Back in the spring, Microsoft announced that it was making more changes to the way Game DVR content is stored and deleted on the Xbox network - a few months after completely overhauling the console's game capture system. While we've had some teething issues with the new system here at PX HQ, it seems that lots of other folks are having much bigger problems with game captures than what we're experiencing.
As posted over on Reddit this week and pinged into our inbox today, players are seeing a multitude of different errors when it comes to capturing and storing content on their Xbox consoles. To put it simply, since the Xbox update in April of this year, some players haven't been able to save screenshots and clips on a regular basis - and that's whether they're using the console's internal storage or an external USB device.
We've been trawling through the community comments on this, both on Reddit and through older Microsoft Support threads on the matter, and there are lots of outcomes here by the looks of it. Sometimes issues seem to come and go when the console is rebooted, and some users are seeing problems more often than others, but a recurring theme is that longer game clips are more prone to errors and becoming corrupt.
And, well, this is causing lots of frustration - especially for users who are trying to capture and store video footage for content creation purposes. Luckily, our video work here at PX is created using external capture cards for better quality and flexibility, but clearly, those trying to use Xbox's own systems are struggling right now - at least some of them are.
As hinted at there, this won't be happening to absolutely everybody using captures on Xbox, but going off the hundreds of comments on Microsoft Support about this, it seems to be a big issue for quite a few users. Oh, and the community member who brought our attention to this claims that it's been slowly getting worse since that April console update.
Here's hoping someone at Microsoft spots this and puts the wheels in motion for getting it fixed - we'd really like to see some progress here given how many folks have brought this issue up online in recent months. In the meantime, feel free to discuss this topic and any issues you might have had with Xbox game captures down below.