Years Later, Some People Still Believe Xbox Is Working On A 'Gears Collection'

The first time we reported on a potential Marcus Fenix Collection was all the way back in 2020, but it wasn't seriously mentioned until January of 2022. Since then, there have been numerous conflicting rumours about whether it actually exists or not at Gears developer The Coalition, but some people still believe it's in the works right now.

For example, it was mentioned this week on the Double Barrel Gaming podcast, as you can see below:

Back at the start of this year, journalist Shpeshal_Nick who originally reported the rumour in 2022 also claimed that the collection was "still happening" at some point, although it remains to be seen if he's changed his view since then.

In May, Windows Central's Jez Corden also addressed the topic on an episode of The Xbox Two, stating that according to his sources, the collection "definitely" didn't exist back in 2022 as had been rumoured, but he felt that the idea made a lot of sense and he wasn't aware whether The Coalition had begun working on it since then.

So, what's actually happening behind the scenes here? The reality is that we don't know for sure, as there have clearly been a few conflicting rumours doing the rounds over the past few years. What we do know is that a lot of Gears fans would love to see it, especially considering how well Halo: The Master Chief Collection turned out in the end.

We'll have to wait and see what 2024 brings... it'd be a nice surprise from The Coalition for sure!

Do you think a Gears Collection is a good idea? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.

Would You Want To See A Gears Collection? (282 votes)

  1. Definitely, it'd be fantastic!%
  2. Yeah, why not? I'd be up for it%
  3. I don't really mind either way%
  4. Not really, I'm not that interested%
  5. Definitely not! Focus on other things instead!%