Two Colourful Indie Games Announced For Xbox Game Pass In 2025

We're really starting to build out the Xbox Game Pass list for 2025 now, and in addition to a few titles that were revealed recently, we've also got two colourful indie games that have been announced for Game Pass over the past 24 hours.

The first of these actually has a free demo as part of the Xbox Winter Demo Fest right now, and that game is Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. The other is a building and resource management sim known as Little Rocket Lab.

We'll let you know when these get dated, but for now, here are more details on these 2025 Game Pass titles:

Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo (TBD 2025)

"Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo is a wholesome adventure where you’ll meet the many good and not-so-good folks of Limbo. Use your wits and keen eye to gather clues from the residents and find items that will help uncover the mystery of Limbo and its curse that traps souls into repeating the same day on loop."

Little Rocket Lab (TBD 2025)

"Transform your childhood home as you build brilliant factories and forge lifelong friendships, then reach for the skies and finally finish your family's dream - your mother's precious rocket ship. Roll up your sleeves, it turns out that saving this town really IS rocket science!"

Liking the look of either of these? Let us know down in the comments section below.