I get further into it. This is my solo game while Sea of Stars is the game I play with my son and Baldur’s Gate is the game I play with my wife. Right now, I’ve played Starfield more than the other two combined, but I wouldn’t say it’s the one sticking to me the most currently. That could change though.
I’m 10hs in and have just found my way out of a zero g gambling space station infested with pirates I got lost in. So far I’m loving it, great to finally have another really good Xbox exclusive. Not a console fanboy, but Xbox needed a win. Game of the year, maybe and maybe not. Either way it really is an amazing game, lots to do and fun gameplay. In my opinion it’s a hit and I’ll be playing it for some time 👍🏻
@Hurblyburbly I agree. Some games get 7s just because they're Xbox exclusives and some games get 10s just because they're Nintendo or Sony's. It's how the critics work these days, regardless of real quality.
@Lightning720 well it didn’t release in a vacuum. To pretend this is just another Xbox exclusive rolling out isn’t exactly accurate. Xbox has been barren pretty barren on that front but there was always starfield, always starfield. For 2 years or more. Then it drops to decent reviews. Not what people were hoping for
@OldGamer999 Was specifically talking about 30fps and sub-30fps (mostly Switch, but also Bloodborne) where I found it MUCH more noticeable on my OLED than I do on my non-OLED.
May just be my eyes, but i've seen others say similar and I think John or Alex at Digital Foundry mentioned it too in one of their vids. 60fps is fine.
True I have heard this before about 30fps on OLEDS.
Perhaps I should get a Samsung QN95C
Or maybe last years QN90B
What you think?
I’m 24 hours in now, about 3/4 done with main story and have completed two of the faction storylines. The story just got quite confusing for me so I don’t know how I feel about that.
Overall it’s a good game, I’d say 7.75, but not quite on the same level as some of my favorites. Probably the 6th best game I’ve played this year (D4, SW JS, Chained Echoes, Hogwarts and FF16).
Just too many things I find annoying for me to give it a higher score. Glad it seems the majority of people are enjoying it.
Hmm playing on my plasma tv has its perks… 30 fps is its top refresh lol you would think the new TV’s might have a setting to dumb down the refresh rate …
“Isn't the great game-changer it was built up to be.” This was built up by various media outlets and not necessarily Bethesda, although they had a part in it, undoubtedly. It’s a shame many people think this game “failed”, all the while considering it Bethesda’s best RPG narratively and overall. I don’t understand it, even though the majority of reviewers have scored it 9s and 10s. I understand the game isn’t perfect, but good lord, the discourse surrounding this game is disappointing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Some people aren’t happy unless they are complaining about something.
P.S. I know my rant says otherwise, but great review.
@GuyinPA75 Unfortunately you are not the only one, there appear to be lots of people suffering from this. Im particularly bad. After a 4 or 5 hour session yesterday I got so illni had to go to bed at 1800 and Ive been ill and shakey most of today.
An fov slider would help, but considering they didnt even give us any brightness or hdr controls, its unsurprisingly missing, even though its in the code. On PC you can create your own ini file and set fov for 1st and 3rd person. I might try again on pc with 100 fov and higher frame rate, as I really enjoyed what I played..
@Banjo- it really, really, really isn't.
I'm playing at a pretty satisfying 40fps on PC with 1440p and ultra settings, however this game is working my CPU in a way I don't think I've ever seen before. A consistent 60fps isn't happening on any settings for me. That being said, I can hold a consistent 40fps even in places like New Atlantis and Neon. I've got a Ryzen 7 3700x in my PC, which is pretty equivalent to what's in a Series X. I def think ole Toddy could squeeze a 40fps mode into the console version for people with 120hz displays, but he probably won't.
@PJOReilly You didn't rate it 7, did you?
I definitely think if Microsoft had lent more a hand or micro managed a bit the following three main niggles below could have remedied
and would have probably scored 95 on meta
and classed more as legendary classic.
Vehicle on planets.
Vastly improved menus, inventory systems
60 fps, of course with a lower resolution maybe.
@PJOReilly great review! Maybe reviews can take lessons learned from diving… multiply the score by difficulty level. So Sea of Stars got a 10 x difficulty say 2.2 = 20.2 and Starfield got a 9 x difficulty 3 = 27. So it would be able to compare the apples and oranges a bit better…
9.5 for me. I just beat the game yesterday. One of the best stories in a game and my personal favorite sci fi game. Really excited for the new game plus.
For me right now it’s around an 8. It’s a good solid title. No major issues. It’s not a 10.
Just by 2023 standards it’s lacking. NPCs are well weird looking. Opening is very dull. The load screens break immersion. Combat isn’t great, AI isn’t strong.
But it’s still very much enjoyable and a very good game. Just a shame it’s come out in a year where there has been some massive well received games.
@PJOReilly it’s always poor little MS with some. Sony evil! Some reviewers just score things different.
Pretty sure if people bothered to check PS reviews there would be 7-8s there too.
Edit - to prove its nonsense both GT7 and HFW both have 6/7s.
AND (for bigger s**ts and giggles)
Gamespot also gave burning shores a 7. So for such a pro Sony site (as people try to claim) to give the same score shows exactly this Xbox tax thing is nonsense.
@Pranwell You dont need to be sorry mate, anyone can type 'starfield motion sickness' and see how many genuine fans are gutted to be in that position, like myself. Its a shame people dont think before they post.
Back on topic, this is a very good review and Ive learnt I can trust reviews on this site 😀
@Halucigens the story surprised me!
After reading lot of comments from various posts on pure Xbox all positive but constructive with criticism.
I know one thing for sure the difference between say a very polished Nintendo TOTK or Sony GOWR is that last 10 or 15 percent put into the development to make the game an all time classic and legendary.
I can’t and will never understand why Bethesda or Microsoft never saw this during the process of making Starfield and put that final 10 or 15 percent in make Starfield better before releasing the game.
@OldGamer999 I don’t know if it’s Bethesda or MS, but they also expected Redfall to be ‘double digits’ higher rated. (Can’t remember the exact sentence) so maybe they need different play testers/QC?
Nice to see a non-biased review. If this was a Sony exclusive on PushSquare it would be a 10/10 even if it's average at best.
@OldGamer999 I have a Samsung S95B and I hate it passionately. I would not recommend buying a Samsung for any reason. Sony makes better televisions.
Another good review which is good to see. I'm really enjoying the game. I bought into the early access which I wasn't going to, but just couldn't resist after reading some of the reviews. I have played other Bethesda games through the years, but because they go on for so long, I tend to move onto other games and never go back. But this just draws me in and I can see myself wanting to complete as much as possible.
@Mauzuri Those were two of the examples I was thinking of, and I'm a huge The Legend of Zelda fan.
@Lup Pushsquare gave Quake 2 a 7 because bethesda made it.
Quake 2 Remaster. A 7. i got banned for pointing it out.; I'll probably get banned here for saying as much.
Not sure really but if I was in charge I wouldn’t have shipped Starfield as is.
Even just to sort out the messy inventory etc systems as mention in pure Xbox review and add a series x 60fps mode at least.
I personally believe this is the future of Xbox studio games mainly, good and solid but miss the top spot say of a TOTK or the old Halo and Gears games.
Why, because of game pass subscription service needs to fed games and it’s Microsoft’s overall strategy.
@OldGamer999 them games wipe the floor with any xbox exclusive easily for me gears of war and halo are xbox best exclusives starfield is hopefully the start of quality xbox exclusives it's not up to the standard of zelda or god of war ragnarok yet but its a step in the right direction after the mess that was redfall
@OldGamer999 I'm the wrong person to ask as I am biased. I had a LG OLED that was mostly great but developed burn-in and I didn't like 30fps on it, and it wasn't bright enough. (My TV is in a bright dual aspect room.) So I switched to a Samsung QLED which I prefer. Though it also has it's quirks. I don't think there is a perfect TV tbh.
@Cashews Wondering why you hate the Samsung S95B? It's won a lot of awards and was reviewed very highly. Just wondering what specifically you don't like as someone who owns it?
Definitely a step in the right direction.
But it should have been THE STEP being honest.
Like I said unfortunately I think it’s Microsoft’s strategy for Xbox studios. A good game is good enough for game pass.
@DennisReynolds how on earth have you time to play both? 😱 I wanna play BG3, but don’t feel like I can fully invest in it whilst playing Starfield. Will pick it up at a later date.
@themightyant the UI is the worst thing I've ever experienced. The 'smart' tv aspects are a complete s***show. It offers the user nothing. It offers samsung a window into your private life. I've complained about the xbox UI. It is nothing as bad as the samsung. the picture is okay. I don't believe it is as good as Sony's. I have spent hours and hours (not kidding) watching videos on this thing just to make the picture look as good as my 9 year old regular HD sony bravia.
For reference I spent the first 30 minutes of my starfield experience just fiddling with the picture to get it right. I've never done that with another tv before.
and don't get me started about the remote. good god what a pos.
i had to replace the damn thing once (in under a month of owning it) after the circuit board fried - without a surge!
anyway, don't buyn it. You can find 100s of real user posts hating on this thing. It is terrible. Worst tv I've ever owned.
I'm stuck with it though. I hate it.
There is definitely not a perfect TV for some reason or another.
Wonder why CASHEW doesn’t like their S95B
I agree with this review. I am over 20 hrs in and it is a fantastic RPG but it got way overhyped which ended up working against it. I’m loving it. And surprisingly only 1 bug so far and that is crazy for a Bethesda game at launch.
@Cashews Thanks for the input. Sorry to hear you have buyers remorse, that always sucks. Any chance you can return it, or sell it on to replace? What do you think you would get instead, armed with the knowledge you now have?
Though to be honest there's plenty of people complaining about EVERY TV. Loads of people rave about the LG OLEDs but there are forums full of complaints for those too.
My Samsung only has one small pretty unobtrusive ad on the dashboard, while I don't like that it is better than many and certainly better than Xbox's new dash. And I love the simple remote. (there were 2 in the box, one old school chunky one, one bluetooth simple one)
Thank you for your review, yes I heard some bad things about it on the internet.
One good thing I find with LG OLEDS in general is they address and update the TVs firmware until they are perfect as you can get.
Very responsive with updates.
Samsung updates ok ish.
Sony are a nightmare for updates and also there are always little quirks with Sony TVs even the 2023 top OLED models A80L only two HDMI 2:1 ports or you can’t have VRR and Dolby Vision on together.
Overall I find LG the best when you consider everything.
I haven't tried it yet, I'm finishing Yakuza 6. But I wanna start it soon. Are the loading screens too bad? I watched a YouTube review saying they were "worse than a PS1 game". I don't really know what to make of a statement like that and I feel it was probably an exaggeration.
@Lup it’s a bit of an exaggeration the loads are short but frequent. Heard that there are more on a S than a X but can’t prove it…
I have a S and doesn’t bother me at all but I can understand the break of immersion complaints…
@Reptilio "decent"? Seriously? It has 86 on metacritic currently (with some stupid criticisms dragging that down). A huge number of sites gave it their best score or one less than that.
It did not get "decent" reviews. It got excellent reviews.
Some people were completely unrealistic in their expectations. That is not the fault of the game and should not be a reason to criticise the game.
This game is exactly what I expected and is exactly what I wanted and I'm having a brilliant time with it. Best exclusive on any system I've played in a long time.
To be fair, this was never going to be able to live up to the enormous expectations riding on it.
Bethesda has created some of the most influential and interesting RPGs in the industry. If Starfield really represents the height of their output to date, I'd consider that a massive win.
@Ralizah As someone that is a pretty hardcore BGS fan, I really just don't understand what people's expectations were going in here. It's the biggest BGS game to date. It has the best combat of any BGS game to date. It is the most polished BGS game to date. Bethesda has never released anything resembling a perfect game, or even close to perfect... Or even close to dare I say stable. Regardless of whether this is perfect or not, so many things here are massively improved on from their prior works. As a huge fan of the studio and the Lord God Howard, I'm just giddy with it.
@Ralizah but the game has to have the entire universe in it with an ever changing story with no loading screens and this exact thing that no game developer will ever be able to put in a game this century, and if they don't do all of my specific desires, then it is a terrible game.
I have never seen so many entitled gamers as I have with this game. So many people say that the game is rubbish (yet go on to enjoy it) just because it doesn't have one specific feature. It's ridiculous.
Thankfully, most of the world doesn't use twitter (or X) or these gaming sites so they'll likely have had no expectations and will simply enjoy it if they are having fun.
You just play and time disappears and its way past bed time ❤💚💪
Lightning720 wrote:
The funniest thing is that the people more vocal about it on Twitter and Xbox sites are massive fans of Sony's linear interactive films. Well, I get it. Fortunately yes, most players just play and have fun.
@Lightning720 @SplooshDmg I feel like it's easy for people to allow expectations to unconsciously snowball. Particularly when so many "gamers" are obsessed geeks who tether aspects of their perceived self-worth to the success of their chosen console maker, and thus feel personally invested in the hype and success of projects like Starfield.
@OldGamer999 I've read great things about LG. I've owned a higher end Bravia (at the time) that I both liked a great deal and other people have complemented when they watch it. It is still the main family tv and looks great.
I bought the samsung with house money. I got off a delta flight a year or so ago and they gave me 1000s of real life dollars if we took a later flight. So it was essentially free. with as much time I've spent on this crap finding a buyer, taking the hard to move thing down from the wall and then buying and installing another honestly isn't worth the time.
I looked up what tv was the latest and greatest and got hoodwinked by those same reviews you posted. i have no doubt they were likely paid for by samsung because this tv sucks and most real life reviews i read hate the thing.
It IS worth my time to warn others. Avoid my friends....AVOID.
@Ralizah I said something similar to this yesterday. We live in this world now where brands do whatever they can to fit into some sort of identifiable lifestyle. Which really just results in people getting way too into whatever it is they're doing. It's like the, "Oh, did you know I'm vegan"? But with everything. I remember when video games were just something fun that we did when we didn't have anything else to do. Those were the days.
@SplooshDmg Admittedly, this sort of thing has always happened, where people join sub-cultures or social groups and integrate elements of those into their personal identity. I feel like it expanding to everything to create a persistent and inescapable web of interlocking tribal identities was probably inevitable with the way the internet and social media have transformed human life.
@Lightning720 bro what? An 86 is a B. That’s not excellent. Tears of the kingdom 96. Baldurs gate 96. They had excellent reviews. Starfield at 86, did not.
@BBB Right. This obsession with downplaying anything Xbox and treating this brand as something that will never be good is unhealthy. As a side note, has Sony congratulated Microsoft or Bethesda for Starfield yet? Like that would happen... 😅 I'm pretty sure that Miyamoto and Sakurai wouldn't mind saying that they are playing it. Can you imagine Jim Ryan congratulating Microsoft on Starfield? 🤣
Finally tried the game, just for an hour, hour and a half. It has induced slight headache for me, although I did not tweak any settings or similar to mitigate it in advance. I might try playing around with those, but I'm not usually having such issues.
However, outside of that game started fine. It's a short time I admit, but I have not seen anything wrong with it. I also haven't had any wow/revolutionary moments, which frankly I didn't expect either. It's all just ok
@BBB I agree 100%. The uncalled for salt and bitterness just to ruin others' fun at their own hangout places, where players are supposed to be celebrating good Xbox games together, is sad. You can see what people genuinely dislike a game or part of a game and what people are just being... themselves, again and again and again. It's depressing.
When I was kid, I had the SNES and N64, but I loved playing on Mega Drive or whatever console at my friends'. One of the secondary school friends was a PC gamer, and we played a bit of everything together. It was my first time playing Microsoft Flight Simulator (2002?) and Tomb Raider. I also played Resident Evil Code Veronica on a friend's Dreamcast around that happy time.
@Nightcrawler71 Working from home 5 days a week when i only need to invest a few hours each day for my job gives me a lot of time for gaming.
Games defo do get high reviews based off hype alone...latest zelda...metal gear solid v...the last of us part 2....and yes Xbox used to even get it back in the day..halo 3
Signature Bethesda Jank, 😂
Still love their games, jank and all. The only thing that ever stops me from playing them at launch (even tho I buy them at launch, smh) is awaiting to hear about game breaking bugs and how to fix em.
We know the one posted on here, but there’s another my friend discovered today. The quest is Old Neighborhood, when you return to the lodge you need to use the main entrance but the entrance can bug completely and not prompt you to open it instead prompting you to go to another entrance that you can’t access till later, halting all progress in that quest, which is a main quest.
There are 2 fixes tho, using Booster Pack skill to bypass the main entrance works for some people, but that didn’t work for him. Instead he had to use the Eye Witness quest which forces the main door open or something.
Just letting everyone know incase the quest bugs for you guys!
Nope, quite the contrary. It’s one of the smoothest 30fps games I can remember in a long time. Have about 40 hours in and absolutely zero complaints with headaches or anything of the visual nature.
Overall, at least so far, I would give it a 9.5 myself. Best story in a Bethesda game to date, fun combat, great voice acting, great customization for ships and weapons, and it satisfies that Bethesda itch, most notable to steal/pick up every last item I can, lol.
I expected a lot from this game and it has delivered in spades so far. With NG+, I’ll be playing this game for a long time to come. We’ll done Bethesda.
Anyone else who's played for a while ,getting serious fps problems? If I'm running sometimes it has severe stuttering ,sometimes its a total pause for a second or so ,im playing on series x,wonder if it has the same cache issue skyrim had ,and if you had a lot of save files that affected skyrim as well ,bethesda really need to update their ancient engine.
@tallythwack yes I’ve had it stutter on me I was indoors, nothing outdoors.
@Reptilio If TOTK came out as an Xbox exclusive, it would have gotten an 8. I loved BOTW but TOTK is the same game with 20 times more to do, huge same open world, lots of emptiness, etc. I couldn’t last past 10 hours. BGS and MS gets crucified for jank, old engine, bugs, it takes too long to get going, graphics are poor, bad missions, not revolutionary, not the new standard for RPG games, only 30 FPS, bad inventory system, not enough ammo. I could go on and on. Most of which is hogwash. Is TOTK that good? It doesn’t matter because it is Nintendo and gets a 10. There is such a media bias. They want Xbox to fail. I have no idea why. And by the way Starfield even with it’s jank is absolutely amazing.
I'm not sure if Starfield or Fire Emblem Engage is my biggest DISAPPOINTMENT this year. Probably Starfield, I was a passionate Bethesda fan and Starfield barely feels like a Bethesda game anymore. Miles behind Bethesda's Elder Scrolls glory days.
Love it. I'm already lost in the game.
@Cashews the first half life game on pc would make me feel sick after about 5 to 10 mins and morrowind after about 30mins but I haven’t had a recent game make me sick.
@tallythwack - nothing major at all for me (Series X) but I’ve had one or two stutters in outdoor areas.
You could try clearing out any games in quick resume and/or do a system restart and see if that helps you.
Nice review, Im really enjoying the game but the menus, loading screens all the time, plastic faces, traveling constantly being a bit of a mess etc makes it a less enjoyable than I would have hoped. But then there are things the game does very, very good. So 8,5/10 for me at this point, which is very solid and a very polished game at release for Bethesda
@Feffster deleted save files ,clearing the cache seemed to sort out the problem ,its much better now.
@Moonglow yeah its great ,wish youd have more control over companions during fights though ,gotta wait a couple of years for a mod.
@Pranwell never known a game to have so many convoluted ways, to fast travel,it annoys me a little that you can't hop in your ship on a planet,to fly closer to a quest marker,had one right at the end of the map,it was miles away ,went to the planet map,to change landing zone,and it put me in a different cell,had to walk for 15 min to get to it, and it really wasn't worth it.
I’m in agreement with this review. Starfield isn’t perfect, but it’s definitely a 8.5-9.0 for me.
This game has been so good on Xbox Series X, and I will be playing it for a very long time to come.
Remember folks, it gets EVEN BETTER when you hit NG+
I am a 38 year full time job working father with 3 kids, and I cannot begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this incredible game. It is what I have wanted out of an RPG since Witcher 3 and RDR2 came out. I literally spent an hour just bouncing around on the moon. The game is so incredibly immersive (like Fallout 4 and Skyrim) but it is so much more finely tuned. I was incredibly hyped for this game, but I am so happy that so far it exceeded my expectations.
@PJOReilly I have one tiny question. Is NG+ affected by the difficulty on which I beat the game for the first time?
Great review, as always!
@HarmanSmith No!
Who hyped this up as a "game changer"? I mostly agree with the review, just didn't understand that statement.
@PJOReilly Thanks!
I'd give it an even 10! loving every minute. I played Morrowind and Oblivion to death and figured I was Bathesdaed out! But I'm pleasantly surprised that the old fire has returned! BTW this is GOTY material!
Played abit more the mighty level 5 and even though it is basically fallout in space....I feel myself getting pulled in by the may be outdated to some but it still has that addictiveness
I don’t know, who did?
I was a bit overwhelmed and frustrated at first but now that I understand a lot of the systems I think this is the best role play I have seen in a while. You have to learn and earn proficiency in skills so rather than it being just a damage modifier you feel like you are learning to do these things instead of starting out with basic knowledge in everything. And I love the flavor the traits add. Kids stuff does a much better job than the fallout games at making family characters look related. Just had my wedding and aside from a few minor complaints it was very sweet. I love the amount of variety of life paths you can take as well. I’m sorta working as a miner/outpost manager until I get enough funds to be a vigilante.
@PJOReilly Yeah I keep hearing that about NG+. I watched a YouTube about this, NO SPOILERS of course... and he mentioned that each play through gets better. I'm not quite there yet, but looking forward to seeing what it's all about.
Skyrim is Bethesda's best RPG to date....after that Oblivion and Fallout 3 hold second place with Fallout 4 holding the third position jointly with Starfield. I think it's a fairly safe bet another Starfield will not be made unless it's shrunk down in size to be as playable as Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3&4 and not a game about load screens !
My Starfield playthru stopped at new game plus 2 with 270 hours on the clock. I can't see myself going back to it.
Skyrim , a 13 year old game I have completed multiple times since release is now being played with a new character and I'm enjoying it more than I did Starfield !
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