In case you somehow missed it, Obisdian's new RPG Avowed is now available. As part of this, a new launch patch has been rolled out.
This patch includes a bunch of community-requested fixes, addressing missing NPCs, comes with all sorts of fixes for quests, resolves some crashes and other major issues, and perhaps most notably for Xbox comes with "improved shadow quality" in performance mode.
Here's the full rundown via the official Avowed Steam community post:
Avowed - Update 1.2.2 (19th February 2025)
Patch 1.2.2 is here, bringing a variety of fixes and improvements based on your feedback. From crash and quest fixes to gameplay tweaks and UI updates, we’ve addressed several community-requested issues to make your experience even better.
As always, if you run into any other issues or have feedback, be sure to reach out—we appreciate your support!
Community-Requested Fixes
- Updates to Equipment Tier difference feedback and penalties/bonuses:
- Changed Tier penalty system from a hard tier to tier system and made it dynamic based on players equipment and the tier (and sub-tier) of the enemy. Tier difference rules now only apply when there is a +/- 4 level gap.
- Tier II enemies will now play a small reaction animation when struck by lower-tier weapons, instead of not reacting at all.
- Reduced damage reduction when player weapons are closer in tier to an enemy.
- Significantly decreased how often companions comment about player needing better armor and/or weapons.
- Changed Tier penalty system from a hard tier to tier system and made it dynamic based on players equipment and the tier (and sub-tier) of the enemy. Tier difference rules now only apply when there is a +/- 4 level gap.
- Upgrade materials can no longer be sold to merchants to inadvertently make upgrading difficult. We have a longer-term fix involving buying back from merchants in the works.
Missing NPCs
- In specific situations, some NPCs weren’t where they should be. Saving the game, and re-loading will put them back where they should be. We will have a fix soon that fixes the situation completely and doesn’t require a save and load.
Quest & Exploration Fixes
- The brambles in the Delemgan Glade will now vanish when the Adragan Heart is acquired, preventing players from getting stuck inside.
- Grysca (the apothecary) now correctly speaks with the player to advance An Untimely End, even if they previously encountered a bug with Thalla the Ogre spawning twice.
- Added a system to respawn key characters when loading a save if they were previously missing and blocking quest progression (including Ambassador Hylgard and The Watcher Runyd).
Companion & NPC Improvements
- Reviving companions in combat now restores them to 75% of their maximum health instead of 50%.
- Starting health of companions has been increased to help with their viability in combat.
Merchants & Economy
- Merchants at the Dawnshore docks now offer 'Fine' gear in addition to 'Common' gear.
Crashes & Major Issues
- Removed chance to crash when casting Corrosive Siphon on destructible objects.
- Optimized resource handling of VFX while the game is paused via radial menus to prevent rare leaks and crashes.
Quest & Area Design
- Fixed invisible collision blocking the player in Strangleroot.
- Prevented players from charging into unintended areas in Strangleroot, avoiding quest progression issues.
- Enemies now navigate the bridges of the lava tubes more consistently.
- First Contact with the Enemy quest now progresses correctly if all badges are collected before speaking to Nauki.
- Players can now complete Steel Resolve after the main quest in Emerald Stair if they had completed enough objectives beforehand.
- Kowha now responds correctly if the player returns to them after starting One Last Drink.
- Dialog with Giatta upon leaving Naku Tedek now triggers consistently when loading saves before the conversation.
- Updated Mapping the Living Lands quest conditions to allow starting from future regions before talking to the quest giver in Dawnshore.
- Updated A Lady Never Tells quest flow so it correctly completes in the quest log when starting via the courtesan, getting the shipment, then speaking to Giuliana.
- Governor Ignasi’s option to turn in the spy can now only be triggered once instead of being repeatable.
- Conversations with leaders in the final area no longer end prematurely when choosing the Let me reconsider option.
- Made an additional ending option for the leadership conclave available to players who initially backed out but wish to reconsider.
- Adjusted environment art near the Trantons bounty in Emerald Stair to prevent bounty loot from becoming unobtainable.
- Previously missing voice-over lines in ambient content now play correctly.
Systems & Gameplay Improvements
- Seeds of Vengeance summons now scale correctly with health and damage.
- One-handed weapon Parry enchantments now function as intended.
- Party buffs from the player now correctly target companions only, instead of summoned creatures.
- Kai no longer gets stuck if using Unbending Defense while mid-air with Leap of Daring.
- Improved frame rate when rendering damage numbers on multiple enemies at once.
- Improved item randomization when restocking shops.
- Blast ability for wands now plays the correct visual and sound effects.
- Improved logic for animations on companions at the end of combat.
- Improved transitions on the top of Mt. Forja.
- Fixed interaction inconsistencies with objects and NPCs obscured by other characters.
- Controllers no longer rumble when loading a save before the final boss fight.
- Fixed issues with pond coin interactions.
- Added error codes for save game failures.
- Improved where characters are looking during certain conversations.
Audio Improvements
- Cutscene in Naku Kebel now properly plays sound effects.
- Eating food from the radial menu now provides audio feedback.
- Increased volume of Woedica’s voiceover audio.
- Player voice now plays more consistently for abilities with vocal components.
- Improved transitions between music intensity levels when exploring.
- Music during the end slides now plays at the intended volume.
Visual & Art Fixes
- Updated Banner Dwarf’s outfit LODs to reduce clipping during animation.
- Captain Ngunu’s neck is now properly merged with his head.
- Steel Garrote Soldiers have re-grown their missing hands.
- Improved shadow quality on Xbox Series X Performance Mode.
User Interface (UI) & Controls
- Cloud transfer prompt is now properly centered on ultrawide displays.
- Xbox cloud transfer dialog buttons no longer shake rapidly when hovering over the bottom part of the button.
- Initial splash screens now properly support Chinese characters.
- Interaction prompts pop up more reliably.
- Opening a radial menu after leaving and returning to the game no longer triggers the pause menu.
- Removed unintended English characters in the One Last Drink quest journal for non-English languages.
- Cloud save UI now defaults to selecting the recommended option.
Player reports suggest this patch is around 2.5GB in size, so you'll need to download this before your next session.
Have you downloaded this update yet? Notice anything else? Let us know in the comments.
[source steamcommunity.com]
Comments 26
I’m around 3 hours in and really really enjoying it. It’s a beautiful world and the combat is heavy and feels great. However i am only level 4 and run into areas with level 11’s and get hammered. Trying to grind and find better gear. Otherwise this one is shaping up to be a game i spend a lot of time in. Keep the updates coming.
Wow. That fixes a lot of stuff. Guess the people who paid to play early got to be beta testers.
Only seen this update after playing a bit last night hopefully they keep them coming!
Nice with fixes, hope they keep them coming!
I played for about an hour and a half last night on the Series S. It doesnt run perfect but good enough, and its a beautiful world theyve created.
However! I have some issues. Why are the clouds not moving? why are the physics so bad? I mean a cup on a table cant me moved at all? Where do the enemies weapons go when they die? why do I have unlimited arrows? Anyone else get these things stuck in their head, breaking immersion? Small things in whats so far a very fun game but other games had these things years and years ago.
Looking forward to this, but currently playing something else will jump on in the coming weeks.
It’s an interesting one because the traditional media has been pretty positive, but a few of the YouTubers I follow like SkillUp, ACG, LSM, Kinda Funny have been a bit more mixed mentioning quite a few flaws.
Wondering where I will fall out when all is a said and done. But the beauty of Game Pass is we can find out for ourselves risk free.
Love these changes - I just wish they had a dedicated Map button. I think that the Start menu could've been another tab in the Character screen, then the Back button could've been used to go straight to the Map tab.
@mac_da_man magic is the answer to everything.
The owner of the cup used magic to stop shady types stealing it. Weapons are taken into the Beyond if its the weapons time so its soul can travel through The Wheel and be put in new weapons a blacksmith makes. Arrows are replenished magically, obviously! You are on your own with the clouds though😉
You can over think stuff sometimes, its a fantasy not a sim so it doesn't need to be realistic. Just roll with the fantasy or play Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 if you want a more grounded sim like gaming experience. 🙂
@mac_da_man I could be wrong but I'd say that's probably due to budget being more a double A game than triple A some of those things could be fixed or improved with updates.
I was actually glad you don't need to run around finding arrows for the bow maybe it's a magical bow or something ha!
@mac_da_man not played it yet but almost all those sound like decisions based on design. E.g. if enemies weapons are on the floor then they have to fight with weapons you can use, that limits design choice. If arrows weren’t infinite would the game be more fun? Probably not.
I think almost all games have a lot a nonsensical things like this like carrying far more than you should be able to in invisible pockets or health bars. Ultimately it’s a game and realism isn’t usually the goal. Realism is usually, though not always, dull by comparison.
Put a few hours in now great game.
Xbox studios with Avowed and COD and Indy are really hitting their stride now.
And not long, south of Midnight and Doom very soon.
With the series x and GPU, you really can’t go wrong, better Xbox times now.
The update kinda broke the NPCs. Now whenever they talk their mouths move but no sound comes out and during dialogue the NPCs move at 10 or 15 fps. I'm enjoying the game so far but I might have to wait until the next patch to continue.
yeah, is not a sim and some things like unlimited arrows makies for less scavenging/crafting and makes it more casual fun but its just that my brain really registers these things as I really expect to be able to move a cup on a table and when I cant it just brakes the illusion so hard. But its something minor and hopefully it doesnt stop me from enjoying the game
You are probably right, it would require a lot more from the developers and the engine.
Im still early on but there are def some things I already really like so I hope I get stuck as I love exploring and going off on side adventures but at the same time these things I mentioned brake the illusion so hard.. hoping I get used to it and just stop thinking about it
Yes, we all accept things like backpacks being megasupersized etc and unlimited arrows makes it more convenient but, as I said when weapons disappear and objects disobeys the laws of physics it breaks the illusion hard and I guess we all have different leves of tolerance for it. Just hope I can ignore it going forward as it really seems like a great fun game with a nice world to explore. We´ll see, need more hours with it
Big shout out to the Beta testers who paid $30 to play this early, thanks guys!
In loving it so far. Glad the fomo didn't get me and I waited till Tuesday.
I only have one gripe. And that's the acceleration curve on the right stick is crazy. Especially in quality mode. It feels all or nothing and the current deadzone options can not mitigate it. It's not so brutal in performance mode but still there.
@OldGamer999 Yeah it's a big year for Xbox game releases a very strong line up!
I'm most looking forward to Fable I really enjoyed to original games if they can get this reboot right it could be really amazing game and if it's going to be multiplatform it could sell very well!
Richard Ayoade as a giant sells itself ha!!
Loving it so far.
@Steel76 @Kloppo it was £17.99 so about $23 on a direct conversion. Even if you got the full premium edition taking the cost of the game out of the price its still not $30 for the premium part.
Exaggeration cheapens the point or message you are trying to make, such as it is.
As for the beta test part from my own experiences on a Series X in performance mode i only encountered some cut scene stutters. Non of these fixes impacted my game.
So in short i paid for early access with money I earned so that I could play & enjoy this game specifically before you two. 👍🙄
Darn you Witcher 3. I have to wait to play Avowed.
@RiverGenie Thanks for being our Beta tester bro! We appreciate your hard work!
@Steel76 1129 kr for premium edition but your country has a better standard of living / wage rate compared to US (and most other countries to be fair.) so I guess that balances out.
I just played the game mate and had fun.but your are welcome anyway 😉
Nice to see Obsidian getting out there quickly to squash some bugs and improve overall QoL for players!
Really hoping Fable makes it this year 2025.
But we have a lot to enjoy if it slips to say March 2026. Especially if it does that extra time for polish.
I think with Indy, COD and Avowed Xbox studios seem to do the right thing and polish before release and that’s a very good thing.
Forget about improved shadow quality for XSX:
Avowed's huge 66GB update includes major improvements for the game's whole progression system, along with key bug fixes and buffs for companions.
Amazing quick fix!
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